Friday, December 2, 2011

Tender moments*

Tender moments*

Moon of glow in passing night
Sunshine on the horizon, here in sight
Guidance from the Soul, darkness passed
Light and Love has come at last
What happiness, this Love I feel
Now it is with you, tender moments that I steal

Dom*Colucci 2011


  1. divine- just divine. let this light envelope you forever.

    lots of love.

  2. Just...beautiful, and by the way I love the picture of yours on the blog~ very nice :) <3 always love my dear Dom!~

  3. I Love the moon and how romantic it is my Precious Flower of God's Love....after all it was Rumi that inspired me in such romance....enjoy as well(+)

  4. Thanks as well my Dearest Sunshine Girl....yes that picture was about a month ago on Hadley Fire Tower Mountain as many came up it and a woman that took the picture said I would definitely Love this one...enjoy as well(+)
    Mountain Boy*;)xoxoxo--{--@


Clearly stated so beautiful*

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