Sunday, December 4, 2011

Purity soon to be*

Purity soon to be*

Gentle breezes of autumn days
Make room for comfort and hope it stays
But it is a moment of joy and does not last
It is a message that pureness will come and this will pass
The covering that it will lay on the ground
It is snow, nature's Love and will come without a sound

Dom*Colucci 2011


  1. And on this blank screen
    will arise
    another sunrise
    because the sun is in my heart
    and so
    wherever I go
    taking her with me
    in winter, autumn, spring and summer
    in the Ocean of Love

    Thanks for a beautiful ode to 'The Love of my Life'
    I read it and reread it.
    It will be my guide to cherish inside :)
    In my heart

  2. Be of lift to arise
    To make the heart with Soul* surprised
    The sunshine that has come down on you
    For it is always this Love that comes shining through
    For where you are this is and will be forever
    Your Love becomes secure, stronger than ever

    I am so glad you Loved the book my Dearest Mieke...thanks for the rating as well...soon I will be leaving this job and going back to temporary work as I knew this job was not me the day I started working there...enjoy as I will be filling in more time here on this blog and yours and others when I resign....Love(+)

  3. good luck!
    Am seriously thinking about leaving cyber space..
    to live on in the heart forever...

  4. I am getting there as well...I feel once I have Awakened fully there will be no need of anything but my own reality within...btw I took some videos of Hopkins Forest today as I went mountain climbing once again....enjoy my Dearest Mieke and God Bless you and your family as well(+)

  5. I've seen them and enjoyed them very much. It is also good to hear and feel how you are once again in deep awe and fulfilment when you reach the top :) Beautiful view!
    God bless you and your family too.
    Much love from my heart to yours, always, <3xoxoxo

  6. Love them as I climbed a few different ones but they all have that element of exhilaration when you reach the to say WOW!!!!....btw I may have made a compromise with my job today as I told my boss about me next week giving a two week resignation and he asked why? I told him about my falling asleep due to my potassium level and water pills he offered me other jobs in the department but I told him that I wished for part time or temporary as to me this fits my bill and he said he is looking into it for I guess I might be staying but under my terms and conditions as if not well I move on in the spice of life once again...enjoy as well(+)

  7. You are discovering some great truth here :)
    Am on vacation again, something my husband and I did intend many years ago.... it comes true bit by bit.......

  8. indeed I am my Dearest Mieke...I made some progress today with my boss as he does not wish me to go as I am one of his stellar employees and wishes to work something out in a compromise as I fell asleep again nearly 6 hours into the is my medicine as I am losing water and my potassium level is dropping but he knows of this and is trying to get me part time at I am game for this and my day is satisfied as well in doing this 4 hours instead of 8....enjoy your vacation and Happy Holidays to you as well....Love You(+)

  9. Am still on vacation in Germany,
    having the time of my life actually :)
    Today was a beautiful day
    We saw a lot of deer and managed
    to eternalize them in a photographic way
    We went to a Christmas market
    were surprised with the offer of chocolate (lol)
    in every store we visited on the go
    Also signed a petition of Amnesty International you know
    They were very surprised me coming from the Netherlands
    International support they highly recommend :)
    Especially in the time of the Advent!

    Wish you Happy Holidays as well
    Hope this 4 hour job will become your reality
    for 2012 surrounded by beautiful poetry from
    your well :)

  10. WOW!!!! had a lot to do
    Now your job is almost through
    Time to come back home soon
    By that time it will be gone, the full moon
    But you will put all the Christmas packages under the tree
    And watch all the young ones holler with glee

    It seems they are going through with this but the employment agency I really work for is the one that became the sticking point as they said I had the whole thing done wrong but Now see my way with it....enjoy as well and yes I believe this is ok as I see it ok...thanks enjoy and Happy Holidays to you and your family(+)

  11. You said it! :)
    And we will live in a world of much quality
    A reality that cannot be measured
    Only treasured: LOVE.
    And Love only gives more.
    Lol, listening to the radio right NOW:
    Eight days a week from the Beatles
    :) xoxox

  12. I will take 10 but Now is all that matters...LOL...enjoy as well my Dearest Mieke(+)

  13. :)))) Why not make it easier on yourself and start your very own vegetable garden? You can then self determine how many hours to work in that and how many hours on the internet lol Moreover you will be producing something valuable with your own hands and it will be self-supporting too. And everything will grow so abundantly the whole neighbourhood will profit from it too:)
    My husband and I did this in the eighties and the whole neighbourhood ate winter vegetables in the middle of the summer lol

  14. How to attend your own garden lol Because your body will profit from this too.
    And you will be poetically inspired and make recipe books which will then also sell

  15. yes but for that I will have to wait until the winter is over with....but not a bad idea for the winter as I see frozen vegetables on the horiZEN*....LOL.....enjoy Love(+)


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...