Friday, January 27, 2012

Flight of the honey bee*

Flight of the honey bee*

A forever journey but delighted one though
It is being the honey bee and what it knows
Its life is with geometry inside the comb
It defends its beauty like a rose that has her thorns
Going through the garden, nectar of the flower all the time
To bring back the pollen and the honey to be so fine

Dom*Colucci 2012


  1. Dear Dom: This is love! The motivation of this action; it has to "BEE" LOVE!! ABUZZ!!!Enjoyed thoroughly always~!

  2. PS I LOVE YOUR BANNER PHOTO..are you standing on gold? LOOKS LIKE IT because all your words are golden!!!

  3. amazing how nature protects itself to keep its beauty...but the product of it is so satisfying, enjoying it as well....thanks my Dearest Chiccoreal for liking the banner as was on Crane Mountain Pond in the southern part of the Adirondack Mountains....enjoy as well(+)

  4. The image is credited to google images.


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