Thursday, January 26, 2012

A rose is a rose*

A rose is a rose*

The vibrant rose, a brilliant bloom to the eyes delight
Slender is its stem, and some avoidance in your sight
What it does, it shows its beauty to kiss the sunshine
Ever so higher on the stem , leaving shadows behind
A deep rich soil to nurture her slender form
And the Love that surrounds her to keep her so warm
This beauty has always been so heart filled and touched
So you can say a rose is a rose and I Love her so much

Dom*Colucci 2012


  1. Simply beautiful Dom!

    Many roses, many colours
    They all come in different flavours
    Yet all are directed
    to the One
    From which they all know
    Their life begun
    And in that One
    they will return..

  2. a red rose reminds me of a flamenco and red, vibrant in the dance...most used name for romance and Love is this flower as it has all this power as well....thank you my Dearest Mieke....;)xoxoxo---{--@

  3. For your inspiration:

    I've rediscovered him again :)


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...