Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A Love that is lost in pleasure*

A Love that is lost in pleasure*

A Garden of Eden before our eyes, it seems
Water crystal clear and grass and trees so green
The scent of roses fill the air
I see the beauty of blue skies everywhere
I meet you my dearest Eve
You entice me with one apple, in temptation to deceive
But I take a bite and enjoy this gift of pleasure
I know my Soul* is Now lost, for you are my treasure

Dom*Colucci 2012


  1. Shiva/Shakti, the androgyne...
    Truly a blessed state, a win-win :)
    Your Soul was never lost my dear
    Cause you always carry her inside
    Wherever you go, it's crystal clear
    You are bridegroom and bride
    Entangled in the sweetest dance
    In a beautiful Garden of Eden romance
    Love to wander in this enchanting place
    Feel the freedom full of grace...

    Heartphone@heartphone, off the hook <3

  2. indeed.....I sure do...I know Now that it will be with me eternal and it knows I know that as well...entwined in thsi Garden of Eden...;)xoxoxo---{--@


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...