Sunday, April 29, 2012

Bye Bye Love*

Bye, Bye Love*

I never mean to put you on the hot seat
Love was truly there, when we first did meet
But Now it seems things do not belong
You leave me with a broken heart that feels so wrong
Well there is only one thing that we can do
Is say bye bye my Love, as I am through

Dom*Colucci 2012

Friday, April 27, 2012

Closer to the heart*

Closer to the heart*

Life has so many different variables in it
From the ignorant fool, to the wise with its wit
Each give its go in its way to exist
Some with a flow to be and some to resist
But those who are near and dear, may never fall apart
Those are the ones with a Soul* and are closer to the heart

Dom*Colucci 2012 

Faith I will not lose in you*

Faith I will not lose in you*

Integral part of us is in what we see
From that it stems to what we be
For the Love is there and so is the Trust
But both of them together, it has to be a must
But one thing for sure that we should both do
Is you never losing faith in me and me never losing faith in you

Dom*Colucci 2012

Thursday, April 26, 2012

My heart belongs to freedom*

My heart belongs to freedom*

Sorrow and anguish, this is with you
Both broken hearts, no Love is true
To break away from these grounds
Move a distance from you and not be around
You have made my heart hurt, this can longer be
I cut our ties eternal, and set my heart to be free

Dom*Colucci 2012

Tears that leave*

Tears that leave*

The day is a new Awakening as it came
Things from yesterday are not the same
The coolness from the breeze makes the dew
A mist in the fog, a veil without view
But only this wetness attaches itself to trees so near
Look at them cry, as the leaves have tears

Dom*Colucci 2012

Sunday, April 22, 2012

You are here, my heart filled with roses*

You are here, my heart filled with roses*

A cool breeze, as this afternoon brought
Deep within me, there is something I sought
I see a beauty, she is being still as I know
With my stillness, this beauty is a rose
So I come out of this calm meditation and see
This rose, how gentle she is, staring back at me

Dom*Colucci 2012

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Between you and me is us*

Between you and me is us*

Lovers entwined to be so close
Hearts together this how it goes
Enjoying each others company
The moments slip by, feelings so free
Let us continue what is in front of us Now
Keeping this freedom flowing and letting our hearts allow
Because if you notice this, we both shall see
It is just between you and me

Dom*Colucci 2012

Maybe you will be here*

Maybe you will be here*

I walk many miles and searched for you
Looked high and low, what was I to do
One day would come and all would be fine
But still searching seems to be sublime
I am never giving up hope as soon you will be home
Then I will then know my heart and myself will never be alone

Dom*Colucci 2012

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I give you pleasure in your heart*

I give you pleasure in your heart*

I have set sail to see you once again this time
Knowing you await patiently in ease of mind
I come with many items of my treasures
Gifts of fragrant perfumes, diamonds and pleasure
A king would ask for so many of these things
But you are my queen and this is my joy I bring
So please Love, when I arrive take such gifts
And give me those wings in Love to make my heart lift

Dom*Colucci 2012

You are Loved*

You are Loved*

Do not feel that life has its havoc
You still have a beautiful heart, not tragic
Worry not with Love in your eyes
Yes life is good and it is no surprise
Always be happy with that great smile
For you are Love and that will stay awhile

Dom*Colucci 2012

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Life is Love*

Life is Love*

Where is this place that one talks of?
Many seem this place is opened, filled with Love
Could this be, a place so True?
One of easiness and effortless too
With nothing to worry about even no strife
This place answers this question spot on, what is life?

Dom*Colucci 2012

Was on hold for awhile*

Was on hold for awhile*

Withered away and gone is the tears
Many a broken heart for so many years
Torture and turmoil that was of no relief
Deep rooted in being, it had its belief
But the only thing that did the trick at all
Was when that one heard their heart with Love, answer the call

Dom*Colucci 2012

Fame is Love*

Fame is Love*

It is such a Lovely debut
Things that seem to happen to you
Well, all I can say is that all is in place
It is all about you and your great taste
A look that stops all in blueprint blue
Happy is the person you are and your dreams to come true
Sparkle like a diamond, look like a rose
Captivating all around you, with your heart I suppose

Dom*Colucci 2012

Days of elation*

Days of elation*

Days we cherish become of happiness indeed
Must have been something we did right, inherent seed
It is the Love that makes us compelled with our hearts
The moment we know of this, we will never fall apart
Entwined with the greatest feelings of bliss
How does anyone ever oppose such feeling or even resist

Dom*Colucci 2012

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Evening of ease*

Evening of ease*

The sunsets west and the sky turns dark
A gentle ride comes, for the moon makes its mark
Glorious sight with a wisp of cool breeze
My heart is of Love, settled with ease
My Lover is with me Now, we enjoy this moment so True
Three beautiful words can only describe this is, I Love You

Dom*Colucci 2012

Sunday, April 8, 2012

One day, the title*

One day, the title*

One day has come as the child was conceived
Both parents in making one to become and believe
To put another Loved one in this world
Seeing how this child grows up as life unfurls
Each moment goes on, heart grows warmth
But a turn in reality one day, child conforms

Now an uphill battle has came to this one
Oh wicked life, it seemed Love has gone
Struggle to work against one's heart
That feeling of Love once, gone apart
Because of this a different fate definitely came
No longer in the niche with heart, life not the same

Many a twisted turn, resistance to face
Losing this rhythm of Love in this place
But one day it seemed this was not the way to be
A different look at life, letting go and letting it be
Surrender was what this one's heart could feel
Finally walking away from ignorance and  a wretched wheel

All that was seems never to be again
Right where this one stands, can always feel Love in heart begin
So it matter not how hard life was, as ego did flirt
Nor the hardship to come and the heart that did hurt
This one realized in one moment with this strife
There was never no journey with this, it was all a day in one's life

Dom*Colucci 2012

Romantic moonlight in you*

Romantic moonlight in you*

A fading sun goes beyond the skyline
Dropping so low, ease of each moment so fine
But from the dimming, something spectacular tonight
The full moon is arising, such a romantic glow of light
Come Love, take your wings and fly next to me here
I will hold you safe and securely, forever my dear

Dom*Colucci 2012

I command one wish*

I command one wish*

I sit here, a little lost from you
Wondering what is my next move to do
Hoping you respond to my heart, from such a distance away
I know you feel my plea, I send my vibe of Love your way
So please release this feeling that feels so dreamy
Before I pull the cork on this bottle and ask the genie

Dom*Colucci 2012

I am free in paradise*

I am free in paradise*

My Loving heart today, is in a feeling to be carefree
Such a Lovely afternoon to delve into, a vision I see
Sunshine brightly into the forever blue skies
A few clouds dancing, birds and rainbow surprise
Yes this is what my life is right Now, the feeling of bliss
Moments to move onto, the big picture not missed

Dom*Colucci 2012

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...