Sunday, September 30, 2012

Love within my Soul*

Love within my Soul*

Come my love, come take refuge in my Soul*
The heart needs company and also to be whole
Rest there and ease of oneself without any fear
For remember it is my Soul* that settles within here
It will show you how vital its love is for you
Within this love there are no obstacles, ever to go through

Dom*Colucci 2012

The seed of love*

The seed of love*

A place that is called paradise, not too far from here
If you look within a little deeper, you will see it crystal clear
It is a place that many seem to venture but go a little astray
But once your turn around, it will point you on your way
For this is a vital place where all comes from and starts
It is the essence of the universe, the Soul* and the heart

Dom*Colucci 2012

Heart is awake, the eyes see*

Heart is awake, the eyes see*

Eyes that have opened to finally be awake
To see this precious diamond, what the Soul* did make
Graciously it covered all of its love
And gave it a beautiful sparkle that it is also made of
Shine forever in its radiance and keep it very strong
Love in the heart, right where it belongs

Dom*Colucci 2012

Love, a togetherness tune*

Love, an eternal tune*

Jubilant love, all colorful and carefree
Gleefully involved and as happy as can be
Perky all the time, with sunshine in my heart
It is you my love, entwining not apart
Togetherness we shall have, this is always the way
Our hearts sing a beautiful tune, forever in the days

Dom*Colucci 2012

A heart that walked away*

A heart that walked away*

A walk through life, now love that is lost
My feelings paid dearly, at such a cost
Though in the process, I should have known
It was right in front of my eyes, that is was shown
Each moment that went on, layers were being peeled
Then finally one day came, and my heart she did steal

Dom*Colucci 2012

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Wishful dreaming*

Wishful dreaming*

I can only contemplate of you
Those beautiful eyes that come into view
To have you close to me for my heart to tell
Deepest of your Love like a wishing well
But you are not here though it seems
A vision in my head that is only a dream

Dom*Colucci 2012

Love "springs" forward*

Love "springs" forward*

Bubbly life that you do bring
Love in a fountain, overflowing spring
A thirst that has been quenched inside of me
Joy of my life, baptized heart to be free
Oh sweet lover, never make it end
To have so much happiness again and again

Dom*Colucci 2012

Raise the torch of Love*

Raise the torch of Love*

Oh heated passions, ablaze on fire
Joy of this romance, I do admire
The two of us a brilliant light
Burning ever brightly in the middle of the night
The torch glows hotter as we just begun
Extending this flame into the morning sun

Dom*Colucci 2012

Love has no reflection*

Love has no reflection*

When you look in the mirror, who do you see?
Is it I that is there, looking back at me?
For beauty in love, it can never be owned
But with this heart so opened, why does it feel so alone?
My vision for you is only a reflection in glass
So I stay here in this hollow and let love walk pass

Dom*Colucci 2012

Saturday, September 22, 2012

The hurt a heart has here*

The hurt a heart has here*

Oh broken heart bent from stemmed rose
Hurt within as a twist in pain, I suppose
The pain comes from deep beyond the thorns
Only to be prodded deeper with its scorn
A rose that its heart that has been stained
Indelible with its suffering long to remain

Dom*Colucci 2012

Love, we are elated so high*

Love, we are elated so high*

Oh come with me as I take you by your hand
We will take a journey with love, right where we stand
I can gaze within you in those beautiful eyes
Where we are going every moment is a surprise
Let us depart now my love, the sky is the limit
As I see both of our Soul*s soaring in the heavens within it

Dom*Colucci 2012

Love, the seed within*

Love, the seed within*

Love is a seed we plant for both of us to grow
To have it nurtured always, that a beautiful flower will show
For each step we take we leave the past behind
Serving us no purpose for what is in front us will do just fine
Building both of our hearts content as they will be
The joy of us living within each other, love will make us see

Dom*Colucci 2012

My Love within pulls me through*

My love within pulls me through*

I sustained long and hard my life with you
There were times that I just did not know what to do
Many a struggle you have put me through I can tell
To hope one day would come to break the gates of hell
But now you have gone and my life sees the light
The love that was my gift was my Soul* from this plight

Dom*Colucci 2012

The taste of a rose's hips*

The taste of a rose's hips*

I feel your warmth next to me here
Your passion directs to me so perfectly clear
Our eyes meet and a flutter comes inside of me
I move closer to embrace you, gaze deeply in what I can see
Yes, now it is a bond that we both move our lips
To taste this fragrance of a rose and the shape of its hips

Dom*Colucci 2012

Cool sensation in heated passion*

Cool sensation in heated passion*

A breeze comes through the window and blows within
Moving the curtains around again and again 
Through this opening and the moon with its glow
The cast of its light on two lovers entwined there, as it shows
Romantic heat of fire and a cool sensation to please
Indeed no curtain call on an evening with a breeze

Dom*Colucci 2012

Sunday, September 16, 2012

My heart is outside me*

My heart is outside me*

Many broken yesterdays that tomorrow may bring
More of hurt within me, that my heart cannot sing
A loneliness that has stained with much despair
That I move onward, no longer to care
A seed that has been planted to sprout no roots
That love has been taken away from me and found its own truth

Dom*Colucci 2012

Word of Love said in the Uni"verse"*

Word of love said in the Uni"verse"*

Love is all powerful, as it teaches all the sages
Brought into the Universe from darkness, throughout the ages
The finest of all works and great preference to the arts
Painting its beautiful picture, ever brilliant in the heart
Forever is a feeling that the Universe possesses its bliss
How can anyone ever run away from a feeling like this

Dom*Colucci 2012

Deceive not to receive what?*

Deceive not to receive what?*

Deception that one hides in heart
Love to another and to break apart
A trick that one can elude and make a stain
To have it rot in another's heart and make it remain
I can feel us that one has seen someone else so true
If not admit it in how much you love me as I love you

Dom*Colucci 2012

What gives when it is Love*

What gives when it is love*

How much happiness can one possess?
To have a gentle heart, the one to caress
The elated feeling beyond heavens above
To have such joy and happiness, one that is of love
Of balance of no attachment to behold
And see how this truth from within to unfold

Dom*Colucci 2012

The diamond of all jewels*

The diamond of all jewels*

A longing in my heart, another along my side
Someone who understands such love to be satisfied
A combination of sun and a big blue sky
Happiness that abounds that brings joy in my eyes
To be a partner in dance of one that is dual
To caress and love my heart, the diamond of all jewels

Dom*Colucci 2012

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Honey, I am to bee*

Honey, I am to bee*

Of gray skies and darkened earth
Mulch is fertile, make color spring forth
The arrival of sunshine, blanketed blue heavens
A stillness, a slight breeze
I see hues and contrast in the field
I go there and find my Lover
She is blushing and she waits for me
I come to her in a gentle hover
I kiss her with passion
She surrenders, oh sweet surrender
Yes I leave with one last kiss
Then I make the honey sweet
For my love moves on

Dom*Colucci 2012

Light has no darkness in it*

Light has no darkness in it*

A thousand times my eyes are open
Many more they get closed
What direction do they see in?
It is the same picture, it is the same place
A sail is opened in the breeze
A cloud has its name on it
What direction is this going?
Is it my heart that I cannot see?
Is it my eyes that do not feel my heart?
Please make this the last time my eyes are open
For they wish not to be shut to be blinded in darkness forever

Dom*Colucci 2012

My moment with you, gone forever*

My moment with you, gone forever*

The moment came with a crash
The door opened, found my heart laying there
You were no longer with me as stain began
Trusted fools playing with dice
Each time a smile was there, it was betrayal
What more can I do
The pot that never simmered
What can I do
Lost and abandoned is now the heart that was loved*

Dom*Colucci 2012

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

High on Love*

High on love*

You give me such happiness a joy to be
Love forever in my Soul* with you so free
You take me to the heights that are unknown
For there our hearts are open and also shown
We entwine to each other, heavens abound
I can feel both of us with elated love off the ground

Dom*Colucci 2012

Rich Love of life*

Rich love of life*

Everything about this love is so rich
Velvet to silk not to miss a stitch
Shine so fine as it is to gold
Love to your heart I always uphold
But to see this within as it does satisfy
Gazing at love with those diamonds in your eyes

Dom*Colucci 2012

Sweet beauty*

Sweet beauty*

A wonderful sensation, beauty I see in you
The love that I have, comes from within so true
A sweet confectioners delight in a dish
The candy that sticks in my heart, oh so delish
So fond of you my sweetheart of treats
You have glazed my heart with love, how so sweet

Dom*Colucci 2012

Evening of a kiss*

Evening of a kiss*

Oh lover of mine the night settles in
There is a full moon, a trance to begin
Such of passion that this above in light
To make us both romantic into the night
Let us join together a love we cannot resist
Come closer my love, sweet lips I will kiss

Dom*Colucci 2012

Love of the rose*

Love of the rose*

I am within a garden, I see of a rose
Carefree and light on my toes
I hear a note that brings on a song
Gentle sound, right were I belong
Yes of love it is indeed
My heart to open from this fragrant seed

Dom*Colucci 2012

Friday, September 7, 2012

Patience is the moonlight*

Patience is the moonlight*

Oh darkened evening, filled with mystery in the air
You can feel it in the senses as they become well aware
It is like a flower, when the bud opens to be in the bloom
Sacred as tonight is, romance sets the tone with the moon
Oh lover of mine I await for you here to be with me
And set our deep passions on fire, to satisfy this mystery

Dom*Colucci 2012

Fragrant rose you are*

Fragrant rose you are*

Fragrance of love, the smell wafting to please
It brings a man to his love, right on his knees
The attraction of the two becomes ever so strong
Knowing of both hearts to be, right where they belong
These deep feelings of bliss from an aura that shows
Yes love is illuminating, like the vibrant red color of a rose

Dom*Colucci 2012

Love is the greatest discovery*

Love is the greatest discovery*

Without even looking when day when I was free
I stumbled across you, this is serendipity
I just turned a corner and there you came
I felt your heart so open, as mine did the same
We hooked up at that moment and the beauty of love begins
See what surrender in love can do. You took my heart, you win

Dom*Colucci 2012

Love, innocence*

Love, innocence*

Fresh as you are, clean and crisp is the morn
Cradled next to you like you are a cute newborn
Arise with the love that I see in your eyes
Deep within them is the Soul* with your heart so wise
With this love, romantic passion is its style
Youth within us both, as we become innocent as a child

Dom*Colucci 2012

Monday, September 3, 2012

Escape the heat in Love*

Escape the heat in love*

Moments to be broiling, Love generated by this heat
Two lovers in the desert, their Soul*s they will meet
Both traverse many miles on this barren land
Drifting, swaying and being blinded by the blistery sand
Passions are mounting, hopefully an oasis will come soon
To escape from this heat, possibly shadowed by the moon

Grasping and clinging onto what comfort they can find
Something to relieve this torment and give them ease of mind
Fulfillment is both their passions stem from deep within their hearts
Both knowing now that this heat does not break them apart
Eventually they will take shelter, near some palm trees
Releasing what was within them, to set their Love free

The scorn of love, that is out on the desert floor
Working not to resist what two hearts were meant for
Though we came together, the oasis we never found
But we know it is within us, a love that is strong and sound
Who cares what is dished at us, though we weather this all the time
Knowing of our togetherness, love is like sands to be so fine

Dom*Colucci 2012

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Oh beautiful flower*

Oh beautiful flower*

One day it just became, the ground took a seed
Love had to make it happen and also was its need
The soil was light and the rain pushed it in
Deeper it went in the ground, a process to begin
Little at a time it started seeing something to be
It broke itself open and it went on its journey

Inner voice came about and also it did tell
You are no longer of this vanity and not to be its shell 
Pop open yourself and now spread your roots
For you have wisdom inside you to be of your truth
Seek first a little balance, becoming one step at a time
Once you are of this, where you are going shall be fine

It is now to move yourself upward and also seek the light
Just be patient with this, trust in your insight
For it knows who you are as it seen you to be this
With this bond together, nurturing wisdom not to resist
Now you have come a long way, from root to be this tower
Broken free from the darkness but look at you, Oh Beautiful Flower

Dom*Colucci 2012

My heart is in your eyes*

My heart is in your eyes*

Lover of mine, you cast your spell on me
My heart stolen, captivated now not to be free
But it is such a joy to be held within your heart
Knowing that, it is a bond of true love never to be apart
What made me surrender, really was no surprise
As I can see it, I became a prisoner and fell deep in your eyes

Dom*Colucci 2012

Love of all, Soul*

Love of all, Soul*

Timeless to be in love, inherent it begins
From where the heart stays, pounding again and again
Though there may be a turn, where one may go astray
But one is never lost, even when skies are gray
Something that keeps its bonds with you, to be ever so near
It cradles you in its arms to always see so clear

To trust that it does what it needs to do
All one ever needs, is to let go and follow through
Such a commitment it has to make you see things right
And will never steer you wrong as it keeps you in its sight
How much of unconditional love can this ever give
To make you have the best in its heart, enjoying life where you live

Because of its love, the Universe has an open door
Never no obstacles ahead, why? has been here before
It knows who you are and wills only one thing it needs to do
Is to be grateful that it exists, for it definitely loves you
Since day one it had one intention to ever make
To see that you will recognize it, so that both may become awake

Dom*Colucci 2012

Deep rich rose*

Deep rich rose*

Love is put together like the sun to the day
Heart knowing the right direction, sent on its way
Comforting to know of this, also it is of ease
Drifting ever endless, forever in a breeze
Beauty that it is, fragrant as a rose
Deep within one's heart is where it grows

Dom*Colucci 2012

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...