Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Fruitful love*

Fruitful love*

Good fruit of life from fertile seed
From eyes that are open and heart so free
Care has been taken in so much giving
That this has become the art of your living
Your heart is secure and never to be bound
For love is who you are and always around

Dom*Colucci 2013

Monday, January 28, 2013

Sweet love taste good*

Sweet love taste good*

To me my love you mean so much
Come sooth me with your gentle touch
Let me enter your heart like you do mine
So both our Soul*s with love entwine
This moment with you shines to be so sunny
Tasting from your lips so sweet, made from honey

Dom*Colucci 2013

My arms are as open as my heart*

My arms are as open as my heart*

Come to me my love in the time of need
I have an open heart for you in whatever you please
So if you feel that something is bothering you
And you need some consolation to get through
Come next to me where it is safe and warm
And I will hold you dearly and secure right in my arms

Dom*Colucci 2013

Time holds my heart*

Time holds my heart*

I see you in a fog in my dreams
It has been a long time, so it seems
That one day I will be with you and awaken
And my heart will not be hurt with so much aching
But for now I have to convince myself that this is all fine
And let it all go and trust it will work out in time

Dom*Colucci 2013

Our love is not a wash*

Our love is not a wash*

Oh treacherous seas we have stumbled across
Riding each wave, tumbled and tossed
Push out of our boat and floating among the waves
A distance that is away, how are we to be saved?
The tide brings us in and washes us on the shore
But all is not bad, for this is what it is meant for
That ride we just took as the waves brought us to this land
Is to frolic and enjoy each other on the coast in the sand

Dom*Colucci 2013

Let us mix our hearts to be one*

Let us mix our hearts to be one*

My heart spills out what its made of
For the ingredient that it is, it is love
A Soul* that has made it, this to be
A feeling that like no other, joyful and free
Oh love of mine, come give it a taste
For I set a home within for your heart to place

Dom*Colucci 2013

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Squeeze me in openness*

Squeeze me in openness*

Come love me sweetheart, make it so right
Embrace me with your heart and squeeze me so tight
Make me have my Soul* release into yours right now
For love is never held back but moves forward as allowed
Oh joyous wonder in the moment that is here
And the passion we both have, love so crystal clear

Dom*Colucci 2013

Clear shadow of love*

Clear shadow of love*

Did I meet you with my heart or my eyes?
And if it was both I ask myself why?
For it feels distant that you do not love me
To have this sense about you that I could not see
Because in my heart, I did love you the most
But now it is cold and it feels like I am with a ghost

Dom*Colucci 2013

Love is locked up*

Love is locked up*

A little bit of pain and despair
Has made my heart hurt and not to care
I lay here in sorrow in contemplation
My lover once was with me, in celebration
But all I can do is wallow in tears and of such gloom
And be a prisoner today inside this room

Dom*Colucci 2013

The sun is what gets us hotter*

The sun is what gets us hotter*

The evening has passed and has come to this
Committing to romance, we both cannot resist
Awakening with you as the sun ushers in
Let us continue from last night, to make love once again
Hold me closer so I may not break apart
My love, my love I get deeper and now I melt in your heart

Dom*Colucci 2013

One flame and a heart burns hotter*

One flame, a heart burns hotter*

The heat of the moment brings us both together
Humidity and tension builds, even through this weather
Entwining we both are, you can feel adhering as we stick
Lighting this candle romantically, burning rapidly on the wick
Sooth me my lover this passion I desire
And let us burn both our hearts, as we set them on fire

Dom*Colucci 2013

My heart speaks to you*

My heart speaks to you*

You are the joy in my life, sparkle in my eye
My heart sings of passion and tears I do not cry
For all the things you have done to make me happy
Some differences do come along but in the end we both agree
Let me get next to you my love and say something clear
I whisper this with my heart, I love you gently in your ear

Dom*Colucci 2013

Is love seasonal?*

Is love seasonal?*

For the autumn of my life has now come
In letting go as I did, it is now done
I had a love that was like the first day of spring
Joy in my heart that my lover did bring
As our love grew in the summer of our affair
All around magic and love was in the air
A little more in our relationship, you can feel something clear
That for some reason or another, love would disappear
So now the winter of this is about to begin
Do I settle down or look for another lover once again?

Dom*Colucci 2013

Monday, January 21, 2013

Soul* filled freedom*

Soul* filled freedom*

Each breath that I take, it is with my Soul*
Love that is within, that both make us whole
Beauty like a lotus flower, made perfect in its art
Wondrous sensation, coming straight from my heart

Oh how much joy can this ever be or feel
This moment I am in, that my eyes it did reveal
For the Soul* I have, now has been seen
Wiping the veil from my eyes, away from a dream

I have never been of this or even know of the way
That something that loved me and always did it stay
The power that it has, that it gives to me
The wisdom like a fountain flowing and forever to be free

Dom*Colucci 2013

Love, a beautiful place I see*

Love, a beautiful place I see*

Oh sacred place, that I always dream of
Filled within my heart, a place called love
The beauty that is there, vibrant colors mesh
The energy of my Soul*, as I feel refreshed
So peaceful and serene with lush trees and a pond
Ever so in stillness, I am forever to be its calm

Dom*Colucci 2013

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Does love come in waves?*

Does love come in waves?*

Heart is tossed around like waves on an ocean

Sinking deeper in sorrow with hurt in emotions
The limit is coming as this feeling is trouble
Tension growing stronger to pop this bubble
Pushed out to lay aground on the shore
To never be so happy or even love anymore

Dom*Colucci 2013

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Wisdom, let it be*

Wisdom, let it be*

Patience is a virtue, love is divine
For what is the best shall take its time
Like grapes that ripened right off the vine
To make a very savory taste when it becomes wine
All things come together, you just have to wait and see
They are best  left all alone in letting them be

Dom*Colucci 2013

Helen of Troy*

Helen of Troy*

It was of beauty that sparked the world
For a woman of Troy set it all to unfurl
Many men risked going to battle to see such face
Setting out in droves across the sea to this space
Oh Helen, beauty of Helen I see thine eyes to kiss such lips
You have the face my dear to launch a thousand ships

Dom*Colucci 2013

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Always room for love*

Always room for love*

Why is it that my heart is in such gray?
Is it because of love is not here to stay?
Or is because of the clouds and the rain
Why oh why? Is there a stain?
Please release me from this gloom
Bring vibrant sunshine in my heart, I do have room

Dom*Colucci 2013

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

My heart does not hide*

My heart does not hide*

The madness is like prison that I am in this cage
Feelings so deep, I could pull them out with such rage
For I feel that all this is some sort of test
Severe pounding of love in my chest
No longer shall it be that I can take this in stride
My love will always be for you and my heart will never hide

Dom*Colucci © 2013

See me in your dreams*

See me in your dreams*

I have held you close by me
Both hearts that are in love agree
We go where enchantment is filled with romance
Come on love, let us not miss this chance
Let me melt in your heart and bring me in your dreams
As then delve in our deepest pleasures so it seems

Dom*Colucci 2013

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The lotus is within*

The lotus is within*

When the sun arises, so the lotus awakes
Through the murky mud, it shall make
The beauty of it opens up and captivates
A rejoice through the night, it comes to celebrate
Though the focus is not outside the world but it is within
This is where its reality is and so it begins
For its only purpose is to show itself that is so pure
Even though what is around it supports it and that is for sure
It will never know of the outer realm and see if it works
When that comes around, back underwater into the murk

Dom*Colucci 2012

Life of spring*

Life of spring*

Bright sunny day in the park in spring
Little birds chirping, hear their hearts sing
A cool refreshing wind, light is the breeze
Moves gently through the cherry blossom trees
For a little life comes under the branches with a lift
Releases back into the park, through the blossoms with a sift

Dom*Colucci 2012

My heart is not a memory*

My heart is not a memory*

Once upon a time many moments ago
My Soul* directs me to a place in Morocco
I had a lover there, Spanish descent she came
She was of beauty and so was her name
For her name was Rosa, a woman of all desires
Once in her presence your heart would be ablaze with fire
With Middle Eastern charm and a Spanish guitar I hear
If I remember this so openly now, she is with me crystal clear

Dom*Colucci 2012

Gentleness in love*

Gentleness in love*

There are many energies that love is
The one that is gentle, becomes of this
Imagining a color that comes into view
I see it very lightly, definitely a pink hue
For it is like a flower, a light color rose
This is an art in its making form beauty that it shows
Gentler the lovers become, the more excited both to be
Starting a beautiful journey, to enjoy and become happy

Dom*Colucci 2012

Love sees clearly*

Love sees clearly*

The eyes say a lot about love
The Soul* is within and to be of
This connection it has from the start
Combines all together with love from the heart
For such combination breaks apart the haze
And makes the lover in a clearer gaze

Dom*Colucci 2012

Come next to me*

Come next to me*

You come to me with despondent eyes
I know you have been hurt, for I sense you cried
Come my lover fret no more
Love, togetherness is what it is for
Hold me closer and feel my heart so warm
I want to make you feel secure in my arms
For this feeling of security will also make you free
When you come into my heart being next to me

Dom*Colucci 2012

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...