Sunday, July 14, 2013

Heart of love never leaves*

Heart of love never leaves*

Heated passion has been you all the long
It was my heart that enticed you in a beautiful song
In such love of my Soul* that made us attract
If you ever did leave me, I knew you would be back
This kind of love will never die and ever walk away
How do I know of all this? 
It is your heart within mine that definitely does stay

Dom*Colucci 2013

My love is within you*

My love is within you*

Let me come into your eyes, beauty is what I see
It is your heart that sends out its signal, back at me
The love is felt here and I go deeper within you
Fusing such love to be of your heart inside too
I hold onto you, grasping each moment that goes by
Losing myself I am of no longer as I become you in my eyes
Bringing me in such elated high, ecstasy comes from within
To know that we are of one now and start this over again

Dom*Colucci 2103

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

My heart is an open book*

My heart is an open book*

I have read the chapters and seen so many pages
And searched all around through so many ages
Seeking the love that I could find in you
Never ending this search to find your heart so true

I pressed onward for my eyes to take a look
Another disappointment from another book
But somehow a change did come along
A few more turns of the page, seen you right where you belong

It came with one big surprise
There you were to open my eyes
The story was over and so this was through
To feel how much for our love as I love you

We are now inseparable, the lines come together
Starting out for a search, has love played out forever
Now we both have each other a love so fine
Who needs a book when I have you in the heart of mine

Dom*Colucci 2013

Here you are from my dreams*

Here you are from my dreams*

I closed my eyes and went to sleep
I went into my Soul* to see the heart it keeps
As it showed me the wonders that was in the light
I never lost track in losing this sight
The dream took me further and led me somewhere
I seen an outline of you and became aware
But when I arose, I could not believe my dream came true
It was me in your arms and you in my eyes in plain view

Dom*Colucci 2013

"Hear" comes the moon*

"Hear" comes the moon*

Can you feel it, the intimacy that is all around?
It is stillness that cradles you in the surround
For something that has no beginning or end
Simplicity is its secret to do it again and again
But how more romantic does this ever get?
When you are with your lover to feel this yet
For a passion is felt and romance comes when it is darkened
When the glow of the moon comes in silence as it is hearkened

Dom*Colucci 2013

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Tears to shed from above*

Tears to shed from above*

It has come with many burdens to be
Inside a heart that will not break free
For it builds up more and more
Until a release comes, what it was meant for
As it now seems to let go within is allowed
To see the rain come, the sorrow of the cloud

Dom*Colucci 2013 

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...