Sunday, May 25, 2014

One love we always see*

One love we always see*

You embrace me openly in your arms
Knowing without conditions to keep me warm
Your heart is always the target that I aim for
Inviting me with your love, more and more
You please me in the sense of always well being
To know we find each other's Soul*s in this seeing
Knowing of love where we are and always shall be
Me always loving you and you loving me

Dom*Colucci 2014

"Still" there is peace*

"Still" there is peace*

The mountain awaits very patiently still
It takes in one breath and releases its fill
When a cloud comes by as it is passing through
Absorbing this freshness from out of the blue
Combing gentle winds through all of its trees
The fingers of such wind with its light breeze
Ahhhh!!!! a feeling of a soothing balm
This is how a mountain always remains in a calm

Dom*Colucci 2014

Thursday, May 8, 2014

AUM* so "hear" with this*

AUM* so "hear" with this*

Speak not of one to hear
Deaden silence so crystal clear
No, not to be utterance or a shrill
But what is within silence so perfectly still
Yet there is the potential to arise to give a yell
But if there is a sound let it be a meditation bell

Dom*Colucci © 2014

"May" I be warm?*

"May" I be warm?*

I await throughout winter as it was long
To enjoy the warmth and hear birds sing a song
But there are clouds in the sky that are dismal gray
Can anyone tell me that this is May?
The only hint I guess is pollen from the trees
What a way to enjoy spring as I sneeze

Dom*Colucci © 2014

Freedom is abundant wisdom*

Freedom is abundant wisdom*

Bold is a life that really has no plan
You just take what comes and do what you can
From this you start right now and always this to be
Let it pan out for itself, just follow through and see
Remember, as in all things from future to past
Nothing that you enter or leave behind ever does last
Freedom rides with you as something inside knows
This liberation with no anchors, is how abundantly one grows

Dom*Colucci © 2014

Let me look at you instead*

Let me look at you instead*

If you look for me, I may not be there
See around every corner, vanished in thin air
Moved about from all around
No trace of evidence, not even a sound
So then, what is a person suppose to do
It is not you looking for me but it is me looking at you

Dom*Colucci © 2014

Laughing while a cloud cries*

Laughing while a cloud cries*

I laugh amongst the rain drops
The pitter patter on metal rooftops
Into the soil deeply it sinks
Daffodils that are looking for a drink
And the birds, you can hear them sing
Rivers overflow to the ocean it brings
Wet and lush this satisfies
Amazing how this all is when a cloud cries
But in all this that I do see
I laugh as it rains all over me

Dom*Colucci © 2014

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...