Sunday, November 29, 2020

Seeing clearly with one's calmness*

Seeing clearly with one's calmness*

Sitting before a very still pond

No waves, no wind, it is total calm

Eyes turning inward, within to see

Blank in such calm, another void in reality

Deeper the depths to go no obstacle in sight

But from this darkness to be here in the light

Absorbing and be soothe by not a sound

Seems like there is nothing for miles in the surround

Minutes go by possibly hours will go too

Mind is in its settling as balance is in view 

Now that the breathing is in frequency from its tune

The mind has been relaxed like how stillness is with the moon

From what has just happened was in need to slow down

And to put mind, body and SOUL*s feet on solid ground

As one that lost breathing in the anxious state of being

Then one loses sense of who they are and not be in a clear seeing

Dom*Colucci © 2020

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Are you true to you?

Are you true to you? 

Do you really know who you are?

If not then could you be a distance far?

But really not because you do not know

As the answer is in front of you that shows

Though it shows in this you will find

That you are still sleeping and somewhat blind

A veil has covered all over your being

This is your truth in not seeing

It maybe because of somewhat your beliefs

In the awakened state of being no beliefs are a relief

It just shows nothing is here that is perfectly true

And what is perfectly true is that person who is you

Dom*Colucci © 2020

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Thick as a brick*

Thick as a brick*

 It was January 7th 1972. and the cover was on a newspaper

Inquisitive as it was but the music claimed fame from this caper

It was of this group that made progressive rock to its fame

A flutist, Ian Anderson captured many with its name

The name was from an agricultural pioneer named Jethro Tull

This person made a seed drill in which a horse did pull

Though a sort of tribute to that person the music opened the mind

Open in one's consciousness in this music a different reality to find

Like looking at one's life and seeing from a storybook in rhyme and reason

Some of the songs talked a lot about some of the seasons

But getting back that newspaper cover that did the trick

Was a mild spoofing not to mock known as Thick As A Brick

Dom*Colucci © 2020

~btw~I wrote this poem because I am inspired by the group Jethro Tull since the 1970's~

Sunday, November 8, 2020

~It's ZEN*~

~It's ZEN*~

ZEN* will never ever talk

ZEN* is only relative that can walk

To the observer the geese fly over the pond

They cast no reflection and then they are gone

The pond does not hold onto what the geese just did

There is now nothing to hold onto or even hid

It is all about the constant movement but being still

In a world of everything and nothing is its fill

There is a place in ZEN* we call the void

No one can comprehend but then no one can avoid

Seeing it is constant but no one can see it at all

It is a huge part of one's life but yet so small

ZEN* is an intuition that does not know but it does

Its clarity is showing, always the vagaries never the fuzz

So to pop out of what one learns from

Is to seek nothing then one knows its done 

~It's ZEN*~

Dom*Colucci  © 2020

Your beginning is here*

Your beginning is here* 

As life is it seems that there are so many distractions

 With that there are only chaotic attractions

Where does one turn in this case?

When all is spinning at a rapid pace

But one can be in a diversion

Away from all the calamity of aversions

It is so simple to turn around and see

To look into one's eyes to see me

Now that is the beginning of coming home

But in seeing that one within you are not alone

Hence you are one with that being in its whole

Once you established this it becomes your stronghold

But one has to learn to become its breathing

Only then in rhythm you are of its seeing

Deep with its darkness is its light

Pulled from this it is wisdom in its sight

Now that one that has come home is on the verge

Both can intermingle as that one in its merge

So always remember that the outside is not as within

Because the outside is the end and inside one begins

Dom*Colucci © 2020

Every cloud is the silver lining*

Every cloud is the silver lining* 

The world at times has a somber feeling

The joy seems to go, its depression it is stealing

Where does it come from and then where does it go?

There is a cloud covering sunshine that I know

Some make it rain from the tears in their eyes

Some just feel darkness and do not cry

But whatever it is this seems to follow you in every room

The only focus you keep stumbling upon is always gloom

But if that is the case and this feels like forever

The other side of who you are knows this cannot be ever

As to all the clouds in the sky have sun 

With that in mind happiness has begun

Dom*Colucci  © 2020 

The fire of fall*

The fire of fall*

It has come that a sort of nip has hit the air

You can feel the change just about everywhere

Something has just left that was so pleasant

Now that cool feeling is here and what was now wasn't

Just take a look around and you will see no green

For awhile it was here its beauty to be seen

But like all things that come to pass

It is a cycle that starts again never to last

But because of its beauty was so flourishing

It was swollen with sunlight with rain, it was so nourishing

No that time has come for summer to retire

And set the wonder of fall with color and the trees on fire

Dom*Colucci © 2020

Monday, November 2, 2020

The "I" that we cannot see*

The "I" that we cannot see* 

The mind is an invisible object you see

It points out and runs itself to the destination it needs to be

It attaches itself and clings to dear life what it wants

When it does not get its way it picks apart and taunts

If you look deeper inside of who you are

You will notice that it is so close and not afar

To analyze this in such depths in its thoughts

You will also notice that when found this mind will be caught

For it is not a thing of material but an essence that won't let go

But an illusion that frustrates Source and will not show

But when it does the ego is now exposed

And the "I" you thought you were disappears like the wind that blows

Dom*Colucci © 2020

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...