Sunday, November 8, 2020

Your beginning is here*

Your beginning is here* 

As life is it seems that there are so many distractions

 With that there are only chaotic attractions

Where does one turn in this case?

When all is spinning at a rapid pace

But one can be in a diversion

Away from all the calamity of aversions

It is so simple to turn around and see

To look into one's eyes to see me

Now that is the beginning of coming home

But in seeing that one within you are not alone

Hence you are one with that being in its whole

Once you established this it becomes your stronghold

But one has to learn to become its breathing

Only then in rhythm you are of its seeing

Deep with its darkness is its light

Pulled from this it is wisdom in its sight

Now that one that has come home is on the verge

Both can intermingle as that one in its merge

So always remember that the outside is not as within

Because the outside is the end and inside one begins

Dom*Colucci © 2020


  1. With so many distractions it is easy to wander off from true goal!

    1. ~as the words of Marcus Aurelius said~one must become like a rock a bit off the shore of an ocean as waves will come crashing and slapping its surface but as much a violent thing to happen the rock remains still all the time~enjoy my Precious Flower~thanks~


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...