Sunday, November 8, 2020

The fire of fall*

The fire of fall*

It has come that a sort of nip has hit the air

You can feel the change just about everywhere

Something has just left that was so pleasant

Now that cool feeling is here and what was now wasn't

Just take a look around and you will see no green

For awhile it was here its beauty to be seen

But like all things that come to pass

It is a cycle that starts again never to last

But because of its beauty was so flourishing

It was swollen with sunlight with rain, it was so nourishing

No that time has come for summer to retire

And set the wonder of fall with color and the trees on fire

Dom*Colucci © 2020


  1. ~inspired by a tree across the street from me~image from google images~

  2. I will love to see that beauty of fall some day! :)

    1. ~thank you my Precious Flower~this was an inspiration from my neighbor's maple tree across the street from me 3 weeks ago~enjoy as well~


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