Monday, December 26, 2022

To ("C") see in the one and enters*

To ("C") see in the one and enters*  

As the days go by and the older one gets

Still in the search as you ain't seen nothing yet

So, what is one to do in this quest?

To keep moving onward until expiration is one's rest?

Many will not see this as they are taught in what they are to learn

But there's another side away from non-sense if one returns

And that side is that one whole and complete

To seek what is within in merge of the SOUL* to meet

Yes, it is of balance, and it holds harmony too

And from that it already knows of the who are you

That is where all life stems and emanates one has entered

Suffering is now no longer as this one has found their center

Dom*Colucci © 2022

Know one to no one*

Know one to no one*

Does anyone know who God is?

Does anyone know that God exists?

The whole world is in commotion 

But no one comes up with this notion

That ignorance is bliss to its taste

And the SOUL* goes to a wrongful waste

And yet people go through a struggle day by day

Hating each moment in having their way

But that is OK that no one sees but looks

In search of answers through others and books

But sorrowful as it seems though I laugh

That everyone seems to be a joke or a gaffe

So, I continue in my silence and become still

That the day will come but only until

All will be unhooked and no longer latched

From the God within and the ego unattached

Dom*Colucci © 2022

Why am I who?

Why am I who?

 There is still a part of man

To this day he cannot understand

Where did he ever come from?

From the moment of birth until he is done

This has to be the greatest mystery played out

Ever theory he comes up with is fill with doubt

So, for the longest time he can be of and asks why

He will never get a clear picture in question to say;;;who am I?

Dom*Colucci © 2022

Sunday, November 27, 2022

The point never was missed at all*

The point never was missed at all*

 The center of all things is sacred indeed

It is where the shell of the fruit breaks from the seed

When it becomes ripened its wisdom begins to spew

It is like a strong attraction the Source drew

It is in direct communication, and it is with its guide

Effortless is in its embodiment to enjoy the ride

It already knows without knowing psynchronicity is its place

Nothing but balance from where it is, looking face to face

Seek no longer and nothing ever to learn

It was here before as it always was, still is. A return?

That ah ha moment that coincides as KARMA has disappeared

You will never leave from this point, as this point always was here

Dom* Colucci © 2022

Switching gears from reverse*

Switching gears from reverse* 

Though once there, I came from as it was

From the dimness with illusion nothing but fuzz

Nowhere was really a destination forward to align

Fog in the innards part of the mind

Truth was in cosmos not seen

Lies walk like neighbors in that dream

Everywhere was confusion that will not leave

No matter how hard freedom was here, I did not believe

But a pardon came with no dismay

It said, follow through and go this way

But I looked to see where this was, as nothing was around

"To follow what?" I said, space was the surround

Then I realized that there was no objective here to resist

It was about an inner truth that did exist

So, I began to go within and dissipate from the dream to drift

That now I knew it was always here and all I did was shift

Dom*Colucci © 2022 

Sunday, November 6, 2022

The center has no past*

The center has no past* 

Alone is the past as it sits by itself

Like a book in a bookstore tucked away on the shelf

No gatherings are there but only resting dust

That it had to go somewhere as it was a must

Nothing ever arises from it but memory lane

The mind cannot see clearly when it has this stain

People say that it seems we all learn from it

But in an awakened state this will not fit

So, what good does the past serve you if it is always now

Ushering in wisdom on a constant as this gets a bow

And the 4 characters of ZEN* speak suffer, joy, love and forget

As then we must say there is no past and you ain't seen nothing yet

Dom*Colucci © 2022

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Where did one go when nowhere is here?*

Where did one go when nowhere is here? *

What is that which is amongst time?

Does the consciousness know of what is mind?

No one really sees on how the function moves about

The skeptics in their logic and yet proving doubt

The obstacle keeps all those in the dark as no one is to see

Really all is in the box never to be free

A KARMIC delight holds on to the contempt

Judgment as a ritual as to nowhere it went

But lo to the awaken of true self is here

That to which is that cyclic now disappears

Where was this person when all was dim?

Why heck all one had to do is turn their eyes within

Dom*Colucci © 2022

Saturday, September 3, 2022

Movement sees you*

 Movement sees you*

Daylight sparkles amidst the trees

Sent out beautiful rays alive and free

Wondrous is this present nowhere else exists

Nothing to be lost or nothing to be missed

Lazy yet patient as perimeter drifts by

Noticing the clouds still in moving sky

A flow comes and has bee n taken in

Rhythm of all in the surround again and again

So, an afternoon has been absorbed into total peace

Clarity in my SOUL* to say the least

For this present I am engulfed. happy to be

To understand there is no search but within that I see

Dom*Colucci ©2022

Saturday, July 30, 2022

We'll see*


We'll  see*

In the early morn, I hear a brook

I turn to my side and take a look

But I do not see from a distance here

But is it not true that this is clear?

I could have heard a voice whispering in

And then my heart pulsating again and again

Is it because of where I am I am in tune?

From where I just was, I will find out soon

As my mind seems to fade away and disappear

All comes to peace and balance draws near

Noticing now, my SOUL* is next to me

Is this what I am looking for, we'll see

Dom*Colucci © 2022

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Nature of Spinoza*

Nature of Spinoza*

 Material is the being, not content to boot

Lack of wisdom within, hence the feeling is mute

To understand who of one is, that is the goal

This is something not taught in what has not told

It is all about being of substance, being satisfied in place

But the only one that can do that is God within your space

Agitation then is of the result then, one is not clear

One within one is the only direction here

So, if you know of this substance and see how it fills

Look into nature always but be perfectly still

A Divine love caresses each of this in what it makes

And only grows more out its love, giving never does it take

Dom*Colucci © 2022

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Stay inline, always be centered*

Stay inline, always be centered* 

In the beginning as within which is seen

A place that was aligned and true to be in

As that one who has come to be all about

Wondered with a thought which led to doubt

Now doubt has served him to dismay

In which this one has lost their way

Now struggle has come with all of its strife

No longer to be within a wise connected life

Could it be the way in which they follow?

To hear another's voice taken into swallow

Hava you ever seen a straight line ever deviate

An arrow that is shot from a bow, the target is always its mate

A path that is known always in direction

Need not seek any other direction

That is how KARMA is seen in a Universe that knows man

He steps out of that direction in where he stands

Then he puts himself in a variable that now he is lost

Into a world that does not know of himself, so he is tossed

Alignment is the key to living the life one needs

And with this to know their center one shall always succeed

Dom*Colucci © 2022

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Still, fill it up?*

Still, fill it up?*

What is so pure, whiter than milk?

Smooth is its texture like woven silk

Still without movement to the naked eye

Clouds without effort move in the sky

A peaceful feeling, harmonious all around

Silence the twin of stillness, there is no sound

No root has attached, nothing to cling

A purest form of freedom, this it brings

Have you ever felt that you have no being

But only the eyes inside of you that are seeing

Hence then if this is the case then you have become still

You have now added nothingness to emptiness to fill

Dom*Colucci © 2022

Frozen DNA is building*

Frozen DNA is building*

Fresh and still, clean and bold

Frozen droplets arriving in the cold

The clouds look billowing as they sweep

The sky is in a pillow looks like it sleeps

The music begins from a silent tune

Building up mounds, deeper it is soon

But take a gander in its moving veil

Little stars drift all over with many a tail

See what I see? is that for real?

Imaginary I say, in a swirl that I feel

Yes as it drops and goes to and fro in a sway

Does that look like a genetic code of DNA?

Dom*Colucci © 2022

What look do I see*

What look do I see*

Set yourself down and come to rest

Do some deep breathings that are the best

Take peace in settling the mind

Now start looking within in order to find

Now that your brain has hit a total blank

This is the point of emptiness to thank

As to go a little more in feeling nothing within

It is now that point where a void of texture begins

This experience is to prove of your SOUL*

That place of merging in completeness and whole

Now feel of this as you will be

No longer to search in looking only to see

Dom*Colucci © 2022

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Known and N"OW-NED"*

Known and N"OW-NED"* 

Into a stupor from my origin until now

Ignorance from what was learned and allowed

Looking and searching from this riddle

But turn back within and it is here in the middle

Why were my eyes so blind? 

The me I was supposed to know I could not find

But all it takes in a aha moment is this

The origin that is here only exists

So hence there can be nothing out there to meet

It was always that origin of the present that is complete

So if you are still seeking in what to look for

Search no further it is you standing in the open door

Dom*Colucci  ©  2022

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Leaf it alone*

Leaf it alone*

Pondering outside a window from above

Looking at a path and wondering of

I see a gust of wind in its push

Lightly going along not in a rush

Life in a lifeless space so I see

Nothing attached as it is to be free

But my focus is on a leaf all alone

It has detached from its healthy home

And now with its freedom it gets strewn about

Never to return where it came from without a doubt

So it just moves along and seeks nothing ahead

No more suffering as it enjoys this instead

Dom*Colucci © 2022

Life in a breeze*

Life in a breeze* 

One moment and one sky

Do not let this present go by

Listen deeply, let what it is to sing

A rhythm so smooth that peace it brings

Did you ever hear the wind, its breeze that comes through?

Movement so direct and comfort so true

A beautiful blend to make birds fly

To lift leaves up from the dead to give it a try

When you are alone on a mountain or trail

Uplifting this wind from its coming to its tail

Enjoy this feeling bathe in its essence

Take this with you continuously in its presence


Dom* Colucci © 2022

Monday, January 17, 2022

The hole is the whole that holds*

The hole is the whole that holds* 

Look really deep in the center of a hole

Do you see its origin and where it unfolds?

It is called Fibonacci and has a mathematical tint

Now do you see it as this is the hint

Somehow a strong frequency is made to manifest

It is the desire of God to His request

If only you could see what God sees too

You would be aligned with everything in life perfect in view

Then you would merge strongly within the Divine

And as you go along in life know how it unwinds

Remember what I wrote about Fibonacci above

But to get to the center it will always be your heart of love

Dom*Colucci © 2022

Let's stick together*

Let's stick together*

Out of nowhere it came and was very bold
Temperature started dropping and got sort of cold
It was a chill right to the bone
And it felt depressing and all alone

Then the sky was getting dark quick
Something was coming and began to stick
It was tiny stars frozen in space
Brisk and fresh oh what a taste

Then it started to group on the surface all together
A change from a while ago now this was in the weather
Seems it was in an insulating value especially from the sky
A wonderful dance on display blending and joining in its tie

It was having so much fun a the persisted
Ah and open area falling snow nothing resisted
But the sky moved on and was no longer seen
It went westward to form once again another team

Dim*Coliucci  © 2022

Freedom is within*

Freedom is within* 

Settling back in what has been known

To this point it has been shown

What was real turned out to be fake

It is in a world that if you believe it to make

Hence then it can only be of somewhat a dream

If you linger with it longer suffering it seems

Habits to patterns a very KARMIC wheel

The more you are involved with it, the center it steals

The moment you realize it needs to be detached

Break off those hinges on the door by removing the latch

And with the door gone an opening you will see

It is that moment when you and your SOUL* are now free

Dom*Colucci © 2022

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Now is one*

Now is one* 

I sit here and dwell on what is happening to me

I seem to drift away from the search and instead I see

A wonder has just come over me that I cannot explain

A self-realization without having a physical or no name

My sensations have no feelings seems something has disappeared

No thought can drift to a past or future but only here

But noticing what has happened I feel not alone

This event in my life it seems nothing is owned

Deeper involved in this state that nothing in view

Seeing this within and to get to the truth

Now that this has taken place something has begun

Now is the dissolving and the Universe that is within becomes one

Dom*Colucci © 2022

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...