Thursday, July 29, 2010

Path is here*

Path is here*

Noble path is right here to stay
It is the ants that move with it everyday
I sit in look and see this thing move
These ants seem to have direction in groove
Going back and forth to balance all around
Head home with storage, their home is a mound

Dom*Colucci 2010

What is seen is it*

What is seen is it*

Upward seeking nowhere as to be there
Inside and round about as this makes one Aware
To have this crystal ball seeing all around
Sitting in voided space without a sound
The whole is moving relatively here
But who is moving it, me or outside so near

Dom*Colucci* 2010

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Here I*

Here I*

The road has come to a turn within
Inside myself I feel the present again
Walking with myself as I am therefore
There is nothing that I see that is a door
So my openness is my gut feeling well Aware
For I am always going to be here and never there

Dom*Colucci 2010

ZEN is here looking*

ZEN is here looking*

Show me your face
Does it leave a trace?
Does it say something to me?
Does it allow me to see?
Where has it been?
Do not speak for then this is ZEN

Dom*Colucci 2010

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Reflected past and sinking too*

Reflecting past and sinking too*

Reflected pool has one sunken in
Drowned once before and does it again
Swimming for safety this one comes ashore
Why does one leave back into that closed door
The past is gone and leave it there as well
Reflect no longer unless you like to drown in hell

Dom*Colucci 2010

Brightest idea all day long*

Brightest idea all day long*

Sun in the eastern corner sky
As it rises from darkness slips by
Beaming so high and pushing powerful ray
Brighten up all the gloom in anyones day
At high noon in heavens above looking direct
It does this dance effortlessly as it connects

Dom*Colucci 2010

Saturday, July 24, 2010

This too is for tea as well*

This too is for tea as well*

Tea ceremony to be given to the guests
Come inside the tokonoma and give it a rest
Now to proceed to seating seiza style on the mat
The tea is Now served as an art of which is that
The bowl goes around with generous bows
All seem at ease to be friendly as this is allowed

Dom*Colucci © 2010

Entering the present*

Entering the present*

Immortal Being of Conscious wit
Smarter at present and where you sit
You need not go further than you are here
Living in openness and your vision is clear
See it as being in the hub Now that you are centered
The realm of fixation in alignment you have entered

Dom*Colucci 2010

Thursday, July 22, 2010

The beginning is always here*

The beginning is always here*

Daisies on the path many so bright you see
It is the path's direction that is so open and free
The trees set back a few moving right along
Open view in front of me how is this wrong
Coming to clearing as I know its the end
Only when I am out of there, my life just begins

Dom*Colucci 2010

Climb upward and see*

Climb upward and see*

Every step on the incline still
It motivates the inner man and his will
The air gets thinner no more to go
I have hit the pinnacle that I know
I gaze out in the vastness as I see
I am the mountain as this I shall be

Dom*Colucci 2010

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The route that branches off itself*

The route that branches off itself*

A tree stands upright in the middle of the woods
Its roots keeping hold as they knew they should
Pushing down deeper in the darkened earth
Spreading its branches with growth from its birth
Now fully canopied and shaded so well
The fruits this tree has are all ripened and swelled

Dom*Colucci 2010

Bit of the bubbly*

Bit of the bubbly*

Bubble of air inside a container rising to the top
Coming from the bottom and it will not stop
When it reaches the top it begins to slow down
The bubble starts to burst without a sound
So clarity is not clarity unless it is a bubble so clear
The ride the bubble takes upward to pop the surface so near

Dom*Colucci 2010

Soul and the whole mountain*

Soul and the whole mountain*

Smoke covered mountain stands so tall
Top of its peak only shows it all
Traveling on a rough but noble path
Clearing the obstacles with disappearing wrath
I see what I came here for as I am not alone
It is the Soul within as IT is my home

Dom*Colucci 2010

Beaming Night*

Beaming Night*

Moon has arisen bending its light
Beauty in the round jewel with insight
Holding back the darkness nothing within
It has its balance on its path time and time again
Showing up diligently and bringing it on you know
Laughing, looking object that loves to bask in its glow

Dom*Colucci 2010

Monday, July 19, 2010

Gone as well as back*

Gone as well as back*

Oh ripened morning that blares brilliant sun
Been waiting all night for this day has begun
You hang around and show everyone where to go
In silent harmony all move about, go where they know
But you must leave this untraceable trail once again
You will be back in a nights moment to do it like then

Dom*Colucci 2010

Fools are the twins of the wise*

Fools are the twins of the wise*

It is a wise man that has already seen himself here
IT is a fool who lives in a clouded muck that is not clear
The fool picks up all that withers away
The wise man is centered in the present here to stay
So in the concrete analogy of who is to be
It is the abstract Enlightened that this One sees

Dom*Colucci 2010

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Eye see that as Eye am that*

Eye see that as Eye am that*

Eye sees out as eye sees in
Do you know where this begins?
Vantage point I am at looks correct
Two meet in that vantage point that connects
Now, while one sees in and the other out
The both meet up dualistically without a doubt

Dom*Colucci 2010

A light wind shows through*

A light wind shows through*

Where I stand looking through the trees
Rays of golden sunshine beams down I see
The leaves flutter back and forth blowing
As a magic light is performing in its showing
Gusts begin to come to calm and still
Breath of God has eased as well as its the will

Dom*Colucci 2010

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Sounds of the ease of growth*

Sounds of the ease of growth*

Apple seed came and fell on the ground
No one was around but did it make a sound?
It burrowed itself in the darkened soil
It knew its journey would be rough as it toiled
But it sprouted up and began to produce
It went through the Universe easy and loose

Dom*Colucci 2010

Ignore something and it does go away*

Ignore something and it does go away*

The ignorance seems to attach itself to the wheel
It makes all uncomfortable and energy it steals
The situation that it creates loves its havouc too
Once one gets on, one does not know what to do
But one realizes this is being operated from within
Now One goes center with the hub where Enlightenment begins

Dom*Colucci 2010

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Here you are*

Here you are*

Wait a minute not so fast
You cannot go there as you cannot pass
No you must stay put right where you be
You will one day know and then you will see
Why this simple wisdom will pay in the end
Because you see where you are as you will begin

Dom*Colucci 2010

Life goes one way only*

Life goes one way only*

In the Tibetan Book of the Dead
Soul chooses the parents, goes straight ahead
IT conceives a being made from physical form
IT nurtures IT closely to keep IT safe and warm
So IT comes out into this reality so humble and free
When IT stays the course of life IT will always see

Dom*Colucci 2010

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The tree is up around the bend*

The tree is up around the bend*

You see the trees how they ride the wind
They do each time it blows once again
They look as if they were taught TAI CHI
Letting these slendered sticks bend and be
But the shake of the limbs and rustle with the leaves
Gives fair warning with cover under their eaves

Dom*Colucci 2010

The presence is Aware*

The presence is Aware*

A subtle breeze is in the air
It lingers still as I am Aware
It is in the present I am here
It draws itself close so very near
I came upon this open door
And Now I know what I am here for

Dom*Colucci 2010

Saturday, July 10, 2010

I have to one handed to ya*

I have to one handed to ya*

Two hands clapping always seem to desire
The more they clap the hotter the fire
Chasing their only tail and Now the tail is them
Losing track on where they have to stop and also when
So they suffer continuously and never get home
Home they look for is with them , one hand clapping alone

Dom*Colucci 2010

Sunshine everytime Now*

Sunshine everytime Now*

The bright sparkling daytime star sits close by
It is piercing its way through the cracks and the sky
Big and bold as revolves round and round
You feel its warmth, see its light but with no sound
We do our dancing around this and it allows
No one can lose this as it has centered itself Now

Dom*Colucci 2010

Friday, July 9, 2010

The beginning is the reset*

The beginning is the reset*

Understanding all about this Tree of Life
It is all about suffering through all its strife
But look once again at the structures and spheres
It shows you something of balance inside so near
As like the 10 Commandments this item will begin
In the comparison of Kabbalah is the same as ZEN
Creation is made each time with all of the reset
This is the same as the present please do not forget

Dom*Colucci 2010

Abstraction attraction*

Abstraction attraction*

Form does take its shape at its will
Formless keeps moving but others stand still
The dimension you walk into is always there
It is just the Consciousness what is and well Aware
It is all an illusionary picture for us to observe and see
It always best to watch and allow it to be

Dom*Colucci 2010

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Evening settles in comfort*

Evening settles in comfort*

Sat amongst the pines and had a smell
Wafting through the air, fragrant so well
To see the black martins playing so free
Hopping on branch to another in a Douglas fir tree
The afternoon came with such a great intensity of heat
Evening settles in as the cooler temps make it all complete

Dom*Colucci 2010

Light still warms things up a bit*

Light stills warms things up a bit*

Each turn of the sun has impacted the earth
The light of this dawn brings about new birth
From humidity levels that have this scorch
Enough intensity to light the Olympic torch
But it has been done in a synchronictic form
The dawn of time sat in its coldness until it got warm

Dom*Colucci 2010

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Nothing is ever seen*

Nothing is ever seen*

I come into this moment as I exist
Nothing around me knows that I have been missed
So it is my blending that is in the void
It cannot complain ever not even be annoyed
The center of this is always the scope
It goes beyond all including its hope

Dom*Colucci 2010

Beam me up*

Beam me up*

The gleam in the sky has a slice of light
It is like a light bulb barely affixed so slight
It beams down on the land below
But still shows it brilliance with its glow
The clouds that dance with this here and Now
Make the Sun orchestrate its happiness and it does allow

Dom*Colucci 2010

Monday, July 5, 2010

In line as you see IT line up*

In line as you see IT line up*

The challenge is one of balance to be
It takes a lot to cross the line wait and see
The Universe is in synch and level one too
One must experience patience and know what to do
One must relinquish all thoughts and also have Trust
This is a great big benefactor of letting go as a must

Dom*Colucci 2010

Sight upon flight*

Sight upon flight*

Sitting in a narrow sight
I gaze upon the fields in light
The reeds dance so happy and free
As it is where I am I like to see
Red winged black martins come by and fly
Stay level to the ground, slowly touch the sky

Dom*Colucci 2010

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Smart ass to be ahead*

Smart ass to be ahead*

How does one quit while they are ahead?
When one is full embodied and torso instead
As these parts make it all complete
From the top of the noggin to the tips of the feet
So Now the Truth is from the start
Next time use a head in order to be smart

Dom*Colucci 2010

Pool I see into as IT sees as well*

Pool I see into as IT sees as well*

I sit pondering at the reflecting pool
The fountain of wisdom is like the spool
It comes out of me as I sit and gaze
The more I see into this the more I am amazed
To see no end as there is many of sight
The pool is the wisdom as the sun drops in the light

Dom*Colucci 2010

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Love is always around the corner*

Love is always around the corner*

My Love, I will never lose because of my heart
It is because of the love in each other from the start
We have met in the strangest places to be
It was her troubling and warm heart to see
So with acceptance and love Now abounds
My heart flutters so wildly and makes big sounds

Dom*Colucci 2010

She is the fragrance in my heart*

She is the fragrance in my heart*

She came into my life, with the feel of ocean breeze
Inside myself felt displaced and she put me at ease
The fragrance that wafted her smelled so sweet
Lilac and cedar, a definite mild odor was the treat
She held my hand, gave me comfort and both of us touched
It was her loving charm in her eyes that I truly loved so much

Dom*Colucci © 2010

Friday, July 2, 2010

Leave God there and see Soul here*

Leave God there and see Soul here*

Where are the accolades I deserve
I have done a good life as God I served
But wait before you go any further with this
There was an important part that you missed
IT was not service to God after all
IT was your Soul who made the call
So if you believe in your good deeds
Search yourself for the help that you need

Dom*Colucci 2010

ps in my opinion IT is the Soul that manifest us to having the best life possible and not a service to something outside our self we cannot stay within and let the Soul be your driver in your life and not the highway you drive on...

Nowhere but Now here*

Nowhere but Now here*

I have seen this place before
It was in Awareness with no door
I walk into this reality free
As IT is straight ahead I see
For there cannot be anything more outside
I have searched no more as Soul decides

Dom*Colucci 2010

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Time slides by but you are still here*

Time slides by but you are still here*

Curvature of space as it knows before time
Time gets stuck with unknown doing fine
But it rounds the corner and shows up too
You have seen this inside and Now know what to do
There is no running away from what is to be
You have the transparent sight as you can plainly see

Dom*Colucci 2010

Knowing beyond knowing*

Knowing beyond knowing*

How does this happen as what could it be?
It goes beyond sight as intuition shall see
You are the One that has been here before it starts
Goes beyond the 10% of logical brain and its smarts
For your destination was not here no more
IT is your Soul satisfied and this is your CORE

Dom*Colucci 2010

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...