Saturday, March 31, 2012

Everything that I will never be*

Everything that I will never be*

I have had you so close, for such a long time
All in both our lives where always doing fine
But something deep has taken a turn
Feeling something coming on that we both must learn
You have seemed to have entered another one's heart
I feel Now that we are ending and drifting apart

Dom*Colucci 2012

Friday, March 30, 2012

Drawn together, such an artist*

Drawn together, such an artist*

What is it about you that draws me so near?
Is it your eyes that see so well or heart so clear?
It is something that I have that draws you to me
My Love is this energy that it could possibly be
Please Lover if you are going to be with me and come along
I have made a wide spot open in my heart where you belong

Dom*Colucci 2012

Thursday, March 29, 2012

My heart flies away*

My heart flies away*

You have made my heart so strong
Even though once, we both did belong
But my heart is for all and this is true
I am opened to the heavens, opened skies and so blue
I can never become what you wish me to be and stay
So I have my wings and set flight to break away

Dom*Colucci 2012

Push my buttons*

Push my buttons*

Long ago, I was smitten by the arrow of cupid
But as time moves on with this, I guess I am stupid
We let our Love come to this, as to me it is the end
This is how we part, as you are no longer a Lover or friend
I cannot be here and listen to you make a sound
Fighting got us nowhere, as we pushed each other around 

Dom*Colucci 2012

I will Love you forever*

I will Love you forever*

Oh precious rose, that is what you are to me
Only wishing you happiness and to be so free
Both hearts throb, pure and never to be marred 
Someday who knows, we live forever in heaven's stars
You have always brought me joy to this day
Wishing a feeling of security, to make you stay

But soon I know, you must set sail
And this is how Love is, as it never fails
Because if you truly Love someone, you cannot make no bonds
To keep the heart always clear and oh so fond
But for this moment we are alone with our Love
In this beautiful presence, this day that shines from above  

I know it is coming, the moment will end after all this
But I will keep Loving you, after our last kiss
I wish we could hold on just a little more and see
But I've known this always, as it was meant to be
Always remember me, my Love from the start
May one day come and we return both our hearts

Dom*Colucci 2012

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Let it grow, Love*

Let it grow, Love*

Hate never wins when anger is present
Treachery in Awareness, not what its meant
But if you can pass this barrier and seek within
You will be able to make peace once again
This will be one of the very first seeds planted well
You will see how this Love grows, this I can tell

Dom*Colucci 2012

Hard headed woman*

Hard headed woman*

She is of pure anger and no sense of light
The one who only knows wrong instead of right
But this is OK to me as she shows me my way
Though the trials are difficult, one would leave and never stay
But it is all of my learning process I wish to be
Showing who she is, for this is not me..a hard headed woman

Dom*Colucci 2012

Rise and shine*

Rise and shine*

A handful of growth, of the plenty
Scattered across the land, oh so many
Lay in the dark dismal spot, suffering underground
Remaining very still and silent without a sound
Until one day its inherent wisdom was its need
No longer was it to be an encased shelled seed

It sought the light that was from above
The warmth from golden rays and Universal Love
So somehow it came, just an opening was shown
Then it took a drink in the dark and started growing
It knew of better life, was better from this instead
From that root it created and went straight ahead

After a few twists and turns that it went through
Now no objective was there, subjectively it knew what to do
Yes it felt the surface coming closer it seemed
It left the life of this slumber, no longer of this dream
Popped its green head out into the light
"Oh", it said to itself such a beautiful sight

Now that it found its track, right on to be
It started climbing higher, so happily and carefree
Inch by inch as it rose a little at a time
Effortlessly, it was growing oh so fine
Now that it has made it through all this pain and hours
Look with brilliancy and it's vibrant as well, a beautiful sunflower

Dom*Colucci 2012

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Enough of Bad Love*

Enough of Bad Love*

I put my trust and deepest Love to you, I give
It sustains me to be more than I can live
Your heart I feel, could it be so true
I am at the part Now, that I do not know what to do
Please tell me if this is going a little more
Or is this bad Love and I will leave Now through that door

Dom*Colucci 2012

Hold on?..To*

Hold on?..To*

What is it that you see in me?
Can't you leave well enough alone and let me be
I am your lucky charm to be attached?
You thought I was a trophy and good catch
But Now I am unhooked and read between the lines
Yes Love, I eased through your slippery hands oh so fine

Dom*Colucci 2012



Hopefully our Love is over, no longer to be
Yes I have had it up to here with you, I am free
Look you have given me, no time of any day
Now you only desire is for me to stay
I am happy on my own to fill my Loving cup
You showed something in me that I give it up...Real Love

Dom*Colucci 2012

Smooth Operator*

Smooth Operator*

A special kind of Lover that you have become to me
It seems my heart is one that only fondness can be
I know you have seen me through tough times 
And even made my life so Lovingly fine
But something deep down inside feels of nothing greater
I ask my heart in this before we advance, are you a smooth operator?

Dom*Colucci 2012



Glamour and make up, not to obscene
Beauty in fixing up, putting on the sheen
Slim and good looks, that is what you model for
Dress up and walk a runway, show fashion more and more
Your demur and come out to show your face
Precious art in this wondrous space
Just putting on great garb, not to rogue
You are adorably done up, you are vogue

Dom*Colucci 2012

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Tiny dancer*

Tiny dancer*

Perfect vision in my eyes
Woman of mine, you brighten up the skies
So innocent as a little child can be
Look at you so pretty, vibrant and carefree
So much I Love being next to you where we stand
You are my Lover, my tiny dancer in my hands

Dom*Colucci 2012

Loving you, yes

Loving you, yes*

Comfort between the two of us we Love
You are such a precious gift to me, I am always thinking of
I know you have been hurt some many times before
But Now both of us know what these hearts are meant for
So what we have endured in pain and suffering we went through
Loving you just as you are Now, is the right thing to do

Dom*Colucci 2012

Friday, March 23, 2012

Mask your heart, it's not Love*

Mask your heart, it's not Love*

A mask that I see you have again
Your Love is stealing hearts from within
Evil dwells deep in your flesh and bones
You say you Love but you leave many on their own
All your life you have been quite obscene
Now I know of your Truth, hate is your name, the Gypsy Queen

Dom*Colucci 2012

A diamond is in one's heart*

A diamond is in one's heart*

I could give you diamonds, rubies and millions by the score
Yes Sweetheart you maybe hungry as what this is for
But that is not Love and accessory can never be
These are mock ups and also anchors never so free
Maintenance you have as your life will always be missed
What is inside matters more in Love my darling, as this is always bliss

Dom*Colucci 2012

Smooth sailing is my Soul*

Smooth sailing is my Soul*

I have endured rough seas and a hurtful heart
But to weather this storm is a feat, not to break it apart
I know how to chart this course to get to calm and to ride
To the open seas so vast with no waves but peace so wide
My Soul* knows of such place that I can plainly see
It is sailing this course I have, inside of me

Dom*Colucci 2012

No room for the pain*

No room for the pain*

Remember how we use to care for each other
Seems you took a turn to go to another
But when I found this out my heart shot in pain
It was in so much turmoil and was really a strain
But what you showed me something inside to be strong
My heart is rebuilding from this pain and will remain right where it belongs 

Dom*Colucci 2012

Thursday, March 22, 2012

No heart of stone*

No heart of stone*

Fire and stone, clay melting from this art
Molding such beauty from the start
A blended sculpture, I see of you
My aim in this artistry is heart so true
Indeed I see Now what the finish product is to be
Is Now the entwining and the mold of you and me

Dom*Colucci 2012

Light of my Love*

Light of my Love*

Fresh morning sky, bright sunshine too
Feel a little misty from the morning dew
Air is light, fresh and clean
Golden drops of radiance all around, this is seen
But a wave of wind that has come my way
The smell of your fragrance and the heart I keep of yours all day

Dom*Colucci 2012

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Just walk away*

Just walk away*

Arrows to my heart might have been shot from days before
Now it seems the arrow has not hit its mark here any more
Sad, we use to have our initials in heart-shaped carved in the wall
We came together on that hot spring day, down in the school hall
We have came to grips with Love and it does not seem to be here no longer
I must bid a farewell to you and find another one to make my heart stronger

Dom*Colucci 2012

Monday, March 19, 2012

Sunday is never the same*

Sunday is never the same*

Tender and mild, our Love is so gentle and meek
We hold out so long, waiting until the end of the week
Our Love during that time grows and grows
When we meet soon, my heart will be like a river that flows
But it will be of one time during the week as this is the way
The only time of that week that it is never the same, Sunday

Dom*Colucci 2012

Where do the children play?*

Where do the children play?*

The spring is here, winter has passed
I feel alive, smell the flowers and the grass
The robins are chirping and the skies are blue
Sun is shining a bright red orange, this is true
Youth all around, they come and go with the day
Amazingly they do this but to ask, where do the children play?

Dom*Colucci 2012

Did you ever have to make up your mind?*

Did you ever have to make up your mind?*

What is there to do then sit here and contemplate?
Each moment that goes by, for you I have to wait
I know this will work out for all good intent
That when my heart feels yours, we both will be content
Now all I have to do is sit back with patience and feel fine
Did you for the likes of me, ever happen to make up your mind?

Dom*Colucci 2012

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Holiday Inn*

Holiday Inn*

Vacation time has come with us once again
It is a break we well deserve, so let us begin
Hit the road to get out of this place soon
Free from this house and work as I am in tune
Check in time as we made reservations
It is at the Holiday Inn, happy feelings and celebrations

Dom*Colucci 2012

My Love will not rest*

My Love will not rest*

My heart is of Love and been wishing so long
I send out a call, hoping you play that song
Not much to ask for but it makes me feel good
One thing of my best intentions as I wish you would
Please oh make my heart sing once again, as I cannot rest
Knowing how to make it better pilot of the airways, here is my request

Dom*Colucci 2012

Building on a mystery*

Building on a mystery*

The heart as traveled, so many years past
Every time it became witness to Love, it did not last
It was growing hardened at times and even where it was placed
No journey outwards to free it from its space
Many this treacherous road for it went through its history
But one day it found its Love, building on a mystery

Dom*Colucci 2012

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The stolen innocence*

The stolen innocence*

My Love for you is innocent and also so pure
Your heart prescribed to mine, this is the cure
Like a brand new babe fresh from the womb
Your Love so tempestuousness, I must succumb
Darling you are a big part of my life, a flower in the field
I have to surrender to your Love, my heart you doth steal

Dom*Colucci 2012

This is my Love*

This is my Love*

This moment will not be around for very long
Feel this wonderful vibration, my heart sings you a song
Take me by my hand and let us have just one more dance
To make our both Souls* be next to each other, in heated romance
I look in your eyes of such fire, passion and desired glow
I embrace you closer as we both entwine, this is the Love that I know

Dom*Colucci 2012

Romantic melting evening*

Romantic melting evening*

My Love, the day is over let us settle in
Come lie next to me, let both hearts in Love begin
Ease back and put your head on this shoulder of mine
Feel this so relaxing feeling, as all Now is really fine
I have a couple glasses of wine to toast and drink
Ahhh, feeling better? Evening melts, both our hearts sink

Dom*Colucci 2012

Monday, March 12, 2012

Fantastic reality*

Fantastic reality*

A sweet vision no sip of aged wine finer to be
This woman I know, she has captivated me
She keeps driving me out of my mind
Could this be true Love that I find?
A strong possibility this might unfurl
This woman of mine a reality from a fantasy girl

Dom*Colucci 2012

She is of beauty, Overlook Mountain*

She is of beauty, Overlook Mountain*

From a distance she is just a hump so small
Drive a little closer and see her majestic site so tall
She will entice you to settle with her for is jealous too
She hides the other mountains in your plain view
But her beauty is in her, temptation it took
Climb on her with her grace and splendour, it is Overlook

Dom*Colucci 2012

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Which woods would witch?*

Which woods would witch?*

She is a demon lives in the woods
Shrouded heart no one sees through her hood
Temptress desire with her beautiful eyes
Beware she will turn once and make you cry
She knows when to hit her victim as she makes the switch
She has already poisoned you, she is one heartless witch

Dom*Colucci 2012

A palatable Love*

A palatable Love*

A quaint evening has come, it is for us two
A fine night for dining, something to do
Candle lights, with an Epicurean delight
A background with a fireplace, oh what a sight
Romance brings us to the next level, passion from the heart
Our togetherness ever so closer, my desire for you from the start

Dom*Colucci 2012

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Me, change?*

Me, change?*

I seen you from a distance sometime from before
You where lead right to me in such open doors
I have made your life a better place to live
My heart I have offered so much to give
But it feels like something went wrong, feeling so strange
You turn your back on me and ask me to change

Dom*Colucci 2012

A vessel for creation*

A vessel for creation*

A vessel that carries life inside
Child that she bears, nine months it resides
Her stature is true and she is also strong
Her heart so Loving and caring, right where it belongs
It is woman that God created to be the queen she is, you see
Her nature is so pure, demure, open and wonderfully carefree

Dom*Colucci 2012

The kingdom has monarchy*

The kingdom has monarchy*

Across a vast opening, sunlight breaks out of the sky
The birds on this spring day are delighted and fly by
A new day has come, with fields of wheat golden grain
The wind not strong, blowing o'er the fruited plain
While in the breeze, something has floated I see it in my eye
It is near a patch of daisies, a beautiful Monarch butterfly

Dom*Colucci 2012 

Monday, March 5, 2012

A little you miss, you are wrong*

A little you miss, you are wrong*

I just met some girl who is really out of sight
She tells me all about her life, it seems alright
But what she does to me as I cannot break apart
Stay around a little longer, she will definitely break my heart
Why is she like this?...I keep hearing this crazy song
As she states that she is, this little miss that I cannot be wrong

Dom*Colucci 2012

Saturday, March 3, 2012



In this world some get thrown
Because of what they did was so wrong
A hurt that goes deep inside themselves, a wound
Nothing seems to help, with no relief real soon
But if we all stick together right to the end
It will be because of our Love, our Love to our friends

Dom*Colucci 2012

I am definitely falling in Love*

I am definitely falling in Love*

Sweet spices and perfumed things
Lover, what you do to make my heart sing
We have so much going on together happily
This makes us both embrace in Love so carefree
It is one of the greatest feelings I have with you
Open and blossomed like a flower, our Love so True

Dom*Colucci 2012

One of kind you are*

One of kind you are*

Everything these days talks about being of one
Even if you have very little, if any to none
Love can be that way as well some say
You get what you get and be on your way
But if you find that true Love and both parties care
You just might be heading for that one of kind Love affair

Dom*Colucci 2012

Then came you*

Then came you*

I was bitter and tormented in my heart
My Love never together, as it fell apart
I was just about to throw it in the bag
A feeling tapped me on the shoulder with a snag
It was because of that, it came out of the sky so blue
I looked right in front of me, WOW!!!Then came you

Dom*Colucci 2012

Friday, March 2, 2012

You are back!*

You are back!*

We were once together and it was fun
Both our hearts danced and we became of one
But you had to go away and I felt I would never see you again
I said good bye to you and it felt this was the end
One day came along and knew and felt something for a fact
I seen you pull up in the driveway and I knew you'd come back

Dom*Colucci 2012

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...