Sunday, June 10, 2012

Understanding, the virtue for Love*

Understanding, the virtue for Love*

Oh wondrous morning on a spring day
The sun comes out, the clouds move away
Birds in a playful mood from tree to tree
Nothing but Love is felt as this I can see
Peace and its arrival, it is so clear
Loving every moment, stillness so near

Feeling another Love come, approaching me soon
Many of nights I have awaited in darkness without the moon
Knowing of a vision that I will one day not be alone
My Soul* mate to come into my life and make a happy home
My heart is opened and ready to care of someone so gentle and sweet
But in the meantime I still await patiently, for that day that we will meet

First in your life, you must know who you are as this is the way it goes
You must have this patience within, for with this understanding knows
Then you will see the beauty inside your heart, Loving and care too
You will know how to take care of every circumstance, that comes in front of you
Yes like I said early on, that it is such a wondrous day
This feeling is within me Now, Love unconditional knowing that it will stay

Dom*Colucci 2012

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Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...