Sunday, February 24, 2013

Intimacy in oneness*

Intimacy in oneness*

A seductive moon is out, such a wondrous glow
Passion is in the air, feel this as it flows
Intimacy is within myself, something that I crave
To walk along the beach, through the crashing of the waves
But tonight because of this feeling, not to be on my own
To be in my lover's arms, so that both of us are not alone

Dom*Colucci 2013

Depths you kept*

Depths you kept*

Entice me all the more and bring me to my senses
Take away the barriers from my heart, no need for such fences
Pull me into your life and let me enter into your world
Let us see the closeness of our hearts as this love has unfurled
I will sink further away and know my heart you shall keep
And never pull apart from your love, this feeling that is so deep

Dom*Colucci 2013

My heart is closer when yours is here*

My heart is closer when yours is here*

My lover, not matter how far away he may be
I will always feel his heart from within, next to me
Though right now would be nice to be by his side
For then I know that my heart would be truly satisfied
But I can only sit here and ponder in this warm afternoon
Believing that he will stop by and come see me soon

Dom*Colucci 2013

The heart dances rhythm*

The heart dances rhythm*

Feel the rhythm that is in the beat
The attraction pulls us together as we meet
I take your hand, I have this chance
The music starts to pickup, we begin to dance
Feel the intensity, choreographed as we know
From a Latin salsa, to rumba or even tango

Dom*Colucci 2013

The garden with Soul*

The garden with Soul*

Excuse me from this world as I beg to pardon

I know of a place in a wondrous garden
The fragrance so powerful, that it is there
Intoxicate the senses, wafting through the air
A beauty that is one's eyes and there to please
As you walk with the Soul* and put yourself at ease

Dom*Colucci 2013

Heart to hold love*

Heart to hold love*

The day has come when I can steal away
A place I can be, no involvement from the fray
This secret love affair I take and I hold
The love in my heart, oh so close to the Soul*
To enjoy this freedom as I know this gets better
And send my heart to my lover, a beautiful love letter

Dom*Colucci 2013

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

A window was opened*

A window was opened*

You came to me
I felt your beautiful heart
The joy that will always be
My Love for you is fulfilled
We shall always be
For this message is all my Soul* longed for
Be with me eternal, yes I have longed this moment
It is here, it is your heart, it is your Soul*

Dom*Colucci © 2013

The eulogy*

The eulogy*

Before my eyes close into eternity
And this body is wrinkled and the bones exposed
May my lips taste that one love that is in my Soul*
That heart that has walked with me to this point
That love it gave me uncondittionally
A moment that I can take into oblivion forever
Oh happy Soul*, thine cup of wine I toast to thee
To know that you will take my hand from the shadow of darkness
The light that my eyes you made complete
My loving Soul*, the one that my life you have taken with you
Love it is, love it shall be, love it made me see you in my heart
May we never part as we always did live with each other eternal*

Dom*Colucci © 2013

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Fly away free Soul*

Fly away free Soul*

Oh gift of life that is to me
To be of Soul* that is so free
Being of Soul*, my heart can fly
I take this elation to touch the sky
Beauty that is, what this life is made of
Forever is my life and my Soul* of such love

Dom*Colucci © 2013

Saturday, February 9, 2013

~Happy chocolate Day~ Sweet darkness*

~ Happy Chocolate Day~
Sweet darkness*

How can I ever walk away from this place
To get such sweetness and such a great taste
Oh it must be what I am always aware of
The beauty of pouring a heart and also its love
So in this closing I feel so nice
The decadence of chocolate, so delicious is this spice*

Dom*Colucci © 2013

Despair to make this pair*

Despair to make this pair*

Love has abandoned me, left me stranded all alone
I am out here all by myself and to be on my own
It is like one day that came so bright and shiny too
Now a faded memory as I heard you say I love you

Yes it hurts deep inside of me, you can see
A broken heart in despair, how can it be free
I sit here and wallow as the hours from my heart doth steal
This beautiful rose I once was, the petals start to peel

But I know one day will come but it will not be soon
To mend this broken heart and seal up its wound
Vibrant as I once was, now my energy seems to be gone
Loneliness is my companion, my partner is this one

Dom*Colucci 2013

Friday, February 8, 2013

To wait is divine*

To wait is divine*

Many long nights I did not sleep
Oceans of tears that made me weep
I asked one day that you would be back again
To bring love within my heart so we may begin
But as I was walking down an empty street
I happen to look up a bit, then our eyes did meet
I ran to you as fast as I could
For it became love all over as I knew it would

Dom*Colucci 2013

I am sinking fast in love*

I am sinking fast in love*

Twisted in heavy seas, the tides will turn
My heart must feel strong, only to learn
That it is the love from me to you, I must follow
Even if a wave so big, takes me under in its swallow
Knowing this love is intoxicating that I feel so drunk
Both hearts now open and the depths they have sunk
Please take me under for I know how much you care
That when you do take me under, I will no longer gasp for air

Dom*Colucci 2013

Love naturally*

Love naturally*

The smell of the woods in the early autumn season
To laugh with joy and have love for no reason
My heart is happy now, it is you I found
Romantically involved, placing you gently on the ground
It is a gaze into your Soul* my love does receive
To be a blend of nature, perfumed by fallen leaves

Dom*Colucci 2013

Love keeps going deep*

Love keeps going deep*

Oh a rose I see, joy as it came
Vibrant beauty of the Soul* and love is the same
We have embraced within the depths of our hearts 
Energy vibrates strongly not to be apart
A reflection comes in your eyes so wonderfully clear
You can see us the two flames entwined in the mirror
The fathoms of our love still running deep
The passion we both have in both our hearts to keep

Dom*Colucci 2013

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Love so close*

Love so close*

A fine afternoon, such peace that is here
Drawn to my heart as I feel love crystal clear
The beauty that is within myself in this room
No longer to search for the love to be consumed
For I know of this love that my heart is now made whole
I feel its presence within myself, it is the love of my Soul*

Dom*Colucci 2013

Silver lining in a golden dream*

Silver lining in a golden dream*

Oh golden dreams as I lay upon this bed
Heart that sees in vision, that goes through my head
Pondering of such love, to be within my heart
A flow of rich feelings, continuous not apart
I know of this day will come because this is what I see
Like how the flower awaits for the nectar to be taken by the honey bee

Dom*Colucci 2013

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...