Thursday, August 29, 2013

The Clearing*

The Clearing*

A darkened shadow has left the night
Running quickly away, for it sees the light
A new day has brought sun so high
The clouds are free from bondage to show blue skies
To my eyes that seem to be opened I get a view
And a purpose to move forward and to go on through

Felt what is here in all that is in surround
A blend of blank canvas without a sound
Clarity seems to be the goal that is here
But without this feeling ever, how can one see so clear
No thoughts is the aim one must have targeted to strive
This will show no effort in moving through one's life

A reality has emerged and I can see this ahead
But I chose to stay vigil inside with Soul* instead
Now that I know of such reality as it is objective to me
I stop and ponder with the moment and move subjectively
This is within me my teacher is definitely hidden
But to be of outside structure, conformity to be ridden

Whirling more out of this moment into the next
My clarity is showing me more within and not to be vexed
A light that is guiding me from the outer realm
I know of the captain that is here, as he takes the helm
I feel strictly aligned as I focus to be centered
No doors or windows just an inner hole to be entered

The light has me aligned and I seek no more to be
Coming closer and closer and closer, to become who is me
This line of attraction, there is no turning back as of now
The Universe is my road and my Soul* the guide to allow
I am in so deep but each depthness it is not
I hit each level on the surface as I am right on the spot

No more is my past as this shadow of darkness is leaving
I see with the light that is me, not illusion no longer deceiving
Yes, this seems to be of settling in the final resting place
A big womb of freedom, the entire Universe in space
Oh glorious path I have come as this is my Soul* and its treasure that it brought
I have finally found all in the Universe, aligned, focus and center I have sought

So now that I came in this journey within
The hands of time are gone, no longer to do it again
As I said of this place that settled here it is still
My intention has now been met as it matches its will
Future, a word for the folly and the strange
Alignment for the present and no longer of the deranged

Yes I am here though it took a spell
I made it with stillness and silence, no utterance to tell
All around me now is once to be done
Movement in and movement out, that moment is gone
Illusions that seem before to dance around and take root
I live this within me, this substance is Soul* and the Truth

Gone forever where I use to stand
A past that was a dream is now a forgotten land
Even this notion of what one thinks of a day
Has been replaced by instead a movement here with the way
I am all alone with this Awakening that now is here and not in the nearing
Look at what has happened, as it is my Soul* with me we belong to the Clearing*

It is over as over made it*

Dominic Colucci 2012

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Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...