Saturday, July 16, 2016

One must sleep before they are awakened*

One must sleep before they are awakened*

Every bit of detail in life evaporates 
On to another section that it creates
Gone is what you have just seen
Like it was enveloped in the open it seemed
For  it was a motion picture moving on
Turn your head and blink your eyes, it's done

Nothing is anchored down
Even from silence, the slightest of sound
Yet this movie continues to prevail
So then this illusion becomes a fairy tale 
To the one in the hub watches this wheel
How this illusion entices the Soul* to steal

As the wheel continues its movement on its way
To the enlightened one, it has broke free not to stay
Still no matter what in this sea of nothingness
The only fulfillment from nothing more is balance to nothing less
To be that one that becomes wise to what it takes
Just learn to let go, open your eyes and become Awake

Dom*Colucci © 2016

The ending came as it croaked*

The ending came as it croaked*

A nice afternoon is where I begin
I arrive at a pond to meditate within
Joyful as this is peace that it brings
I am underneath a locust tree, songbirds start to sing
I affix my self in an opening near the reeds
Ready to look inside myself, a moment to be free 

I sit  in a lotus position, I fit my being centrally as I stay
Now I am in my focus, my eyes turn inward in a gaze
It all comes together this feeling of bliss and to be still
I have made it to the other side without effort to my will
The world around me has enveloped me in such peace
Even right Now from raging winds this all came to a cease

I go a little deeper and a more placid sense of calm
I open my eyes a bit and see no ripples on the pond
The trees in a distance little movement as they stay
It is like they do ZAZEN, in the night and all day
But out of all this a little utterance from the wind as it spoke
When I awakened out of this, it was because a bull frog just croaked

Dom*Colucci © 2016

Journey to end with the light*

Journey to end with the light*

Life one day started out like a candle stick
Inside of it was its path, the wick
Once it was on its way to be lit
This light took direction and that was it
Melting it was through the moments in time
Each spot through this it made, oxygen it did find

Lower and lower the wick burned through
A steady flame that knew what to do
No longer was it to be upright and firm
It just kept moving onward, the wick it did burn
Dissolving with itself, a waxy build up in the blend
A lit step at a time, nearing it's end

One thing that was noticed, expiration so near
It was the past of this candle, that was slowly to disappear 
Once things are in motion there is only one thing do
Is surviving in the next moment, something they must go through
Like are friend the candle not goo from it's blend
But was it great use on the path from beginning to end

Dom*Colucci © 2016

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...