Monday, February 18, 2019

Happiness first, wealth will follow*

Happiness first, wealth will follow*

Have you ever had an insight from a great feeling?
To know that this is very positive as the negative is not stealing
As though the negative has taken to one blind eye
To not hear an utter from it asking this why?

So deep you feel your life will change from this
You know the keys of the Universe, not to resist
For whatever comes by in your life you will let it pass
For all situations your hands cannot hold onto or grasp

You are experiencing great abundance and know how to receive
Happiness is attracting financial wealth you cannot believe
Though many say I will be happy when more comes my way
But miss the point in being happy always, being present this stays

I once seen a movie The Secret by Rhonda Byrnes
A key that she told me in the movie I have learned
If you focus on the negative ones the positive ones cannot come through
I have live what this says as this is definitely true

But I did turn it around to see what it makes
Yes this is a winner indeed and for heaven's sake
Because now I look back and see what I accomplished
It was everything to this point that was really my wish

So in now knowing that I have always focused on in what to get
My life that I know now will be successful to be met
I just keep visualizing on the strengths of health
Knowing gratitude that my health definitely meets financial wealth

Dom*Colucci © 2019

Happiness is a minority*

Happiness is a minority*

We all believe that if something is drowned out
Somehow knowing that is what judgment is about
So separate we look at things in our view
Subconsciously trained from early age in what we knew

Taking sides in favor, a prejudice allowed
With other groups to lead us on like sheeple, we are its crowd
But did you ever stop to "think" about this
That there is a group no one sees that exists

Yes, because you are too busy in what you were taught
Hate and categorizing a larger group to overcome, you sought
Bet you do not know what group this minority really is
It is a group of people that have truly found happiness

They have no convictions in so many others
Their belief is they found within and not another
So the next time you are in with who the majority will rule
It really is the minority, who is the "happiness" and not the fools

Dom*Colucci © 2019

U'r-TURN comes*

U'r-TURN comes*

Always we are here on terra ferma in the spin
From sun up to sun down again and again
Nowhere really to go as the point we come back to
So it is the same old same old in what we all do

Simple is the struggle, we are into the grind
Walking along the surface, moving along on the rind
But do you know you can break totally free from this
Yes it is called allowance and never to resist

You get to a part in your being with this life
And call upon your opponent who seems to be strife
If we came here to be happy in a continuous state
Then don't you know you can break behavior's traits

Because if it has to work in an essence called moaning
It has to work the other side without any groaning
Yes there is a positive side in effortless being
And a path without obstacles that inner guide is seeing

So easy like driving a car down the road
In doing so making your "thinking" a U-TURN mode
Once you start seeing where you are without
Your life begins to see more as you lose your doubts

It is your center, where balance is your CORE
Now that you entered, happiness emanates in open doors
You are no longer a person who wishes external reflection
From the depths you become, now this is your direction

Once comfortably seated, now this place is known
You have found the origin which always was here,  your home
From existence that was from life before as that moment ends
Yes you have now evolved to a higher consciousness, this you transcend

You are no longer on a path from cause to condition
The path now disappeared from that expedition
In knowing who you are from here forward this day
You are your the rhythm of the Universe, the TAO*, the way

Dom*Colucci © 2019

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Feeling out but fitting in*

Feeling out but fitting in*

Does it ever feel miserable that reality is not fair?
Could it be out of alignment or something in the air?
Doing your best to make things meet
Hoping that this shall past and also be complete

But something comes along and knocks it out of the way
Is it that somewhere there is resistance not allowing it as it may?
So the moment pulls you in that struggle becomes your friend
You do your best to release this and hope this is the end

A deeper look you say as you begin to see
You now get the idea from this and be totally free
Tho you had a lesson from this time and time again
Now you know that all things are in sync and always fit in

Dom*Colucci © 2019

A point you have to return*

A point you have to return*

Are you here when the "mind" as away it drifts?
Where could it be going from the "thoughts" that it sifts?
Does it know of something out there that could be better?
Or when it detaches from consciousness does it really matter?

What is it doing in what it seeks?
Does it try to find what is hidden as it takes a peek?
As it moves away from one like a white cloud in the sky
The tether is still here deep in one's eye

From perspective that one has in what it sees
Cannot go beyond with limitations not to be free
So what is its point in whatever external in what it learns
For wherever it goes out there, it has to return

Dom*Colucci © 2019

A blanket of deep sleep

A blanket of deep sleep

Lay not a carpet that holds the green of roots
But this to uphold and give it strength from its truth
That it shall be covered by another in layers come the day
To keep it solely protected frosty moments here to stay

So let it be that the fall rots away in release from the trees
Soon it will be winter standing so naked but totally free
Each limb that stands out grasping the wind in its might
But when sunshine comes, passing through in open light

From this protection that gives mulchy leaves to the ground
The grass goes to sleep and its neighbors as well in the surround
Another year has come and the winter makes all sleep
Nature looks within for warmth to go a little deep

Snow harks in and each snow flake grows more
Falling from the clouds and hitting pockets in the floor
Holding on to everything attracted frozen delight
No more is the detail, white sugary coating now in sight

This dream it has with rich soil in green is this grass
It knows with a little patience, that this slumber shall pass
Until that day comes with nights so cold and days cloudy gloom
It will open up and spread out in which springtime made its room

Dom*Colucci © 2019

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Now will never be somewhere else*

Now will never be somewhere else*

It sits in a place that is not even in this consciousness yet but it is becoming more and more of what it is to be. The movement of one is making this happen to come into this reality to perform with. One by one each step is processed fully as it knows of its turn of events before it arrives. Without knowing of this but it does come to be and starts to see a sequence in where it is going, orchestrated by that one movement that made it come.

In awareness it already has began to take shape and move on into the unknown that readies to greet this. Once it does arrive it is now seen and because of its seeing it stays only momentarily. It was a sort of magic that those do see it to be but it is from that one that has been here before as they are here now that know why it came. As I said in knowing without knowing for in this reality logic is replaced in a world that just is. Without any "thought" it acts on its own. It is of its own space in clarity and knows where it is going as said it was here before. It is like the wind that just knows that it is arriving without seeing it at all and just does. This is the best example I can give it without explaining.

For there never was a world that man cling onto but a Universe that kept moving nowhere to be but right here in doing everything so the way its nature seen it to be without "thought". Seems mankind never caught up to this notion but involved himself in the physical anchor he has chose to carry and attached with himself. But the one that did see it, evolved into the next level that eliminated themselves in a world of prison within and seen that all things come and go for their own accord and to the awakened one that just views all to be a movie they are no longer a part

Man still wishes ownership in his eyes that he cannot have because whatever is outside is and will never be himself. But when he detaches from this exhausting illusion in fear, worry and guilt he can see many things that make all happen right where it is for it is him without effort that makes it all work out without "thought". Now he is devoid of what the world truly "expects" himself to be but just that he is to be seems better, like how a flower has no pressure in getting where it always was. Here. 

"NOW" see how this worked. It was always here and you never left right where you are. You just believed that you did but never did at all. It just seems to know always. Enjoy this present for it is only now that we will always have and not an anchor to tug around with in a movie filled with illusions. You can call that its own magic that works without a magician indeed.

Dom*Colucci © 2013   

~The return of the dragonfly~

~The return of the dragonfly~

The morning beckons the wholeness of the sun. All is calm along the lake. A bit of dew begins to walk away without despair as it knows how the brightness is slowly taking away a veil. But something is moving about along side the shore. Flutter is its wings. Back and forth as it settles on a rock. Seems to be its favorite and takes refuge for the moment right there. Possibly some stretching to do as its wing span is enormous for its frail body to carry but still it does. 

Off into the calm of the lake as it seems to know of another side where it came from. Disappearance into a blend but sees clearly to be of one. It has found another spot to take refuge on and settles only momentarily where it is. It is coherent of its surroundings and aware of all that is near it for it really does not have to go that far in doing anything it wishes.

Slight bit of stillness, it is meditating within for its next move which in fact is within. It sees deeply that it does not go far in anything it has done or doing. The staple of its life is right there continuous and abides by such content. Nothing can ever move it away from the spot it has found. Even with its wings that can take it to any of the four corners in the Universe but like said it still abides in its contentment.

Did you see where it went to? It has disappeared once again but the day is nearing the end and it seems that it shall be back another time. It was only a dream that came and left. If it comes back then it knows to be awakened for in dreams they move onward and they let go leaving themselves in the past but for the reality of it to stay it is awakened for it returns right back where it always started. Its origin never left and it knows how it returns. It was where it was placed as it knew and the scenery it was shown prior to its birth, for it is awakened and came back to its same rock along the shore exactly where it left it. 

It is the return of the dragonfly that knew all along without knowing at all where it was, because now it just is. ZEN*

Dom*Colucci © 2013   

Sunday, February 3, 2019

A lesson in a Bodhisattva*

A lesson in a Bodhisattva*

I do not know if this is accurate in writing this but I seen this in one of the ZEN* stories I read awhile back.

It seems that there was a hunter on a mountain looking for bear for his game sport. When he was traipsing along the woods nearing a clearing, he seen a bear close by and made a noise. The bear turned to him and started charging after him as well. The hunter got frightened and lost his weapon to kill the bear. 

When the bear finally caught up with the hunter it stood in a dominant position making the hunter more fear in his life. So the next best thing the hunter could do is get in a fetal position and play dead for the bear in hopes to distract the bear back to where it came from.

Well, the bear sniffed around the hunter and knew he was not dead but for some reason or another it felt obligated and sort of sorry it did that to the hunter even though the hunter was out to kill it. So the bear took the hunter like it does when it carries its young back to the cave where the bear lives.

Inside the cave was two other cubs that it was taking care of. As moments went on it seemed that the bear knew to let go of the hunter and pushed him out of the cave like it was saying bye to him for the last time. So the hunter left the cave and went on his way down the mountain.

Upon reaching two other hunters going up the mountain, one of the hunters asked the hunter that was taken care of the bear if he seen any bear in the woods they can hunt for. Now mind you this hunter was just taken care of by a bear that saved his life from its own danger, as the hunter without hesitation pointed up the mountain where the cave was with such bear. Right then and there he became of such pain never to lift anything again in his life as it was treacherous agony he was now involved in.

The moral of this story is that there are Bodhisattva's or saviors in people's lives and if they are pulled from such calamities or dangers or hell from such life there was a reason for gratitude in doing so. If one scoffs at it they become their own worst nightmare, as in this case for the hunter to point out where the bear was, was his own KARMA of never holding onto something again and paid the price for such doing after the bear had saved his life from being swallowed alive by the bear and her cubs. Appreciate all things in life no matter how small or ridiculous they are for the time being for they are hidden corrections in making you on your path to see where you are going in your life*

Dom*Colucci © 2013

Do you hear spring?

Do you hear spring?

Wild is the ground with a seed so deep
But not for long and not to keep
Minute by minute and hour by hour
When it arrives no struggle is the flower
Pushing through, yes that is what it can do
A bud to bloom, what wonder in view
Many come now that winter is over
Settling down in beautiful cover
Sunlight and rain, flowers rise up and sing
Can you hear that? Once again it's spring

Dom*Colucci © 2018

Attracting a positive life*

Attracting a positive life*

For a moment while I am here
Let us get out of the fuzzy and make it clear
So you say that you are in debt
Subliminally not knowing is what you see is what you get
So now that a glimmer has shown you with a hint
This begins to look a little better without a tint

You see it is what you are doing that makes it attract
You keep "thinking" about it and it is still on your back
But let us just say that now you "think" of the opposite side
And you become discipline in this "thinking" you abide
Instead of having doubt and saying "I suppose"
Those are not the words that you have chose

Yes it is all in a part of a frequency of greater attitude
This is a shift in being thankful or gratitude
And with this shift we see that we cannot resist
Do what I did and start making a separate list
Start with the one list with positive things to say
And stem from that and you will see a way

Now also write down the negative ones too
Noticing that these are minor and really not you
So now as you see with what focus to of course be
All you have is remember that positive list and you will see
Some things may still flair up and have a little tift
But keep your focus stronger on the positive shift

When you become good at this as a master as well
You will know the track you are on and each moment will tell
Because now like before your  conditions have been freed
And you are now of a positive creed
Good luck on your journey out of debt that you know
Remember you are life, death is negative and life always flows

 Dom*Colucci © 2019

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Freedom is when you truly see*

Freedom is when you truly see*

Freedom that we just do not see
We believe it is agenda to all humanity
But humanity relies on a condition from another man
Hence this is false this truth does not stand

For that man does not know who he is
His way of life does not go from that to this
He puts himself in a bind all around
His source is within and not the surround

It is his ego that he believes is his power
But his life diminishes more and more from second to hour
It is the texture of nothing that he walks in
He does not see it for it it hits him again and gain

For this is his freedom nothingness is his truth
The way of life he follows is like a tree without roots
So if he uses strength in liberation to be
This man is only fooling himself in never to be free

Dom*Colucci © 2019

Friday, February 1, 2019

~Bodhisattva mosquito~

~Bodhisattva mosquito~

 There once was a traveler going across many lands. He did not stay in too many towns as he retreated mostly in the mountains and along trails in the forest. He was deeply in tuned with his nature and it was his awareness and insights that made him know many things before they ever happened. It was a very hot summer where he was but he took it easy where he was going.

 Along his journey he became weary and a bit tired and decided to take refuge under a spruce tree in the forest. He laid down on some leaves and took out a small quilt from his pack. Finally he was deep in his slumber, when all of the sudden he heard a buzzing in his ear. He brushed it away many times but that buzzing kept coming back. He had just about enough of that buzzing and woke up. It was a blood thirsty mosquito or was it? 

 What he did not know when he was shooing the flying pest away there was a terrible forest fire approaching him in the surround. He looked at the situation and fled through an opening just barely missing the flames that were fast approaching. He made it unscathed and felt relieved that he did. But then it dawned on him and he was taken back for a second. It was the mosquito warning him of impending danger coming and he had to get up quickly or he would perish in such a terrible environment.

 Just the small innocent things that many take for granted or ignore all together that are our Bodhisattvas. They are planted in our lives to reach another point in a our quest to be awakened as this is the workings of the Soul* that knows of us right where we are as we have been here before with it. Never scoff away something that you might believe it is a pest for it truly is a savior in disguise.

Dom*Colucci © 2013

A clearing that sees within from without*

A clearing that sees within from without*

I start on the path at the bottom of the mountain
One foot over the other and pushing upward like a fountain
A strong force is pushing back onto me
It is invisible and it goes through us all, it is gravity
But with correct breathing this seems to make one at ease
Pressure not so intense as it begins to cease
The halfway mark, how did I do?
The path I stay on keeps the summit in view
A few more steps and some turns with a bend
This I know with a clearing yes it is the end
So now that I have made to the top
3491 feet at 40 degrees that was my stop
So I know that I cannot go any further to see
The point at which I am at is where the clouds look back at me

Dom*Colucci © 2019

The center of the teacup has no veil*

The center of the teacup has no veil*

Just take a good look around you and see that all is suffering no matter if it looks pleasant or not. For deep down inside all suffer from insecurities in fear, worry, anger and guilt and it is because they are all a part of a dream.

You say a "dream". Yes, if you go a little deeper than what you are seeing you will see that it is you as well dreaming and in this dream you are actually contributing to their KARMA in wishes to have what they have but because of this what they have is KARMA and that is why it comes to you more and more. In this dream your wishes are to be free from mental and physical burdens because this is your belief that you are suffering from. Without the cause there is no condition and that in pursuance gives you this pain.

OK, moving ahead with this in the deeper reality you are seeing. So you are pulling away from this dream and realizing who you are that you were always meant to be and that is to be awakened in which in fact you are, as you are dreaming of you in the awakened state but not fully developed like a flower in its bloom. As a matter of fact the more you are pulling away from this state of being the more you are orchestrating it like a director in a movie watching the script act out for you as you are slowly not belonging of that world you are watching but being in the world that you are seeing.It is like you got behind the mirror and was no longer of that reality you believed with all its pain and suffering and now observing how others react to keep their dreams alive and still going. This is where the suffering continues in playing off others to continue this unknown script of dreaming as others cannot see the end in sight for them while they are still 'trying' to piece something together that in fact is an illusion that they wish in desire to have and work out for them. In ZEN* there is a riddle called two hands clapping make a sound as one hand sounds like what? Nothing as there is no duality in nothing as nothing always came from the first. So right then and there you see that now all is an illusion and this illusion wishes to dance with you in keeping that dream alive.

Now with the little experience I have in waking up with two awakened truths of my own as I did not know what this was in a green or young state of awareness, as I aborted from it and went back into complacency of the world of homo sapien, I can see that once one does fully awaken they are no longer of that picture that is moving on the wheel as all has been satisfied in balance and with balance one can no longer be a part of the KARMA that people in the dream are still pursuing so then this becomes a no obstacle path in where you go for where you go will always be here where you were meant and the blueprinted Soul* knows of all your well being in everything endeavor that is inside you and no longer is that search in the dream possible. it is like you just became an oak tree and now satisfied and content right where you are and in this awakened truth that trust bonded between you and within has paid off to make you see that you have been missing while you were of someone else's KARMA and following them around in analyzation by willing your life like theirs instead of yours. You just did not know that you had this wisdom inside of yourself as to be attached to the Great Mahayana or wheel of suffering you did not see where all this was coming from as you were directing it and being an actor in playing it out as well.

All around you that surrounds you is non physical and it is called stillness and because it is like this it as well, it is the center of the teacup in balance and in balance it is called nothingness. Nothingness or no-thingness surrounds us all as it is in this then when the veil is finally remove it is no-thingness can ever be seen again as now you are getting a clearer picture of where you are and who you are as the best example of this is my mantra which is the center of the teacup. You can see how round the teacup is but you cannot see the center that made it as all that is in the round is the wheel of suffering and because it is the wheel it wears a veil that it follows others with their KARMA as well. So when that center is emptied it can no longer be of that world and that world cannot see your world because of their wishes, desires, hopes and dreams they are still pursuing but instead following KARMA and getting lost in it. To me the veil is gone and the reality you are now in is played out in whole part by what is within yourself and to me that is fully blown awakened awareness in your own intuition that you have seen yourself from before in the vague state of dreaming but now opened and self realized in who you always were. Awakened.

Dom*Colucci © 2013

My eyes see it come back*

My eyes see it come back*

Many years ago when I use to believe
My eyes had sight in goals to perceive
Strong for reason knowing it works out somehow
"Mind" within such perception when one allows
As time went by and there was such a struggle
What was I striving for in this uphill tussle?

Could this be in what we came here for?
Or something that is lesser than this that could be more
For some odd feeling there was no outside the box
I had the key within myself to open up this lock
The fuel was desire into it I fell
Conditioning for many years under its spell

As it is suffering that comes from desires
This conditioning was ignorance that was hardwired
But now I see the world is not outside
Instead I seek in depths within so vast and wide
This was what I came here for and I should have known
All these moments past it was the me I didn't know was shown

So now that to which I seek can no longer be
That to which I sought for is inside of me
I guess when  you start out in life the path is really here
Learning from ignorance in an external world is not so clear
But with a little bit of know how and discipline with dedication
You will now see your eyes turn back within this direction

Dom*Colucci © 2019

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...