Friday, February 1, 2019

~Bodhisattva mosquito~

~Bodhisattva mosquito~

 There once was a traveler going across many lands. He did not stay in too many towns as he retreated mostly in the mountains and along trails in the forest. He was deeply in tuned with his nature and it was his awareness and insights that made him know many things before they ever happened. It was a very hot summer where he was but he took it easy where he was going.

 Along his journey he became weary and a bit tired and decided to take refuge under a spruce tree in the forest. He laid down on some leaves and took out a small quilt from his pack. Finally he was deep in his slumber, when all of the sudden he heard a buzzing in his ear. He brushed it away many times but that buzzing kept coming back. He had just about enough of that buzzing and woke up. It was a blood thirsty mosquito or was it? 

 What he did not know when he was shooing the flying pest away there was a terrible forest fire approaching him in the surround. He looked at the situation and fled through an opening just barely missing the flames that were fast approaching. He made it unscathed and felt relieved that he did. But then it dawned on him and he was taken back for a second. It was the mosquito warning him of impending danger coming and he had to get up quickly or he would perish in such a terrible environment.

 Just the small innocent things that many take for granted or ignore all together that are our Bodhisattvas. They are planted in our lives to reach another point in a our quest to be awakened as this is the workings of the Soul* that knows of us right where we are as we have been here before with it. Never scoff away something that you might believe it is a pest for it truly is a savior in disguise.

Dom*Colucci © 2013

1 comment:

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...