Monday, February 18, 2019

U'r-TURN comes*

U'r-TURN comes*

Always we are here on terra ferma in the spin
From sun up to sun down again and again
Nowhere really to go as the point we come back to
So it is the same old same old in what we all do

Simple is the struggle, we are into the grind
Walking along the surface, moving along on the rind
But do you know you can break totally free from this
Yes it is called allowance and never to resist

You get to a part in your being with this life
And call upon your opponent who seems to be strife
If we came here to be happy in a continuous state
Then don't you know you can break behavior's traits

Because if it has to work in an essence called moaning
It has to work the other side without any groaning
Yes there is a positive side in effortless being
And a path without obstacles that inner guide is seeing

So easy like driving a car down the road
In doing so making your "thinking" a U-TURN mode
Once you start seeing where you are without
Your life begins to see more as you lose your doubts

It is your center, where balance is your CORE
Now that you entered, happiness emanates in open doors
You are no longer a person who wishes external reflection
From the depths you become, now this is your direction

Once comfortably seated, now this place is known
You have found the origin which always was here,  your home
From existence that was from life before as that moment ends
Yes you have now evolved to a higher consciousness, this you transcend

You are no longer on a path from cause to condition
The path now disappeared from that expedition
In knowing who you are from here forward this day
You are your the rhythm of the Universe, the TAO*, the way

Dom*Colucci © 2019

1 comment:

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...