Monday, February 18, 2019

Happiness first, wealth will follow*

Happiness first, wealth will follow*

Have you ever had an insight from a great feeling?
To know that this is very positive as the negative is not stealing
As though the negative has taken to one blind eye
To not hear an utter from it asking this why?

So deep you feel your life will change from this
You know the keys of the Universe, not to resist
For whatever comes by in your life you will let it pass
For all situations your hands cannot hold onto or grasp

You are experiencing great abundance and know how to receive
Happiness is attracting financial wealth you cannot believe
Though many say I will be happy when more comes my way
But miss the point in being happy always, being present this stays

I once seen a movie The Secret by Rhonda Byrnes
A key that she told me in the movie I have learned
If you focus on the negative ones the positive ones cannot come through
I have live what this says as this is definitely true

But I did turn it around to see what it makes
Yes this is a winner indeed and for heaven's sake
Because now I look back and see what I accomplished
It was everything to this point that was really my wish

So in now knowing that I have always focused on in what to get
My life that I know now will be successful to be met
I just keep visualizing on the strengths of health
Knowing gratitude that my health definitely meets financial wealth

Dom*Colucci © 2019

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Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...