Sunday, February 3, 2019

A lesson in a Bodhisattva*

A lesson in a Bodhisattva*

I do not know if this is accurate in writing this but I seen this in one of the ZEN* stories I read awhile back.

It seems that there was a hunter on a mountain looking for bear for his game sport. When he was traipsing along the woods nearing a clearing, he seen a bear close by and made a noise. The bear turned to him and started charging after him as well. The hunter got frightened and lost his weapon to kill the bear. 

When the bear finally caught up with the hunter it stood in a dominant position making the hunter more fear in his life. So the next best thing the hunter could do is get in a fetal position and play dead for the bear in hopes to distract the bear back to where it came from.

Well, the bear sniffed around the hunter and knew he was not dead but for some reason or another it felt obligated and sort of sorry it did that to the hunter even though the hunter was out to kill it. So the bear took the hunter like it does when it carries its young back to the cave where the bear lives.

Inside the cave was two other cubs that it was taking care of. As moments went on it seemed that the bear knew to let go of the hunter and pushed him out of the cave like it was saying bye to him for the last time. So the hunter left the cave and went on his way down the mountain.

Upon reaching two other hunters going up the mountain, one of the hunters asked the hunter that was taken care of the bear if he seen any bear in the woods they can hunt for. Now mind you this hunter was just taken care of by a bear that saved his life from its own danger, as the hunter without hesitation pointed up the mountain where the cave was with such bear. Right then and there he became of such pain never to lift anything again in his life as it was treacherous agony he was now involved in.

The moral of this story is that there are Bodhisattva's or saviors in people's lives and if they are pulled from such calamities or dangers or hell from such life there was a reason for gratitude in doing so. If one scoffs at it they become their own worst nightmare, as in this case for the hunter to point out where the bear was, was his own KARMA of never holding onto something again and paid the price for such doing after the bear had saved his life from being swallowed alive by the bear and her cubs. Appreciate all things in life no matter how small or ridiculous they are for the time being for they are hidden corrections in making you on your path to see where you are going in your life*

Dom*Colucci © 2013

1 comment:

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...