Friday, February 1, 2019

The center of the teacup has no veil*

The center of the teacup has no veil*

Just take a good look around you and see that all is suffering no matter if it looks pleasant or not. For deep down inside all suffer from insecurities in fear, worry, anger and guilt and it is because they are all a part of a dream.

You say a "dream". Yes, if you go a little deeper than what you are seeing you will see that it is you as well dreaming and in this dream you are actually contributing to their KARMA in wishes to have what they have but because of this what they have is KARMA and that is why it comes to you more and more. In this dream your wishes are to be free from mental and physical burdens because this is your belief that you are suffering from. Without the cause there is no condition and that in pursuance gives you this pain.

OK, moving ahead with this in the deeper reality you are seeing. So you are pulling away from this dream and realizing who you are that you were always meant to be and that is to be awakened in which in fact you are, as you are dreaming of you in the awakened state but not fully developed like a flower in its bloom. As a matter of fact the more you are pulling away from this state of being the more you are orchestrating it like a director in a movie watching the script act out for you as you are slowly not belonging of that world you are watching but being in the world that you are seeing.It is like you got behind the mirror and was no longer of that reality you believed with all its pain and suffering and now observing how others react to keep their dreams alive and still going. This is where the suffering continues in playing off others to continue this unknown script of dreaming as others cannot see the end in sight for them while they are still 'trying' to piece something together that in fact is an illusion that they wish in desire to have and work out for them. In ZEN* there is a riddle called two hands clapping make a sound as one hand sounds like what? Nothing as there is no duality in nothing as nothing always came from the first. So right then and there you see that now all is an illusion and this illusion wishes to dance with you in keeping that dream alive.

Now with the little experience I have in waking up with two awakened truths of my own as I did not know what this was in a green or young state of awareness, as I aborted from it and went back into complacency of the world of homo sapien, I can see that once one does fully awaken they are no longer of that picture that is moving on the wheel as all has been satisfied in balance and with balance one can no longer be a part of the KARMA that people in the dream are still pursuing so then this becomes a no obstacle path in where you go for where you go will always be here where you were meant and the blueprinted Soul* knows of all your well being in everything endeavor that is inside you and no longer is that search in the dream possible. it is like you just became an oak tree and now satisfied and content right where you are and in this awakened truth that trust bonded between you and within has paid off to make you see that you have been missing while you were of someone else's KARMA and following them around in analyzation by willing your life like theirs instead of yours. You just did not know that you had this wisdom inside of yourself as to be attached to the Great Mahayana or wheel of suffering you did not see where all this was coming from as you were directing it and being an actor in playing it out as well.

All around you that surrounds you is non physical and it is called stillness and because it is like this it as well, it is the center of the teacup in balance and in balance it is called nothingness. Nothingness or no-thingness surrounds us all as it is in this then when the veil is finally remove it is no-thingness can ever be seen again as now you are getting a clearer picture of where you are and who you are as the best example of this is my mantra which is the center of the teacup. You can see how round the teacup is but you cannot see the center that made it as all that is in the round is the wheel of suffering and because it is the wheel it wears a veil that it follows others with their KARMA as well. So when that center is emptied it can no longer be of that world and that world cannot see your world because of their wishes, desires, hopes and dreams they are still pursuing but instead following KARMA and getting lost in it. To me the veil is gone and the reality you are now in is played out in whole part by what is within yourself and to me that is fully blown awakened awareness in your own intuition that you have seen yourself from before in the vague state of dreaming but now opened and self realized in who you always were. Awakened.

Dom*Colucci © 2013

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Clearly stated so beautiful*

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