Friday, March 12, 2010

Gravity and the effects on material with the Soul*

Gravity and the effects on material with the Soul*

I.Gravity is a force that Universe cannot escape from

A.Gravity is a constant force

1.All things exist they have gravity

a.Out of these that exist only in a physical subjective reality
b.The force is perpetual therefore all things seek balance
c.The balance sought can never be achieve due to Consciousness
d.Consciousness is the necessary cause to make things in existence move
e. Thought processes are in Consciousness

2.Consciousness of the thought process

a.Allows the process to generate what is outside itself to be used with force
b.From restriction and resistance this force creates art of living
c.Art of living is made through ones eye of creation from thought
d.This part of art of living and creation is generated by Soul

B.Soul and Gravity

1.Soul reacts with gravity to create its image

a.Soul enjoys the physical realm to come back
b.Soul knew of itself with physical as it becomes man/woman
c.Previous life made Soul longing to come back
1.Suggestion of the Tibetan Book of the Dead made it seek its own parents
2.Sees its parents and is manifested
3.From the force of gravity child is Now created into the physical
d.Soul has Now latched on to the physical for its Spiritual journey
1.The dangers of the Spiritual journey are the ego or ignorance
2.Ignorance comes in the form of attraction with temptation
3.This force is the same as gravity
4.Utilized improperly then KARMA has to be fulfilled
5.Salvation of itself recognized when the weed is found
6.It starts with the attitude one portrays in being
7.Negative attitudes usually carry this as to seek outside oneself is one
e.Soul is Now found the cause and uses effect under the force of gravity
1.Undergoes the realm of mediation and brain entrainment
2.One makes oneself at ease with the calming and settling of ones Awareness
3.Calming and settling are a part of gravity
4.Makes things come to rest with itself
5.It is the Soul(energy) that makes ones movement, from form into formless seamlessly

2.All things bound by gravity

a.The Soul is attached to physical
b.Physical can never break the bonds of leaving gravity
c.Gravity is the force of the Universe
d.The Universe is always here
e.No exceptions and no escape for anything to leave this Universe
f.Physical dies because of gravity and the Soul is the moving force of the Universe
g.Soul will never leave because of this force as its job is never ending
1.Even through birth and death and rebirth Soul mixes it with gravity
2.Soul achieves Enlightenment goes to the next dimension of Awareness
3.Next dimension of Awareness also has gravity because it is in the Universe
4.It is the proper way of the use of gravity as in respect of the Law
5.Law Now becomes balanced and all is fitting in the Universe for Soul;

B.Gravity and its future

1.All things are bound by this

a.The Soul and physical body will always be bound by this force
b.Introduction of a newer dimension in Spiritual life once ascertained Enlightenment
c.Nirvana is a state of Awareness where no resistance or restrictions exist except Universal gravity

2.Utilization of this force
a.Midway point between positive and negative forces
b.Introduction of the TAO

3.Disappearance of the objective world and enter subject
a.Soul is subjective as it co-creates in midway of its LOA
b.Soul will always be bound by gravity even when it is not in the physical
c.Physical agrees it has nowhere else to go but to be compatible to its driver, the Soul
d.Harmony abounds and it is brought home forever

C.God is gravity and God is LOA

1.No one escapes this force because of God

2.God's wishes for you is to know this force

3.God's wishes for you is to know the LOA
a.In doing so you will see how this benefits you to become focused aligned and centered in walking the midway path

4.God is the Ultimate and so is the Soul

5.So both are infinite as much as gravity always shall be

6.Both are energetic forces that can never be created or destroyed but live in the moment which is the Now or present

D.Become One with God

1.Respect of the Laws because one cannot fool oneself from it

2.Once done then one seeks the happiness within for all things to work
a.Either LOA or gravity
b.Chi in Qiqong area becomes more refined and useful and body becomes Aware of this feeling
c. Balance is Now been succeeded

3.God has allowed you to enter the next dimension of Higher Awareness due to respect

Dom*Colucci 2010


  1. interesting explanation.

    with lots of love.

  2. Golden Lotus of God's was taken from a youtube video about a ball that was levitating and seen how it is still restricted with matter and used it in the context of the Soul as it is also bounded by gravity as well..enjoy my Love(+)


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