Monday, March 15, 2010

Subjects are subjective and never objective*

Subjects are subjective never objective*

Once upon time there was a thing called the outside world or in this case it was the objective reality. Out of this came many things that one eye could see. So in its attempt to be outside oneself one decided to venture outward and touch this beautiful illusion. When one did so the feeling was so enormous that it forgot who this was and then felt isolated from that to which it was.

In a feverish attempt this being tried so hard to relinquish this feeling as I will call it guilt. So it went back to the same spot where it came from initially and pleaded so very hard of its wrong doing but to no avail. As Now this is where its eyes of objectivity in the world begin and is known that you cannot step on the same piece of water twice or rewrite the history to be the way it was. Because of this it was and so a counter measure had to be made to produce an illusional sensation it longed for with an invisible being that came out of focus with.

Now this went on as to bear another offspring from the two of split that once were whole and confusion came but still knew of Love. As time went on the objective world was getting filled and with the filling came with liberties that made many worried about the attachments they had in the outer reality. As Now these things that the beings were attached to were becoming their gods as is was in the beginning with the one that spurred all into a spiral of dismay. Fear casted as well as Now the ownership of certain things became more and more conducive to the worries of many things to have. When there was no unconditional Love to give it had its back against the wall as to what should this being do when it is confronted by a reality that made it's eye open.

So Now with all this in mind the master became the servant to the objective and they then created their devils as they are Now the slaves of all their illusionary things. The wanting of much more became an obsession of gluttony as to not give any of it out but to hold back on all these things. These things became their personal anchors and did not know how to see the Light of the whole Universe as the Universe laughed back at them. Out of this became as well a wall, illusionary to say the least. But on the road as only few have chosen they have seen the Light of all this as ALL-THAT-IS as this is ZEN in its form from meditations and release of what is attached to you which in this case called the objective reality. Again this objective reality became of egoic and ignorant proportions and also out of this became more suffering. The suffering did not stop there as the suffering was also in the form of planning, and judging and resisting against what the beings have put in their life through the Laws of Attraction negatively and even though it was positive but as I commented before if it becomes an anchor and you have to have fear, guilt and worry from it you become that same thing you are attached to.

OK Now salvation from all this. The first form of ZEN is in the suffering and all that was stated above was in the suffering. The next thing one looks at is the joy one receives by giving, giving their life and things the wish not needed no more for Now a piece of Karmic balance is restored as we bring it the word from ZEN in the last form of its word. The next thing that is beyond joy would be Love and Love has its quality that fills ones heart and ask for nothing in return but more Love. The final is from the joy one gives they tend to express themselves in an atmosphere of forgetting. As Now when this is done the anchor has finally dropped and the vision becomes crystal clear with itself and all will be known how it was that made themselves the way they were and the being who started all this returns back to the spot it so wanted to have. In this case in the form of its meditation and in the acceptance of all things, not being judgemental with personality. Allowance, somehow by attraction and not so much in paying attention of thoughts this thing happened. And finally letting go as if you were to hold a 175 lb weight on your back and then decided to let go and did, wouldn't you feel better about that.

The search is not over with this as Now inward with yourself you seek the Spirit that engulfs your life you see things in a more positive and subjective light from this vantage point and never react to go back as the trees branches form but never wish to be the root again. This is what the being longed for since the dawn of time that it missed out from as this is called centered, focus and aligned and in which some people call the Now, present or here. In my belief it is called "just is".

So you see as long as there is an objective outside your self you will be following that tail until your immune system shuts down, DNA shrinks and you get sick, and old and die before living a very fulfilling life without misery in worrying, guilty feelings and fear of all unknown about you. Get yourself into meditations and get still and calm and TRUST IN GOD or the UNIVERSE to get you those things you wish to have and release them into the Universe all at once.

I watch no news or read books about things for to me and follow someones advice about what they would do as that is them and not I. There is no need with things no longer in an objective reality where I walk as it is all subjective. And I can still feel Buddha's being when Mara told him on how he was real and he had proof and asked Buddha,"What makes you have proof you exist?" Right then and there Buddha sitting in lotus position took his two fingers from his right hand and touched the ground and said" The very ground I walk on is what makes me exist." Right then and there Mara, who was Buddha's devil, vanished into this air. So subjective reality was borned on the day Buddha was Enlightened, and his search was over for he found himself and was Awoken.

Believe in what you want to believe and see where you go with that believe as that is your Truth remember as always. For me this is my own Truth and what I believe in and it floats my boat all the time. But don't follow me because I could die before my time and where would that leave you.

Dom*Colucci 2010


  1. Dearest soulbro,
    Interesting post. Though you know I don’t understand or think much about serious stuffs but I loved reading it.
    With lots of love.

  2. Golden Lotus of God's Love..that is ok Love..I just hear my Soul always say please write this down and then it gets deep and then deeper and before you know it I say to myself..I WROTE THAT?..enjoy my Love(+)


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...