Friday, March 5, 2010

Me and my Soul that make me whole

Me and my Soul that make me whole

OK Now I am really on to something in my life..I have always been a believer of more than this as I see it is ALL-THAT-IS...or GOD some might say..I grew up believing in the Being but never really experienced the Being...I was always looking outside myself that one day this would all change in front of me and I would be living a greater than this life with what is outside myself....OK so then I struggled and nothing seemed to fit where it was suppose to be...Until a few years ago when I received a different attitude and a very well welcomed epiphany.

This is where I developed a positive attitude with my life. but I did not know how I was going to get there but did as you all know me that it was the Secret. Now so many people say that this movie does not work for me. Well did you ever try changing your attitude and start looking inward to allow it to work for you. This case in point is called a subjective reality where Now you start looking within yourself to find yourself instead of chasing something you will never catch...What I mean is if you did not get it by Now you will never get it but maybe with your patience and your way of attitude say positive inward then things will happen to you. I am not saying that you could or could not receive a big inheritance or someone hands you a multi-million dollar house but it could happen according to your attitude and KARMA. You must be balanced in all the things you do to yourself as you walk through mankind. And again it boils down to have a positive attitude and searching inward.

Once you make peace with yourself then you will become yourself. It is called the settling and it comes in calm and stillness especially in meditations. Then this happens you have found who you truly are and more revelations start to open up about yourself. And not no one else. Why?. You are no one else but yourself, as to leave others outside yourself when searching within as they are in an objective reality and Now you are a subject hence you live the subjective reality in your own perception. And this is where you have found your friend.

Go ahead look in the mirror. Who is that person?. Is it you?. Did you ever see what you looked like other than a mirror. Probably not because you would be outside yourself if you did. So this leads to a dilemma who you are other than a reflection in a mirror. OK I get to this with a few questions I ask myself. Is this me and does this belong to me?. The answer in my opinion is No. Why do I say this is because since I live subjectively Now I have something that I hold so dear to myself as this makes me move through the Universe so happily. It is called my Soul and it is so attached to me that it made me since before I came in the Universe. Next seeing I came out into the world I have found out else about I is that I do not own this being I live with. Why?. It is immaterial and it belongs to the dust it came from as all it was made through a Higher Intelligence through potential and the Laws of Attraction to line up I in my own perfection as Soul manifested it.

OK Now that I know all these things about myself I cement myself with the Soul and the God I do believe in always that everything has already been provided for me as this life is all about moving through it and enjoying it while you do so. If you do not wish it to be enjoyable then how are you suppose to move up with with yourself in Higher Consciousness. But it is because of the cemented TRUST I have in God and my Soul that allows me to stay in what is called the Now and nowhere else. This fixates me in the center of the my Universe and to stem out from there always in a subjective reality hence only seeing myself in my own reality. Some people call this your Source. When people whine about others they see themselves outside themselves and always miss the point about themselves. Did you ever see these people happy? No they suffer and I was one of them. Until I quit calling myself a victim and became a victor as no one gave two shits about me in the first place so I started wiping my own ass and picked up my own bootstraps and started feeling positive as the being I am built as with that attitude and went str8 ahead. GOOD BOY DOM!!! God is there as well...

OK I had all these revelations in my life and they all lead to one thing about myself. It is my Soul that is being content and not "ME" as I follow what it wishes and stay patience as well when it wants. I have narrowed things down so stellar that what ever is in front of me is what I call the rest of my life and if I drop dead right Now I will still have made it whole to being who I am and getting there the way it was. As I have learned to save myself and it was through no book, dogma, doctrine, other person or ZEN Monastery. It was Soul that dwell around me and nowhere else. Some think this thing is so deep and you have to go deep to get it, well that is them as I laugh but with my opinion it is right there between the being we are and oblivion as it shrouds us.

OK another thing about this thing we call the Soul is that it is Eternal and it is so happy that when we find it that it moves us to our Higher Awareness, remember this is my own experience. As it sees all, when you have a situation in your life because of the Laws of Attraction you draw more of this towards you but you are fooled as it sits outside yourself and I have proof it does. OK the Soul will never allow any garbage in your being, as when you do have a situation you still go outside yourself to fix it, correct. Now it is out there so you find many more things that stem off it not maybe Now but later. The first action in this is to have a reaction as in ZEN the first action of this was the action. See this it the advancement of this is to hear one hand clapping or leaving it there as to have non involvement with it. We are creatures of interaction with others but we never interact with ourselves. Sure we do meditations but try to go a day, hour or whatever around you without interacting with no one or nothing and you will find out you will. This is two hands clapping and has resistance. OK getting back at this objective by compounding your situations they are all outside of yourself and not inside. It is that you wish to make them inside by dwelling on them and putting them in Consciousness Awareness. But do not be fooled as they are outside still. You have just never given yourself a chance to let go of these situations and TRUST that God or the Universe will help you.

It is my opinion but for Now I am retired with two Federal pensions and willing to go back to work in the meantime as there is no such thing as retirement in my Awareness but I have the strongest of TRUST that something is here with me Now to going back to work with as I see it. The old person I was living in the objective I would jump into anything and it would not pay off Spiritually or physically but Now I wait as there is action already created and I see it as done. I live in the strongest of patience Now that I am retired and see every moment growing into a more positive one.

OK in my closing I will say that I in my opinion have found my Soul and recognize that we do not own ourselves and are here for a short period of time. In the meantime I settle in the center of myself as it is called the Now or just is in a subjective reality and I am happy with that and myself as well. The Universe has given me so much wisdom to go by that it has actually and continuously shows me how to leave all the stuff outside myself there and brings it to me when it is needed in my Life and have became so productive with that. All I can say is that there is a God, Higher Intel or Source and it gave me a Soul for it to enjoy who I AM for that is the Soul and not I....I hope you find your Soul as well and enjoy it the way I have been enjoying mine.

May God always Bless You and bring you to the Highest Consciousness you deserve..AMEN, AUM and NAMASTE!!!!

Dom*Colucci 2010


  1. dearest soulbro,
    very beautiful and wise post. thanks for sharing this insight with all of us.
    with lots of love.

  2. Golden Lotus of God's was what I was thinking of the past few days and decided to write something about my Soul...It breathes and lives close to me and directs my being towards GOD ever so dearly...enjoy my love(+)


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...