Thursday, March 25, 2010

Stuck on something? Detach!*

Stuck on something? Detach!*

Wheels all around as this is in mesh
Another hits an objective, its ego is so fresh
One follows the other and does not see its Source
It goes ahead and attaches, sometimes it uses force
How ignorant this is as no one came this way
All in life is subjective and with the wise it sees it stay

Dom*Colucci 2010


  1. dearest soulbro,
    I like the new look of your blog. its beautiful.

    it looks like i am reading from an old book (I love to read or just sift through the pages of old books)

    i have been irregular on the blog, dont think that i am too busy. msn and google is JUST NOT WORKING in my computer decently. Esp in the evening. so if i skip the day for any reason that means all i can do in the evening is surf the blogs of others in wordpress.

    with lots of love.

  2. a very wise poem. ego is the greatest enemy in the path of true enlightenment but just like anger it often works as a great shield.

    have you seen xmen?
    i loved a particular dialogue exchanged between halle berry and nightcrawler in that movie-
    night crawler tells halle berry "someone so beautiful should not be so angry."
    she replies, "sometimes it helps you to survive."

  3. Golden Lotus of God's Love...I thank you as I received an email from this company yesterday and was shown different templates to chose from and chose this one for the does look like an old book...and thansk for liking the poem as well.

    No my Love I never seen XMEN...but that is a great comeback from Halle Berry....enjoy my Love(+)

  4. She looked awesome in that movie and just brought that movie to life.

    i have seen all of them quite a few times each. love them.


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...