Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Heart hurt's with you not here*

Heart hurt's with you not here*

Feel for me as I long for your heart
These days have past and kept us apart
We should not be so far away from here
We should hold each other in our arms, so very near
But I will live in the is torment, with suffering and pain
My heart will always be Love, even feeling this strain

Dom*Colucci 2011


  1. Dear Dom: The last line gives a "love conquers all" chilvarous feel to the poem.
    "My heart will always be Love, even feeling this strain"
    Yes, we definitely have all suffered the pangs and pains of separation. Especially when our love is physically apart from our heart. However, we know that there is no time or distance that can truly stop the eternal love space. The intelligent heart knows this, and tolerates "through thick and thin" etc.
    Yes, I believe there is a unified part of the heart which always hangs onto love; no matter what! :) "Always be love" (I love this!)

  2. yes a broken heart must pick up where it leaves off but will find Love once again as you said it conquers all...enjoy my Dearest chiccoreal(+)

  3. ~Even feeling the pain caused by the sting of a seemingly separation, nothing compares to the rush of being able to love and be loved...It is better to love even in suffering that not been having experienced this wonderful feelings...As love is the source of our being and the force that creates life and beauty..even the pain of love is sweet and life-given as it purifies our hearts...~ Always Love~ My Dearest Dom ~Beautiful poem, from the Heart as You Are Love, and You are Loved ~

  4. that was beautifully written my Dearest Maria...one must learn to turn the other cheek if one is suffering in the relationship but it is hard when one does not see the Truth in this....in God Consciousness you will always be Loved...enjoy as well in much happiness and Love in heart(+)

  5. do leave a message for me after copying the address and deleting the message. :)

    lots of love.

  6. It is on its way Now as I did get the address from you thanks and you will Love it when it arrives...enjoy my Love as you might remember a few poems from intent when you were on there and myself as well...oh btw the message never made it here as I moderate all of them so not to worry...I Love You always...you inspired me remember(+)

  7. Why write of sad feelings
    Which never are here?
    How can a heart beak?
    There is always repair
    Called Love –
    A state so warm but hard
    Recognizes no past
    No notion of apart
    Love treats torments
    Like thorns of a rose
    Inevitably necessary,
    Like for smell is the nose.
    Suffering and pain
    Are treated "in vain" –
    Leaps, arms, eyes so near,
    Use them to explain
    That all is a game
    Not supposed to play
    Two merge with their hearts
    And their bodies
    And Souls.
    And stay.

  8. I feel a strong togetherness in your poem my Dearest Shiamala...almost like within each other as Souls's are and once these enertgies are together so true....they stay...thanks for the wonderful poem as well...enjoy Love(+)

  9. good that you started moderating the comments. :)

    blogspot is acting weird here. really weird, thats why i gave the address to gayle too, so she could give it to you if it doesnot makes to you.

    lots of love.

  10. I kept on getting hit with spam in people trying to sell something to me here...so I found out on how to monitor this...enjoy as I sent the book out and will get it in 5 days the postal worker told me(+)


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...