Monday, May 30, 2011

Now, it only cares because of Love*

Now, it only cares because of Love*

All of life comes at us quickly, we take it with stride
It is only in our hearts a must with Love, an easy ride
The flow like a river some bumpy lumps ahead
But we laugh about this and we make due instead
When we look back, we will see nothing behind us was there
But right Now all that matters and it shows Love and it cares

Dom*Colucci 2011


  1. awesome,
    Glad to see your entry,

    please check your blog email, click on the link to active posting invitation.

    once done, log in to your blog here, then in the future, you can post from your personal blog using your individual ID.

    do it as soon as possible, otherwise, it expires.


  2. would that be my email account on google or go on Bluebell Books and see this?

  3. check your personal email, not bluebell email,

    then you can see the invitation, click on the link included in the email to active your acceptance.

    your email account, not gmail, the email you use to communicate with me. simply check your existing email.

  4.,this is the email you shall check now to active your posting option.

  5. I clicked on my email as it looked like it came from Olivia and was just there about 20 minutes ago and Now my invitation is not you reset it again?....sorry for all this confusion....enjoy(+)

  6. yes I know but why did it come to gmail?

  7. you know I was born in Ardmore Oklahoma back in 1954....i see you come from OK city...;)


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...