Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Lotus flower with Love in the sun*

Lotus flower with Love in the sun*

I walk in the garden, early this morn
Feeling the sunlight so brilliantly and so warm
I gaze upon the lily pond, a lotus flower I see
Coming out of the muck, with purity as can be
For I feel its radiant Love that it has all the time
It arises from such mud,always to see the sun shine

Dom*Colucci 2011


  1. ~Oh,I just love it~ xoxo <3
    The lotus flower, its roots anchored in the mood but rises above clear water, facing the sun, so pure and lovely <3

  2. yes as clarity always is there when one shifts their Awareness to leaving the objective behind..thanks for the wonderful comment my Dearest Sunshine Girl...enjoy always(+)


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