Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Together, closer Now than ever*

Together, closer Now than ever*

You are close, close inside me
Our Love is in our Souls and they both see
Staring and gazing with us together
More and more our Love getting better
I know this feeling as it is so strong
The feeling that is in heart where we both belong

Dom*Colucci 2011


  1. Dear Dom: "You are close, close inside me"; how romantic! As two become one and no man shall put asunder, etc. We may all be able to merge eternally into love and have this feeling for all; imagine that! No war because love is just that strong; the way it is suppose to be! Yeah! Great poem, uplifted my soul! Thank-you Dom!

  2. I am not imagining this I am feeling it all around me and everyone else....it starts within you as this is your Soul that Loves you always and stems out to others like yourself as I know how much you feel this through these poems I write...enjoy my Love in much happiness and Love as well(+)

  3. ~Love is All~ xoxoxo

    Love You Beautiful Soul~

  4. thanks....you make me have tears in my eyes but they are of joy always...never been so much Love I have experienced in my life...enjoy in much Love and happiness in heart as well my Dearest Maria(+)

    Love your beautiful Soul as well...;)

  5. LOVE, I am inside You,
    My Soul feels nothing but You,
    My eyes see nothing but You.
    LOVE, You're so strong!
    Inside You I can do nothing wrong
    But getting better
    And deeply comprehend
    The word TOGETHER.

  6. Feel the warmth and nurturing being there as the both hearts get stronger with more and more passion...so close and getting closer....great feeling I would say so....enjoy my Dearest Shiamala and I Love You also(+)


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...