Sunday, May 1, 2011

Love birds we are*

Love birds we are*

Look my Love, through the trees
Two birds in Love, this is what I see
How cute they are, for it seems this is us
Rubbing their beaks, they are kissing with no fuss
Now it is our turn, to do such a thing
Come closer Love and make our hearts sing

Dom*Colucci 2011


  1. Look through the clouds
    And what do you see?
    Two souls freely flying
    As innocents as bees
    They dance in a fury
    In happiness and bliss
    Creating a whirlpool
    Through which they do squeeze
    And find themselves aimless
    Hovering in no space
    It's me and you growing
    In timeless embrace

  2. WOW!!!!!...I feel as free as a bird...this is the most powerful poem you have written to me so I feel the bliss as we enter this space of infinity...nothing but freedom with two Souls ever so happy in that space....this is a great poem and I thank you for creating this on my blogsite...enjoy my Dearest Shiamala(+)

  3. so beautiful. :)

    lots of love.

  4. I knew you would Love came off a mountain climb I just did in infamous Woodstock, N.Y.....did you see my new profile is the book left formatting today as Now it will go on sale soon online...enjoy my dearest Golden Lotus of God's Love(+)


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...