Sunday, May 22, 2011

We are passionate forever*

We are passionate forever*

Beauty of Love in nature too
Your heart so open and know what to do
Feelings of wonder that is all around
It is both in our Love, that we have found
Let us Now enjoy us forever more
Our passion was each other, that is what it's for

Dom*Colucci 2011


  1. The passion of Sun and Moon is each other
    They gaze at one another
    Radiating love all around
    And in their light I found
    The secret of the sacred
    Surrounding us
    In a circle unbound
    Around, around, around
    they go
    Following this continuous flow
    Of each other's light
    Entangled and entwined
    They are
    And stay
    Reflected in one another
    All the way


  2. As both Lovers hold on to
    It is always endless to do
    For Love with never part
    With such feeling in heart
    As always this way
    For Love is definitely here to stay

    enjoy my Dearest Mieke(+)

  3. Mieke, great projection of the labirynth once again! I so missed it as I missed you.
    Dom, a great reply to a great poetic comment!

  4. thank you my Dearest Shiamala...enjoy always as well in much happiness and Love(+)

  5. Hello dearest Shiamala! Thank you. Miss you too but while you were so busy did not want to bother you :)

    Have been visiting some enchanting gardens in Cornwall lately, most of them built as a kind of labyrinth.
    Gave me much revelations. Made a heart labyrinth on one of the Cornish shores out of gratitude.
    Will contact you by email
    Much love from Mieke

  6. Dear Dom, Mieke and Shiamala: Love this passionate collaborative artwork of WOW..incredible power when two or more are gather...prayer is indeed answered! Love Love Love all around! with an added touch of passion on the side! Yeah!I'll give a try too!

    My love let loose; release the unopened jars
    Soon joy and bliss swirl above us to the stars
    Spiralling out of control our passionate Universe
    The Milky way finds us fluid as our Spirits immerse

    We bathe in this celestial bowl of all things light
    We stare deeply into the orbs of each other's night
    Searcing for the heart to wrap us in endless love
    How do I find you here when you are so far above?

    You take me in your arms and hold me closer than close
    You give me shelter from the storms and the surging coast
    As we drift on the endless sea of sweet surrender
    Never wanting to let go of this moment ever so tender


  7. Great masterpiece my Dearest chiccoreal...I feel this heavenly body of romantic Love and how all things in such celestial heaven are created by the surrender of such Love...thanks for your wonderful poem and comment...enjoy as well with the surrender in Universal Love in God's Consciousness(+)

  8. For it is definitely in the Land of Lore
    that we came ashore :)

    A world of unbridled creativity
    The forebode of a new renaissance
    Where we can learn playfully
    About a new romance
    Where religion revives as friendlyness
    The new land of Avalon
    I guess

    This has been my dream all the time
    Made many 3D worlds to find it back
    But realized I've never lost it
    The labyrinth being my track..

  9. this is so beautiful as I feel no resistance in such world of happiness and bliss and a great poem in comment form as well...thanks my Dearest Mieke...I Love your kindest words always and your creativity as well...enjoy in much happiness and Love in your heart(+)


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...