Thursday, December 27, 2012

Romance is our dance*

Romance is our dance*

It had to be the moon, love is in the night
More perfect to be, entwined to be so right
Closer and closer we come to each other's heart
Yes the temptation is strong for us to pull apart
I am intoxicated with your fragrance to be of such romance
For when we are combined like this, it is our Soul*s that love this dance

Dom*Colucci 2012

Flighty but fulfilling*

Flighty but fulfilling*

I feel giddy today, love is in my eyes
Happy sensation, heart is satisfied
I sit here and ponder with wishes to see
More dreams to be fulfilled inside of me
Yes, life is good like honey that is sweet
I invite all things in my presence, that I cannot wait to meet

Dom*Colucci 2012

Me and my heart, never to look back*

Me and my heart, never to look back*

I have carried you around long enough I see
You give me no choice but to set you free
I done so many things to our life to bring it together
Sacrificed with unconditional love in all kinds of weather
But I guess I will bring my heart and get it right on track
And pray for my Soul* that it will put it back

Dom*Colucci 2012

Awaken, it is love within my heart*

Awaken, it is love within my heart*

Come nestle away, soft and warm
Be the love in my heart, to take you in my arms
Steal away a moment for both of us to be in
Love all the more, time and time again
You are a flower sent to me it seems
Awaken my love, for this is not a dream

Dom*Colucci 2012

I see in your heart*

I see in your heart*

Beauty that is of satin skin
Eyes so blue, deep within
Hold you close with gentle touch
Lips so sweet to taste so much
Goddess to me you are so demure
Love in your eyes, a heart so pure

Dom*Colucci 2012

Love is no dead end street*

Love is no dead end street*

In this world as it is filled with love

Seeking this one to be special of
For to have that love in my life to grow
More precious than diamonds, the beauty of a rose
Hard to be looking for that one to meet
Knowing he is out there, I am lost on a dead end street

Dom*Colucci 2012

Your heart is here within*

Your heart is here within*

Once I was a dreamer, dreaming of you
All I could ever see was a heart so true
Seeing a heart of such beauty and divine
How does one ever ask of a life so fine?
But awoken from this and knew something form the start
I did not feel you around me but you were here in my heart

Dom*Colucci 2012

Sunday, December 16, 2012

My heart lets go*

My heart lets go*

I have traversed down many streets
Some folks came along on the path to greet
But my realization was to learn and be taught
Not to attach so closely that my heart gets caught
As now I know the secret in balance and where it begins
That like how things come on this path, to let go once again

Dom*Colucci 2012

The writing on the wall*

The writing on the wall*

We had a life together with love
It was our hearts so true to be of
Somehow a twist of fate came along
For some reason or another a different tune in song
But I felt this love was going to fall
I seen it in your eyes, the writing on the wall

Dom*Colucci 2012

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Flower, that is love so real*

Flower, that is love so real*

I came to the garden to seek a rose
Vibrancy all around, in my eyes it doth show
Beauty I cannot walk away from, it is heavenly so much
Sending warm vibrations favored to the touch
One must enter with so much gentleness and love
Feeling of great elation, within bliss one must be of
Now I understand on how a butterfly does feel
Looking for that special flower, the one that feels real

Dom*Colucci 2012

Detached growth*

Detached growth*

Togetherness that we are, is to be a bond
Hearts held in this, to become so fond
But one has to wonder what love really is
Something that is in the void, not to be missed
If love is between two and this shows
Why does one have to detach to let love grow?

Dom*Colucci 2012

Saturday, December 8, 2012

The veil to reveal*

The veil to reveal*

Why am I not seeing this?
Within myself that I must have missed
But this vision keeps coming into view
The beauty I see of a heart so true
Please take this illusion and blow away like a sail
So I may be closer in seeing the removal of the veil

Dom*Colucci 2012

No time is ever with love*

No time is ever with love*

Hidden from us in the sublime
Not to be shown within one's mind
But instead of that, within one's chest
In a heart so strong that will never rest
For the truth of it is to be so fine
Is when it passes all tests, the test of time

Dom*Colucci 2012

It is love that awakens*

It is love that awakens*

A direction in life, to some a different road

Few it becomes easy but others carry a load
It is all about how much love you see in your heart
To break you down inside and see if you fall apart
But to those that have the will and the Soul* to make them strong
They will know in the end, that it was the heart right where it belongs
For the strength of this, they will see that this will make
And drop the past forever and also be awake

Dom*Colucci 2012

Release me when I am close*

Release me when I am close*

My heart is a candle that needs to be lit
You are the flame, come close to the wick
Light it with your passion and to be ever so warm
Cradling you with romance, right in my arms
Oh love that you are secure these feelings tonight
For I definitely know you next to me, it will be alright
The more the heat that my heart has felt
The more this candle will go on and melt
This hot love burns quickly and becomes ecstasy
But when it is all over, our hearts become free

Dom*Colucci 2012

Love is a stranger*

Love is a stranger*

We met as two strangers as we chatted that night
A happy sensation, knowing all to be right
From that moment on we supported each two
Every time it felt like chaos we both knew what to do
As time moved on and now that what is behind is the past
That bond we grew together, really did not last
But we both know we have different paths to go
To allow both of hearts, continuing love to grow

Dom*Colucci 2012

My heart "a"rose*

My heart "a"rose*

The beauty is life and the joy that it brings
Gentleness it becomes like butterfly wings
Such a feeling like a lightness in a cloud
This moment with no questions of why or how
Just enjoying that love that I feel deep inside
Sending a signal to the Soul*, both now satisfied
Now this within me and the heart that knows
The rose that is the heart vibrantly grows

Dom*Colucci 2012

Monday, December 3, 2012

Heart flutters in beauty*

Heart flutters in beauty*

A garden filled with love, such beauty in this space
A spot to take a lover into this place
To stroll both together in so much love
A gift as well from a radiant sun up above
An art form that we see comes to our hearts it does bring
To look around on all the flowers and see butterfly wings

Dom*Colucci 2012

Night got darker*

Night got darker*

It came upon a one night clear
Love with us was felt in both hearts near
But along the way as we came together
Our hearts made a turn, that we thought it would never
But instead of such love was to meet
The only thing left was a lamp post on a darken street

Dom*Colucci 2012

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Treat me so sweet*

Treat me so sweet*

Beauty from the nectar, lips on your face
I see the honey dripping, sweetness made to taste
My radiant flower, sunshine is your glow
The heart ever pounding with its love that I know
Delicious that you are, a dessert seems so nice
Chocolate so decadent, and sugary cinnamon spice
Oh how do I describe that is so good to eat
You as a main course always and I love you as a treat

Dom* Colucci 2012

Monday, November 26, 2012

Your eyes have me in a dream*

Your eyes have me in a dream*

Hypnotic in my eyes, I am attracted to you
No other distractions, you are in perfect view
You set a rhythm and put me in this trance
It is a heart in love, that has come here to dance
A spell that you have conjured up, what more can I do
I am stuck in your passion and I cannot move

A spark that ignites, explosive as you came
To incinerate this candle. melting it with the hottest flame
Burn me to ashes and make me become charred to dust
There is no resistance within my Soul*, it is love that is just
Going back with that magic your eyes I have seen
I am ever so lost, not knowing where I have ever been

Nothing will make me become of what I use to be
It is you that has my heart and you will not set it free
For this magic is so powerful and also so strong
My heart I surrendered to you, seems that is where it belongs
You have made me so weak and I know that it seems
I will forever be in under your spell, tightly woven in this dream

Dom*Colucci 2012

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Heat from my heart*

Heat from my heart*

Cold once again , naturally it is the weather

Time to get bundled up and be close together
Let us both lay down near a heated space
To get so romantic, yes by the fireplace
A couple of glasses for us, say a bottle of wine
A drift away with our love, to note that life is so fine
We can chat for awhile and our eyes we both gaze
And stay here comfortably, watching the night turn into day

Dom*Colucci 2012

La luna romantica*

La luna romantica*

Calm is the evening, the night moves in
Sunlight is retired, now love begins
Hovering above is a bright silvery moon
Harmonic balance, heartbeats in tune
Taken in by beauty, my lover by my side
Becoming very romantic and passions satisfied
Sweet love between us, both hearts do know
Illuminating love, from a moon that this shows

Dom*Colucci 2012

A depth that surfaces*

A depth that surfaces*

Momentary is life as it comes to be
But within these moments, one must be free
The heart should be open and flowing with love
Constantly in that direction and always becoming of
Never go back because you stop life but instead
See where your heart will bring you, when you move straight ahead
For the surprise that you will see will come plain in view
As you quickly discovered that it was the Soul* deep within you

Dom*Colucci 2012

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The moon gave us romance*

The moon gave us romance*

Darkness sets in, romance takes place
A strong vibration of love pulls us to this place
Combining we are, enthralled in each others arms
Hearts next to each other, both feeling very warm
Yes the passion we are feeling, building this up real soon
We can give an excuse too and blame it on the moon

Dom*Colucci 2012

Unconditional freedom, love*

Unconditional freedom, love*

Free as the wind, our love it is so true

Hearts are liberated but still loving you
Unconditional love, it is both we do believe
For we know how important it is to give than receive
A wonderful feeling of how we are right here
Our hearts communicate so beautifully, so crystal clear

Dom*Colucci 2012

Beauty embraced*

Beauty embraced*

Velvet and lace, fine beauty wears
A gaze in depth, your eyes I stare
So smooth is your skin, gentle to the touch
Sweetness on your lips, I could kiss them so much
My heart it bleeds more love for you
When I have you this close in my point of view

Dom*Colucci 2012

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Adoration of light, Soul*

Adoration of light, Soul*

The rose you have deep in your Soul*
Love woven in your heart, so close to hold
With eyes that sparkle like diamonds that shine
Your hair in a gentle breeze, moving so fine
With skin so pure and of beauty to touch
And lips to kiss and to hold you so much
To be in your presence and enjoy this wondrous sight
You are the adoration of love and I see your Soul* in the light

Dom*Colucci 2012

Love, the happy flower*

Love, the happy flower*

Love is so strong and has magical powers
The gift to the butterfly, when looking for flowers
Such sweet aroma that is aimed at one's heart
To entice all the senses, right from the start
So much attraction from love that wafts in the air
To bring two lovers together and to give it some flair
Romance for both, a vibration in space
To hold each other close in such a warm embrace
Keep the passion moving like a river in a flow
And the butterfly will always come, as it sees the flower grow

Dom*Colucci 2012

Take it in stride*

Take it in stride*

Searching for a true lover was no easy task
Many that came in my life, I had to unmask
For what seemed to be a happy Soul* so clear
Came to be of a thief that stole my heart so near
But with an open world that has its heart so wide
Unconditional love keeps things going and I take it in stride

Dom*Colucci 2012

Your eyes are warm*

Your eyes are warm*

Desires always seem to come from one's eyes
One look into them the heart becomes satisfied
For this is where romance is to begin
A temptation not to resist from passions within
Both lovers holding each other combined in their arms
This feeling of togetherness with hearts now warm

Dom*Colucci 2012 

Monday, November 5, 2012

A glass heart*

A glass heart*

Hearts that were meant to be together
To fair well always in any kind of weather
But for some reason, the winds had changed here
Everything became a blur, no longer so clear
All there is, is a reflection in a window
A body with a heart that is seen as a shadow

Dom*Colucci 2012

How blue can a sunny day get?*

How blue can a sunny day get?*

What is this that I can see it in your eyes?
A stream of fallen tears come, when you cry
The hurt that comes within your heart
A pitted pain from this, that is torn apart
Tell me, what ever makes this happen to you
As there is sunshine all around and skies so blue

Dom*Colucci 2012

Friday, November 2, 2012

My heart is the past*

My heart is the past*

It was once like gentle breeze in spring
You came into my life, it was love you bring
We grew like that season and seemed forever
Wishing for the best and hoping to say never
But a few more seasons came, this I know
Like the leaves on a branch I had to let go
For love surely was there but it did not last
Now my heart it wanders and it stayed in the past

Dom*Colucci 2012

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Open up my beauty*

Open up my beauty*

Beauty within the bud, stay inside so tight
But you know when you open, you will see the light
You will become a vibrant color, a deep rich red
A strong thin stem holding you up, that pushes you ahead
You have nothing to fear, thorns are your protection
You are nearing to open, the rose in the right direction

Dom*Colucci 2012

Natural artistry*

Natural artistry*

I smell a fragrance coming from a garden close by
View the beauty of flowers in a bed of soil, they lie
The roses and marigolds, mums and pansies too
The breeze gives more of a waft as it flows right on through
A rich painted canvas of nature, love seems to be the brush
I will take my time absorbing all this in, as I say what's the rush

Dom* Colucci 2012

The point of no return*

The point of no return*

Love was in a distance, so far away
A haze in my eyes, I seen clouds of gray
Hurt was my heart, the storm was moving in
When one looks at darkness, does the light come back again?
So this pain moves on that I must endure
In hopes of one day love will be back for sure

Dom*Colucci 2012

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Gentle sunset*

Gentle sunset*

A beautiful sunset on the ocean, it is an open door
Waves from beyond come splashing to the shores
We hold each others hands and turn to each others eyes
One look I have towards you, I become so mesmerized
This moment we are together a moment hard to resist
I come closer to taste your lips and give you a sweet gentle kiss

Dom*Colucci 2012

My precious flower*

My precious flower*

I come to you my love, I come oh precious flower
Your vibrancy I see with such attracted power
I float around in the wind and know where you are
My distance is short as your heart is not that far
When I finally arrive, my wings give rest from the skies
This love affair we have, a flower to a butterfly

Dom*Colucci 2012

Soul*ful beauty*

Soul*ful beauty*

My heart is filled with love between us two
The sweetness of the nectar from a honey dew
When we embrace I see the depths in your eyes
So vast is within you, broader than the skies
For it is your heart that touches me so whole
And the beauty of our love together, made both by our Soul*s

Dom*Colucci 2012

The forest has Snow White*

The forest has Snow White*

"Mirror, mirror on the wall
Who is the fairest one of all"
Said the evil witch to reflect
Her vanity was to be very direct
She did this in the morning for the day to begin
As the same answer came by again and again

Until one day something took a turn
An answer came and her ego got burned
For there was another woman with vanity so fair
It seems this woman had a heart that cared
And she was so sweet and beauty was bar none
She lived in the forest, yes she was the one

The witch found out that her name is Snow White
And she would go to her to do wrong and not right
So her scheme was to make a poison apple to eat
With a knock on the door for both to meet
And then walk away and leave her alone
To become very sick and to expire at home

So Snow White took the apple in sight
Put it towards her mouth and took a bite
A bit later in the evening she felt very sick
The evil witch's plan surely did the trick
So she fell on the floor and it seem she was dead
But it seemed something different was happening instead

She lived with seven dwarfs that took care of her in the days
She tidied their house while they went to work on their way
They came home and seen in the light
Snow White was on the floor, what a terrible sight
They gathered around her and felt so blue
They really had no idea what to do

They believe she was dead and built a coffin made of glass
And put in the forest with this as time did pass
As a prince was riding by on a handsome stead
He seen something in a distance, curiosity to his need
So he found this woman under glass, he thought she died
Amazing how he seen her, as she was in the open and not to hide

He took the glass off and bent down to give her a kiss
How in the world could he hold back, her beauty hard to resist
She then opened her eyes and seen a wonderful man
But did not know who he was for he was the prince of that land
He took her on his horse and away they left out of sight
He made her his princess, this ends the story of Snow White

Dom*Colucci 2012

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I take you with me*

I take you with me*

My heart for you will always be
I know it is because of the vision it sees
But a trial will come along real soon
A slight interruption from melodious tune
I know we will never falter or fail
But I must take a journey and tomorrow set sail
So when I leave I will take you within
And when I come back, our love will start over again

Dom*Colucci 2012

Pull me into your heart*

Pull me into your heart*

I look in your eyes and a fire starts
Pulling me within, right next to your heart
I am so mesmerized that I am in so deep
Smothered in love, both hearts to keep
It is like a match has been lit in a snap
I am the wick, your flame is the trap

Dom*Colucci 2012

To "sea" to be free*

To "sea" to be free*

From the shoreline, looking far beyond the seas
A place that is out there, in the blue so free
I stand here and feel comfort from the trade winds
Blowing so gently, again and again
As to feel like a sea gull in the heavens that soars
Infinity in front of me with open doors

What a great relief this is, a flight of elation
To have this freedom with the Soul* of liberation
My wings are spread outward, to take a lift
The wind blows under them, rather swift
Freedom like no other, it becomes a feeling so light
Look at me and my Soul*, like beauty in flight

Oh, if this is what forever is like, I wish to stay
To make this my elated state, day by day
Bliss from my being always near this ocean
Effortlessly I am flying, with one single motion
To become detached, this feeling to let go
And to be the mastery of the breeze, in this I know

Dom*Colucci 2012

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Not to see a memory*

Not to see a memory*

Once you were here next to me
We had a beautiful life, so happily
But then one day, I felt something was gone
It was you and all my memories now done
So it is now emptiness that I feel the most
I cannot imagine how you turned into a ghost

Dom*Colucci 2012

Love will always grow*

Love will always grow*

Seems we met together one day in spring
That we both had this love that our hearts do bring
We got deeper involved when summer came through
To have a great relationship, enjoying it too
But a turn has been taken in the fall as it comes
Love has no bonds for it is freedom to be one
We have to let go as autumn comes near
As in true love, we have to detach and grow from here
For to hold onto to each other, the winter puts us in a bind
And to not grow when spring comes we must leave this behind
We will always be together, unconditionally we do see
Love will always grow and always be free

Dom*Colucci 2012

Feelings run deep in love*

Feelings run deep in love*

Deep in my heart I feel for you
The deeper I go, a Soul* is in view
This search that I long for to make it real
Yes I know of this love, the one I feel
It is in the heart that one has this love
To have you here near me that I always think of

Dom*Colucci 2012

One with you*

One with you*

Come see me my love with skin so fair
To fall deep in your eyes and a heart that cares
Such a ravenous beauty, a rose I see
My Soul* longs for you to be with me
I feel within us both that all will be fine
For the two of us become one, when our hearts entwine

Dom*Colucci 2012

The shoe fits*

The shoe fits*

A woman has come with step sisters so mean
The more she helped the worse it seemed
She did the sewing, cooking and cleaning the floor
But her step sisters never appreciated this and always ignored
Poor woman, she was a beauty and did not know what to do
As she kept moving on, the punishment she went through

Then one evening a fairy godmother came
She did not want this beautiful woman to stay the same
So she took her magic wand and gave it a twirl
She transformed this woman from a girl
She gave her something to make her life happy
A few material things to be so carefree

A prince had a ball that he needed a date
So he sent a message out to all single women to be his mate
Of course the poor old girl seemed left behind
Her step sisters got the message but did not mind
So off these step sisters went to the ball
A fine carriage came to answer the call

But as fate has it this woman was of no despair
A rush to the house became well aware
A horse drawn carriage with an entourage
Her eyes could not believe, is this a mirage?
As she dazzled herself up and took to the street
Soon a young lover will be there for her to meet

Arriving at the ball, she met her prince to be
He gazed upon her beauty, how joyfully
He took her by the hand and they had a dance
His heart was palpitating faster, true romance
But she seen that clock struck twelve and had to go
The prince was shocked, what did he know?

She scurried off quickly and left with a shoe
What was he thinking, what is he to do?
He seen the shoe and said this fits that one
He went through the village looking for her until it was done
He came upon a woman filled with soot
But he seen something about her and the shoe fit the foot

That Now Love has found its way and both agree
That the lost shoe found its home, both are happy
So as in fairy tales before the story ends
Happiness seems to overpower despair as it always wins
The prince is so lucky and a great fella
That he met his true lover and her name is Cinderella

Dom*Colucci 2012

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...