Tuesday, January 31, 2012

My Flower grow with my Love*

My Flower grow with my Love*

My flower, my love I give my heart to you
To take you from those moments of you feeling blue
To elevate you with the serenity and peace you need
Nourish you with my Soul, growing your precious seed
Be invigorated and feel this great feeling inside
To make your love keep growing, grow my love be alive

Dom*Colucci 2012

Seeing you is all I need*

Seeing you is all I need*

A vision, a glimpse, a dream
I can see your face close to mine, it seems
I am lost, all I have is an imagination 
I await many moments in my frustration
This love to me is treacherous as I despise
Why my love, why I cannot be, be within your eyes

Dom*Colucci 2012 

Monday, January 30, 2012

Pure as a picture*

Pure as a picture*

Tucked away on a brisk day
Moist air comes on its way
Forming with its Love in a wind that is blowing
Little crystal angels coming, it is snowing
Blank canvas becomes more white 
It keeps falling from its flight
Now it laid its blanket on the ground
It came with purity and Love, without a sound

Dom*Colucci 2012

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Divorced from Soul*

Divorced from Soul*

Harden heart of treachery, one has to meet
Lawyers of rotten tongues, ones to defeat
No Soul* inbred that one does not see
But only more unruliness to be what to be
Love will not be seen nor even to be found
This heart is broken, for all the aches that are now bound

Dom*Colucci 2012

Freedom you gave in my heart*

Freedom you gave in my heart*

A gentle sound coming from afar
It has unstained my heart that was left a scar
The wound that was opened for many years
Now has been sealed with love with no more tears
Please oh lover, giving me your love to set me free
Let me arise from this place of purgatory to come see thee

Dom*Colucci 2012

Friday, January 27, 2012

My beautiful rose*

My beautiful rose*

The beauty in my eyes
Fragrant smell in my nose
And the love that surrounds you dearly
My beautiful rose
What joy you give to me, in holding my heart
May this joy be lastly forever and never do us part

Dom*Colucci  © 2012

Honey, I Love your taste*

Honey, I Love your taste*

You await for me to come so near
My Love in desire is one so clear
I feel your deep rich passions of heart filled Love
I come down for you from up above
My flower I surrender to you as you are hard to resist
I come like a bumble bee, with a sweet Loving kiss

Dom*Colucci 2012

Flight of the honey bee*

Flight of the honey bee*

A forever journey but delighted one though
It is being the honey bee and what it knows
Its life is with geometry inside the comb
It defends its beauty like a rose that has her thorns
Going through the garden, nectar of the flower all the time
To bring back the pollen and the honey to be so fine

Dom*Colucci 2012

Little Love in a lot of ocean*

Little love in a lot of ocean*

I was looking for a ride in heaven one day
But met up with pain and sorrow on the way
So I hitch a ride on a gray cloud
The light above was the sun and its shroud
There did come a time when the cloud was relieved
A vast ocean seen us and was ready to receive
A bit of thunder and lightning too
I was finally set free in the cloud filled with dew
So it was the Love that made us released from a drop to the ocean
Forever with the stream of consciousness and the water in motion

Dom*Colucci 2012

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Essence of Love*

Essence of Love*

Where I come from is sacred ground
It is where my life begins, without no bounds
The feeling of a deep rooted Love, that is here
Warm and so gentle with its heart so near
Strong is its form and supple with its art
Departing together, knowing that it is Love from the start

Dom*Colucci 2012

A rose is a rose*

A rose is a rose*

The vibrant rose, a brilliant bloom to the eyes delight
Slender is its stem, and some avoidance in your sight
What it does, it shows its beauty to kiss the sunshine
Ever so higher on the stem , leaving shadows behind
A deep rich soil to nurture her slender form
And the Love that surrounds her to keep her so warm
This beauty has always been so heart filled and touched
So you can say a rose is a rose and I Love her so much

Dom*Colucci 2012

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A Love that is lost in pleasure*

A Love that is lost in pleasure*

A Garden of Eden before our eyes, it seems
Water crystal clear and grass and trees so green
The scent of roses fill the air
I see the beauty of blue skies everywhere
I meet you my dearest Eve
You entice me with one apple, in temptation to deceive
But I take a bite and enjoy this gift of pleasure
I know my Soul* is Now lost, for you are my treasure

Dom*Colucci 2012

Tender romance*

Tender romance*

Do you feel it inside you?
Rhythm of life in your heart that it goes through
The music plays out and we both come together as one
Our romance, we look into each other's eyes and it has begun
I feel your suppleness and tenderness, Love is to be so sweet
In this intimate passion of us entwined, it is our hearts that do meet

Dom*Colucci 2012

Give it up for you*

Give it up for you*

I would forfeit all around me to have heart so true
Even if it was pain and to feel so blue
Your Love to me means more to live
To not have it all but for you I could give
Please understand that my Soul* would want it this way
And make both of our hearts come together and stay

Dom*Colucci 2012

Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Blue Danube*

The Blue Danube*

Freedom is upon us, this mood is in the air
A creative touch involved, becoming of our flair
The rhythm with the wind, the sound a melody
The atmosphere is subtle, to begin a rhapsody
My heart will always be of this Love and joy too
To flow in this life with its song, The Blue Danube

Dom*Colucci 2012

Butterfly kisses at night*

Butterfly kisses at night*

A butterfly flutters, making its own wind
Wings up and down, over and over again
Seeking for its thirst, nectar from the flower
Does not care for time, with how many hours
But being carefree with its lightness in flight
Nestles back home with its wings for butterfly kisses at night

Dom*Colucci 2012

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Alive and Kicking*

Alive and Kicking*

My Love is within my Soul*
Each moment always beginning to unfold
Like it is the bloom of a Lotus Flower
Arising from the muck into the light for many hours
From this muck that seems to be thickened
This flower of purity is alive and kicking

Dom*Colucci 2012

This is more of you*

This is more of you*

Love in heart, makes one feel free
Not to go any further, to make one see
Feeling drenches your heart all around
Gentleness from Soul*, one has found
Life is good, if one does not resist
When one always sees inside, to be more of this

Dom*Colucci 2012

A thousand reasons*

A thousand reasons*

Could be a thousand reasons that we know
Maybe a thousand reasons that also show
But in those thousand reasons, we have to wait
For those thousand reasons may seal our fate
But hopefully with those thousand reasons we will see
That one of those thousand reasons, our hearts in Love will be free  

Dom*Colucci 2012

Nature cradles me in its Love*

Nature cradles me in its Love*

A mild feeling on a gentle spring day
Heading upward on a mountain, I am on my way
The journey upward I see no end in sight
Moving from one trail of rocks to another on this plight
But I stop off and do a meditation in the breeze
Noting to one side of me the blooms opening on the trees
It is an afternoon that is fulfilled with so much Love
And to be a part of the path and see forever up above

Dom*Colucci 2012

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Openness that stays*

Openness that stays*

Oh brilliant Love with open heart
Enjoyed in the vastness and never apart
A fountain turned on like an open spring
Joy and happiness it does bring
Indeed life is good always this way
Now with this heart in Love, it will surely stay

Dom*Colucci 2012

I wonder as I wander*

I wonder as I wander*

At the coastline with the ocean blue
Sitting along the sands, thinking of you
My mind goes astray as I ponder
More and more how much my Soul* wanders
Only wishing that one day I would see
You in my arms, right next to me

Dom*Colucci 2012

A snow angel is made*

A snow angel is made*

Touched by the breeze
Scented by the wind
Snow falling all around
Coming down again and again
But I see from the curtain of snowflakes so near
A beautiful snow angel, out of nowhere she appears

Dom*Colucci 2012

Monday, January 16, 2012

My eyes to gaze*

My eyes to gaze*

Oh light, oh light guidance to me
Giving your love to my Soul*, we can see
Open my eyes, it is my heart that does too
Combining the both with love so true
Forever in this moment there will be no haze
With clarity of heart and Soul* and my eyes to gaze

Dom*Colucci 2012

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Romantic moon awaits us two*

Romantic moon awaits us two*

The sunset of the day is going down in the west
Enchanting is the evening, as the sun lays to rest
Romantic in a spotlight with the darkness coming soon
To bring my passions from my Lover, a bright silvery moon
Moments are becoming stronger, intimately we will be
Just letting the evening take care of itself, we will definitely see

Dom*Colucci 2012

Relaxed within*

Relaxed within*

A warm afternoon under a willow tree
I look all around the world and just let it be
Watching the birds in the skies up above
My heart feels a rainbow inside, for it is Love
There is a reflection of a pond, that is near
But my eyes and my heart see a day crystal clear

Dom*Colucci 2012

Hypnotic Love*

Hypnotic Love*

I feel the vibrations of your heart from within
The murmuring sounds have started to begin
The magnetic desires that pull me to you
Rapidly I come over to embrace in a touch, too
One look as I surrender in your eyes in a gaze
You put a spell on me, intoxicating my mind in a haze

Dom*Colucci 2012  

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Tender is this moment*

Tender is this moment*

Tender moments are gentle we keep
Touching both each other's hearts so deep
Intimately attracted, we are of one to be
Looking into each others eyes so passionately
Holding me closer and closer to you I can feel
Now that we are one, my heart you may steal

Dom*Colucci 2011

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Light sheds itself on darkness*

Light sheds itself on darkness*

Darkened stains without Love is everywhere
Many broken hearts that need repair
But in the center of it all, I see a rose
For whatever the darkness is, it is soil for it to grow
She will be healthy right where she exist in that space
And touch all of that darkness with her light from that place

Dom*Colucci 2012

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

No more of your voice*

No more of your voice*

I awaited for you forever it seems
But to me, it just was only a dream
It has been many days, ago so long
Hoping you were in my heart so strong
But Now it seems you will not be around
Not to hear your voice, no longer the sound

Dom*Colucci 2012

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Wishing you were here*

Wishing you were here*

I look out beyond into the far seas
Only wondering on how it could it ever be
That one day you would come out of nowhere
Like an angel with wings and skin so fair
But I only sit here and gaze on this beach
Wishing you were here, in my reach

Dom*Colucci 2012

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Dance with me*

Dance with me*

Fragrance of honeysuckle, lilac, and the rose
Excite me with my heart, it is Love I suppose
Fresh morning dew with beauty in your eyes
Bright sunlight and forever blue skies
Let us start the music and proceed to dance
Live this moment eternal, we may not have another chance

Dom*Colucci 2012

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Making a dark rose, red once again*

Making a dark rose, red once again*

Love has gone dark as the heart is stained
Pieces trying to become of what does remain
The healing of such heart as it hurting to grow
Making a step at a time, once again to be a rose
One day it will flourish and have all this room
The day it is fully Loved and can see it in the bloom

Dom*Colucci 2012

Gypsy Flame*

Gypsy Flame*

A spark has ignited the flame of desire
The candle is lit, the wick is on fire
It is my heart, can't you see what this does
It starts the intensity of Love, just because
The breeze that surrounds this light
It is the sensation of Love and also my heart that it excites

Dom*Colucci 2012

Open heart can be stolen*

Open heart can be stolen*

That gentleness about you, the look in your eye
My heart comes over to you, let's give it a try
Let us see that maybe we can make our hearts last
We will go in very easy, slowly and not rush so fast
Once we know how together we will feel
My heart will be open for you, as I know you may steal

Dom*Colucci 2012

Where did you ever go?*

Where did you ever go?*

I live in torment, without you here
My heart is breaking up, you use to be near
We had so much fun enjoying each other's time
When the conversation was over, we both felt fine
But something has happened, I feel you'll not return
I guess I had my lesson and from this I will learn

Dom*Colucci 2012

Separated with a song*

Separated with a song*

We were both so happy, one day it came
To know both of our lives would definitely change
We met in the afternoon, on a corner cafe
Time past on, we enjoyed our stay
Both fell in Love as our hearts did belong
But fate turned around like this Billy Joel song

Dom*Colucci 2012

Intentions smell good*

Intentions smell good*

The fragrance of the afternoon, as it came and went
Smelling of fresh apples and cinnamon was the scent
My senses were all opening and my Soul* came alive
Could it be a turnover or even a fresh baked pie
But whatever it is, it was made of Love and delight
To see it as it smells so good, intending it in my sight

Dom*Colucci 2012

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Love is what is meant*

Love is what is meant*

Passions that are romantic with a moonlit sky
A few clouds come out, only to pass by
The evening is filled with love, I can see
My heart swells for more love, so intimately
Bring on this night, for our hearts will be content
Feeling this great passion, love is what is meant

Dom*Colucci 2012

I see how close our hearts are*

I see how close our hearts are*

I hear you talking but your mouth does not speak

It is in your eyes that my heart goes weak
Your heart says things in volume, as I know this is true
My heart pulsates more, for what I feel from you
My lover, your closeness that will always be here
To make both our hearts entwine and our love so near

Dom*Colucci 2011

Heart only knows*

Heart only knows*

Hearts combine together, no easy task
The beauty of love, sometimes is masked
One must look with open heart all the time
And see the indifference, to be fine
Both will come to a conclusion, either to go or to stay
But if it is meant to be, the heart will be opened all the way

Dom*Colucci 2012

Beauty of Love never caged*

Beauty of love never caged*

Constant conflict between lovers two
Hurt and pain for a heart to go through
The heart is bottled up with this rage
Sad to see of a white bird in a cage
But it is the beauty of freedom, that comes along with love
To release in open hearts for those two white doves

Dom*Colucci 2012 

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Release your emotions*

Release your emotions*

An overcast has come and the clouds they have build
Low pressure sweeping through, against a high one's will
It is a snow storm about to come through
The feeling of heavy snow, this must pass too
But like emotions in one's hurting heart
This will go by as well and once again feel Love from the start

Dom*Colucci 2012

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Creating life, either big or small*

Creating life, either big or small*

Nectar from a flower, as a hummingbird flies
Taking in its nourishment, without a try
It knows how this harmony works, so does a bee
To make all the flowers in the meadow, joyous and glee
To reproduce this gift of life for all
Matters not how this creation is made, big or small

Dom*Colucci 2011

My eyes gaze into Love ablaze*

My eyes gaze into love ablaze*

The touch of skin to make one weak
To open both our eyes, to take a peek
Our passion does arise in love so warm
To embrace in each other, held both in our arms
Feel this warmth in my heart as I set it ablaze
Yes my love in your eyes, so deep as I gaze

Dom*Colucci 2011

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...