Sunday, December 28, 2014

Oneness is love*

Oneness is love*

The world outside is moving faster without being calm
Teaching you nothing about being a reflected mountain pond
But when you do break away from this and what it is showing
You start to settle in the center, where wisdom is in its knowing
For you pull together the peace and it begins to start
A world that becomes one to see for and never to be apart
For now what is below is also above
You have found your heart as this is oneness and oneness is love

Dom*Colucci 2014

Freedom does not have an illusion*

Freedom does not have an illusion*

It is all happening all at once in the surround
You notice it more in nature, moving about and around
But it also is where you are standing as it takes place
There is something that is allowing all to move in its space
Openness it takes advantage in what it always sees
To move right where its from and knows how to be free
There is no agenda in forming any kind of rights
As it is liberated where it is like no shadows on a light
So with this in mind, coming to a conclusion
Freedom is within to start from and not without in an illusion

Dom*Colucci 2014

A new always begins*

A new always begins*

The myth we confront as what eyes to look
Goes by like the pages of an  open book
For what is without us is an illusion indeed
That is not who we are when we know who to be

When you narrow it down and watch it implode
The external world begins its end and starts to erode
Take away its darkness in the night
Or brilliance of the day with its light

When you leave this by itself you will get a better view
You will find out of one only, it is you that is the truth
So no longer can you be what made you outside of here
You have now established a place, so accurate and so clear

Nothing else can possibly be a life you once known
Sought nowhere to go from that, in missing your home
Hence you will find out that all stems from you within
Every moment that this happens, a new you always begins

Dom*Colucci 2014

Don't let this be a hang up*

Don't let this be a hang up*

Just to hear your voice once again
How you spoke to me when we began
To know how music that comes along
Fluidly to each other, our hearts belong
To taste each word you have to say
And to feel it so warmly, like like the light of the day
But for some reason or another when this ends and we say goodbye
I have this feeling I will no longer hear you and tear up to cry
Because when we do and I hang up the phone
Here I am once again, without you all alone

Dom*Colucci 2014

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Ready to be new again*

Ready to be new again*

With one more round to have a chance
Leaves letting go gracefully in a dance
Something that is coming, starting to unfold
The chill in the night and the day that gets cold

Dying by the moment no time to go back
Like a virus that swoops in when it attacks
A frost that clouds all in its veil
Begins on one thing and starts its trail

No more is it warm to make the heart flow
Death to be here soon with no life to grow
But when it comes, a blank canvas will start
To make what is around the corner, its beautiful art

Dom*Colucci 2014

Come around to go around*

Come around to go around*

The wind blew the dust around
Coming right behind it without a sound
The dust was taken by surprise
There was no time to open its eyes

It was a warning of things to come
If only the dust had legs to run
Late this was as anew comes the season
Mother Nature knew of its reason

A winter was fast approaching with its chill
The dust knew now that it was to remain still
For a blanket to lay upon it with snow
Time was nearing here to finally let go

So it stayed dorment and gave up as it tried
Flurries swirled around it this time not to arise
Death was to be only a moment then would pass
Winter is in the cycle not to last

As one day will come and the warmth shall be felt
All that surrounded the dust will finally melt
Do not ever fight this manner or even fret
All things shall move on when it is perfectly set

To look at this we note that things are temporary you see
Somethings that become a bond as other things are freed
Beginnings may be a struggle to reach the end
But always remember in a cycle the end begins again

Dom*Colucci 2014

One with another*

  One with another* See how the sun plays on the mountain side The moon that does move the water into the tide All in this world influences ...