Thursday, June 30, 2011

Forever relationship is Love*

Forever relationship is Love*

Love is within my heart as it fills this space
The gentle feeling I have for you, like a breeze on your face
Always we are together, we will never part from this
Knowing in this moment, each one we never miss
Our relationship together, always bonded in our hearts
The Love I have found with you forever, joy right from the start

Dom*Colucci 2011

Comfort constantly*

Comfort constantly*

I am not alone, never will it seem
With the comfort you give, it feels like a dream
Your warm glow and with heavenly touch
Always uplifting my heart in our Love so much
To have you in my life, is such a delight
The joy the moments bring us, morning, noon and night

Dom*Colucci 2011

Silence in sweetness*

Silence in sweetness*

The night has been stolen away by the morning sun
It is has been opened with my heart, the day has begun
I have found you and your Love next to me
I know I am alive for it is your Love that I see
I get closer to you and know the Love that I found
And whisper of such sweetness in your ear without a sound

Dom*Colucci 2011

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

New beginnings in Love of Life*

New beginnings in Love of Life*

A brand new day has arisen with the sun
The life with Love has just begun
The beauty of all, with the vibrant colors and hues
Makes me walk in the garden and this is what I choose
I am captivated by such Love that is nature all around
Feeling so much growth with my heart in Love, that I have found

Dom*Colucci 2011

Our hearts feel stronger*

Our hearts feel stronger*

My breath is taken away
It is you my Love, my heart is still and stays
You are the Loving charm in my eyes
Could one ever make me shed a tear and cry?
For the both of us, we will always be so strong
And our Loving hearts together, will never be wrong

Dom*Colucci 2011

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Being natural*

Being natural*

The forest is alive, pine trees wafting scent in the air
The birds go flying in the breeze without care
Such a delight to walk in this scene with Love
Nature all around felt by the presence of God up above
There is so much going on populated to grow
The beauty of all this creation in my eyes that I know

Dom*Colucci 2011

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Let time freeze, while we are always in Love*

Let time freeze, while we are always in Love*

Frozen in time as our hearts beat as one
This feeling of unity sealed our Love, as it begun
We embrace with each other and close we will be
I am always Loving our moments for both of us to see
Lover please be my side, as my heart rapidly beats fast
Make this moment last forever and never see time pass

Dom*Colucci 2011

Love from a flower*

Love from a flower*

I look at the flower, nestled in the green
It hides with shelter and not to be seen
But I know that it is Loved and I gaze with content
It shows off its Love, the way it was meant
I noticed Now that it smiles back at me
The little daisy flower, for me to see

Dom*Colucci 2011

A whisper one night*

A whisper one night*

I come to you so silent in the night
To lay right next to you, a beautiful sight
I whisper my loving thoughts in your ear
You have a humble sigh to listen and hear
I have now expressed my love for you
For this moment you enjoyed and my heart so true

Dom*Colucci 2011

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A new day in our Love*

A new day in our Love*

The day has made us Awoken my Love
Night has gone away with the sun up above
We are both entwined in this passion as we see
Our hearts and Souls come together, very intimately 
Please Love, make this moment forever last
Our desires increase in this new day and the night has past

Dom*Colucci 2011

Sun shines in my heart this afternoon*

Sun shines in my heart this afternoon*

Sunshine is bright yes, a very nice afternoon
I am walking on the park path to see my Lover soon
I have made arrangements for us to meet
A casual late lunch for both of us to eat
I will order a bottle of fine Chablis to partake 
Enjoy our romantic affair, with our Love we will make

Dom*Colucci 2011

Together we are fine*

Together we are fine*

Oh Love Divine, to be next to you
My heart always flowing in Love so true
To Love you all the more and be gentle as well
With this feeling of happiness, it is your heart I can tell
Keep this heart always in such Love all the time
This is our special bond and I know it will be fine

Dom*Colucci 2011

Ease in this field of Love*

Ease in this field of Love*

The field is filled with daisies in the breeze
Satisfied in Love with butterflies at ease
Blowing so softly and gentle to be here
Winged Monarch flies in the sky so clear
What a joy this sunny place does bring
My heart is filled with Love as it also sings

Dom*Colucci 2011

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Connected in a strong Love*

Connected in a strong Love*

Oh magic in my heart, it stirs me dearest
Love abounds all around and always nearest
Open feeling within to be happy you see
My Love grows stronger and stronger, inside of me
Feel my energy as it is connected with Love so strong
Pulling your heart next to mine, right where it belongs

Dom*Colucci 2011

Monday, June 20, 2011

Together our hearts are aflame*

Together our hearts are aflame*

As this world revolves and turns
Deep inside me is my heart's desire that burns
A heated flame that captivates your heart with charm
To hold you close by me and keep you in my arms
Lover we were meant for each other here
Love me more and more, keep my heart forever near

Dom*Colucci 2011

Heart with hidden dreams*

Heart with hidden dreams*

The night is slipping away as I see you sleep
Feel the comfort and ease you fall in so deep
For you are within your Soul*, this is your treasure
Within that Soul* you see me with my heart for your pleasure
Come love with me in these hidden dreams
Making all your possibilities real as it seems

Dom*Colucci 2011

Sunday, June 19, 2011

You are always within me*

You are always within me*

You are my rose, my inspiration to my heart
Feeling of such Love and to never split apart
Our bond is so deep and a beautiful touch
Being by you always with my faith so much
You will always be within me and my Love be there too
For it is in your Soul that truly is the beauty of you

Dom*Colucci 2011

You still are far away from me*

You still are far away from me*

I feel your Love from far away
It enters my heart and it does stay
But it can only be more real being close to me
As my Soul will be satisfied in what I see
For it is only on a piece of glass that is so clear
But your presence is only in heart and not so near

Dom*Colucci 2011

Friday, June 17, 2011

Naturally Loved*

Naturally Loved*

Fresh as a daisy in the meadow all alone
Ray of golden sunshine, it feels right at home
Rejoicing in the openness, breeze in the sky
Butterflies and bees in the wind passing by
It is Love that is always all around
This Love keeps growing in nature, that I have found

Dom*Colucci 2011

Love being next to you*

Love being next to you*

Gentle you are, skin so fine
Lips I Love to taste, like the sweetest of wine
Your eyes have the depthness, I can see
I look deeply in them as they look back at me
I feel your heart, its Love and it's warm
Come closer Love and be in my arms

Dom*Colucci 2011

Where have you been, Love?*

Where have you been, Love?*

Oh Lover, Oh Lover, where art thee?
I awaited for a week or even three
I have not heard from you, my heart no longer can keep
My emotion is being tested too much, too deep
Please Lover, please give me a call
If not real soon my heart will just fall

Dom*Colucci 2011

In Love in the park*

In Love in the park*

I await for my Lover in the park
Late afternoon before the dark
A gentle feeling all over me
My heart exudes happiness, filled with glee
She arrives in Love and we settle in
Our True hearts bond together once again

Dom*Colucci 2011

Friends at lunch time*

Friends at lunch time*

Mid afternoon with a breeze
Clouds in the heavens moving with ease
I take a spot on the stone wall
Off the ground and not too tall
I happen to look in the trees
Two robins frolicking and eating berries, I see

Dom*Colucci 2011

Thursday, June 16, 2011

You are the light of the day*

You are the light of the day*

Oh Sweetheart, fresh smile I see
It is Loving heart that is to be
Beaming like the sun with its rays
Making such radiance through the day
My Love, my heart always longs for you
It is your heart I wish, this Love to be True

Dom*Colucci 2011

Enchanted evening in Love*

Enchanted evening in Love*

The day is almost over and calm is in the air
I walk out on the patio and see you with Loving care
Gazing at you this evening and feeling your heart so True
I can only get closer, my heart is longing to be next to you
It only gets better, as Now we embrace in touch
With both our hearts together, Loving you oh so much

Dom*Colucci 2011

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Ahhhh!!!!...You are so refreshing today*

Ahhhh!!!!...You are so refreshing today*

Laying in the grass on a pleasant afternoon
The sun is out with warmth, birds sing their tune
They are so cheery and playful in the sky
I roll over once to see beauty in my eye
My lover has come over and hope she will stay
To make her heart feel love, as we both enjoy the day

Dom*Colucci 2011 

Darkened void of Love*

Darkened void of Love*

Darkened mystery has came in the night
I thought you were there my Love but nowhere in sight
I searched for a candle to see if you were there
But only found more emptiness as I became Aware
Now my heart is hurt, a Love I cannot find
Love has seemed to have left me, with uneasiness in mind

Dom*Colucci 2011

Monday, June 13, 2011

Always we will be the best of Lovers*

Always we will be the best of Lovers*

We are the best of Lovers and we always do meet
Every moment I have with you, for it is a wondrous treat
You make my heart sing, like a robin happy all the time
Your Love is like poetry flowing and also has its rhyme
You make me so happy, forever this moment we see
I will always Love you and I know you will always Love me

Dom*Colucci 2011

My Love's heart came back to me*

My love's heart came back to me*

The wind scampers across, the ocean sound
My love is in the distance, as she comes back around
My heart awaited for her arrival, for many days gone by
Each night my heart hurt in silence and my eyes did cry
But now safe passage has brought her home, once again to me
My heart feels her love, this joy will never flee

Dom*Colucci 2011

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Love and its freedom*

Love and its freedom*

Twisting and turning, going round the bend
The feel of God's heart in nature, it will never end
The water keeps moving with the flow
Over rocks and tree branches it must go
Now it has one more hurdle as this is tall
It is Love in freedom, Now it flows over the waterfall

Dom*Colucci 2011

Mountain filled with Love*

Mountain filled with Love*

Morning on the mountain, freshness in the air
Blowing with the smell of flowers, wafting without care
Simple breeze is exhilarating, my senses to be open wide
My Soul is feeling happy and also satisfied
This is the Love of nature that I Love too
For it is in God's Consciousness, with this to be true

Dom*Colucci 2011

My Love is in the nature of the Soul*

My Love is in the nature of the Soul*

I walk in a field and see with open Love
I feel this Love so pure and Divine from above
The trees that surround the field and flowers here too
The bumblebee flying by and the wind passes through
I have arrived with such Love, I feel this in my heart
This will always be with my Soul, right from the start

Dom*Colucci 2011

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Passion of the night, you are the moon*

Passion of the night, you are the moon*

Light doth come in, the window clear
It is night time and it is the moon that is here
My heart feels passion as it does the glow
For my Love grows stronger, that I know
I sense that you are with me, in this room
It is the light in the darkness, for it is the moon 

Dom*Colucci 2011

Beauty is the flower in your heart*

Beauty is the flower in your heart*

Looking out at the beauty in the field
I see a flow that does not yield
As many flowers are together in bloom
So much spectacular color to fill its room
But the beauty that arises is of heart so True
For I see your heart and this blooms too

Dom*Colucci 2011

Thursday, June 9, 2011

We play music with our hearts*

We play music with our hearts*

Do you hear the music from my heart?
It knows when to come in and sing its part
It pounds profusely in joyous tune
It feels your presence, you will be here soon
Oh what a feeling to never steal away
I know when you arrive, your Love will make my day

Dom*Colucci 2011

Desires with a red rose*

Desires with a red rose*

I walk in the garden of roses and see
A beautiful red rose with Love for me
I get closer to her and bend down to touch
Her open bloom comes up, to kiss me so much
My mind is racing and filling with desires
Love in my heart is beating rapidly and it is on fire

Dom*Colucci 2011 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I Love sunny days*

I Love sunny days*

The heat is on with the sun up high
Rays of golden light, in the sky
My Love is just as bright and elevated too
This heart filled with radiance is just for you
The day has turned out to be of Love so free
With our hearts together, this will always be

Dom*Colucci 2011 

Monday, June 6, 2011

Open book starts Love over again*

Open book starts love over again*

A story of a journey, we have took
Did not follow any verses, our love an open book
We played out all those things from the start
To keep us both together with love in our hearts
Continuing on this path on our journey again
Love will always be with us, no matter where we begin

Dom*Colucci  2011

Lover's in the full moon*

Lover's in the full moon*

Lovers in place, to be close soon
They both gather near, silhouettes in the moon
It is hearts deeply in their attraction
Vibrational pull with Love's satisfaction
They are so close Now, together in sight
Embracing their passion, with Love in the night

Dom*Colucci 2011

Tree becomes a soul*

Tree becomes a soul*

A beautiful tree
Born in the wild world
Sometimes Vicious, merciless
Then sometimes Kind and gentle.
Took the both, he had to
Softly separated them
Kept the beauty
Released the pain with leaves.
With every autumn it felt
A golden glow growing
Inside its beautiful soul
Till it was transformed.
A tree of love, tenderness
Took over its being
Warmth and sweetness was its gift
To every being that came close.
Sharmishtha basu
We come across so many types of people in our life. Some are those who make us, give us something which enriches our souls forever. We thank the moment, the fate that brought us together.
I am fortunate to meet quite a lot of such people. Dominic Colucci, the person I call soulbro, is one of the topmost of them.
I am blessed to have him in my life. I received his beautiful soul child, his first book “Tree becomes a soul” on 25th night.
I am spending my time reading it slowly. Every poem is a new chapter to his life, a beautiful journey to me, and I think to every poetry reader.
Thanks soulbro for this touch of love across the continents. I felt like shaking your hand when I first held your book in my hand.
Love you a lot!
Yours friend forever.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Our Love is never ship wrecked*

Our Love is never ship wrecked*

After what we have been through last night
Our Love was in the balance, with such a fright
When we left the dock, we were never warned
It was of treachery on the seas in a storm
Now we are thrown on the shore, tattered on the beach
You are by my side, it is your heart that is in my reach

Dom*Colucci 2011

A journey of Love that is here always*

A journey of Love that is here always*

Seeing the path that is in front of us, my dear
It is laid out for us to be of Love, that is here
Let us move on and take the further steps
The Universe feels our heart, it is being of one that it preps
We move forward a little beyond this space
But we know always within it is Love in this place

Dom*Colucci 2011

Love with the Divine*

Love with the Divine*

The Love of two in hearts Divine
Making such happiness of feeling fine
Togetherness that not binds but is open so true
This openness is of Love, like the skies so blue
We embrace each other in a moment we combine
And feel this great Love in hearts that entwine

Dom*Colucci 2011

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Love will see us through our trials*

Love will see us through our trials*

If I am guilty, it is because of my Love for you
And may the grand jury see that it's true
I have taken trials in all of my life
And sacrificed everything in cause of such strife
But one thing that always remained from the start
Was me Loving you always with my open heart

Dom*Colucci 2011

Deep within a beautiful heart awaits*

Deep within a beautiful heart awaits*

Deep in the woods, a heart of happiness sings
I hear it calling strongly and joy it does bring
As I am pointed in a heart filled direction
To feel both hearts in this Loving connection
I Now see this beautiful heart, it is my sight
That heart is you Love and this moment is so right

Dom*Colucci 2011

Return soon as my heart awaits*

Return soon as my heart awaits*

My Love, you have set sail away from me
I know I must maintain still and also be carefree
But I know one day that you shall return
Back into my arms and my heart so warm
Chart your course soon to come back in my heart
And may we never ever leave our Love drifting apart

Dom*Colucci 2011

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Love that makes heart so real*

Love that makes heart so real*

You can always be a delight in anyone's eyes
For you bring so much happiness and clear blue skies
My heart sings of joy in rhapsody too
I could never ever turn my back on you
You give me sensation and Love that I feel
I know this is true and your heart is so real

Dom*Colucci 2011

Truth in us always so close*

Truth in us always so close*

Sweetness of Love, delicious taste of wine
Love from you, is passion also fine
You always are the rose that I see
Making my heart fonder and so carefree
What a feeling with your presence, I Love from you
Knowing how close we are always being so true

Dom*Colucci 2011

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Perfect is the day*

Perfect is the day*

Stroll along the pathway, right along the lake
Hand and hand we walk, it is the moment that we take
Feeling both our hearts in this joy to be carefree
And yes Loving every moment to be so happy
We continue on with such freedom of the day
And know everything ahead of us, is perfect on its way

Dom*Colucci 2011

A flower that kept my heart warm*

A flower that kept my heart warm*

You are the flower in my eyes
Radiant beauty like the sun in the skies
You set my heart in such a blaze
Startled by you beauty, I give a gaze
Your Loving life with me such a charm
Keep me close forever in heart so warm

Dom*Colucci 2011

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...