Love, follow in allowance*
The dawn has opened with sunshine in my eyes
We are two Love birds with freedom towards the skies
My heart and yours has taking flight in the wind
Forwarding off our platform, as we do this again
I will go along side you and Love surely follows
This feeling within our hearts and the Universe that allows
Dom*Colucci 2011
~It is all about where you are placed because this is what the intention is...and that intention is NOW in your present reality as this is what you wished~
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Eternity with Love*
Eternity with Love*
Forever is our Love, as eternity does it bring
The joy of both our hearts and music it sings
We will be entwined with this for it is written this way
Deeply down inside us, it is our Souls enjoying this stay
For I will be within your arms so secure
And know of this Love forever, that I am sure
Dom*Colucci 2011
Forever is our Love, as eternity does it bring
The joy of both our hearts and music it sings
We will be entwined with this for it is written this way
Deeply down inside us, it is our Souls enjoying this stay
For I will be within your arms so secure
And know of this Love forever, that I am sure
Dom*Colucci 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011
Love, sweet to be complete*
Love, sweet to be complete*
The Love from you, is fruit off the vine
Tasting so sweet, like lips to the wine
I must slow down with this passion for you
To make Love whole, in all we do
My heart will beat one pump at a time
With this in completeness, our Love will be fine
Dom*Colucci 2011
The Love from you, is fruit off the vine
Tasting so sweet, like lips to the wine
I must slow down with this passion for you
To make Love whole, in all we do
My heart will beat one pump at a time
With this in completeness, our Love will be fine
Dom*Colucci 2011
The thorns I will not touch*
The thorns I will not touch*
Oh one of life, with emotions and scorn
Not to hurt such beauty and feel the rose of thorns
I must be gentle and hold her soft
Never give pain to her heart or wave it off
Her love for me that is very warming and sound
I will hold her in such tenderness when she is around
Dom*Colucci 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Gratitude, you are here*
Gratitude, you are here*
Oh graceful fulfilling life you have given me
My heart is open with joy and with my Soul I see
For this is a Love that goes deeper than any ocean
It is in its continuance I feel, as it is set in motion
I thank you so much in gratitude forever the day
I know Now you are my gift and always be this way
Dom*Colucci 2011
Oh graceful fulfilling life you have given me
My heart is open with joy and with my Soul I see
For this is a Love that goes deeper than any ocean
It is in its continuance I feel, as it is set in motion
I thank you so much in gratitude forever the day
I know Now you are my gift and always be this way
Dom*Colucci 2011
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
The sparrow that felt my heart*
The sparrow that felt my heart*
Dismal is the day as I sit on a bench
Underneath some covers not to get drenched
I am met by a little sparrow scurrying along
Looking for food and not singing its song
As it gets closer and feels Love in my heart
We stare at each other for a moment, then soon departs
Dom*Colucci 2011
Dismal is the day as I sit on a bench
Underneath some covers not to get drenched
I am met by a little sparrow scurrying along
Looking for food and not singing its song
As it gets closer and feels Love in my heart
We stare at each other for a moment, then soon departs
Dom*Colucci 2011
Love after a cloudy day*
Love after a cloudy day*
The clouds have subsided and gone away
For the sunlight is shown, to make this day
The Love in your heart, I feel with this shine
My life expands with this Love and I feel fine
Thank you my Love for being here with me
I know my Love is strong with you, it will always be
Dom*Colucci 2011
The clouds have subsided and gone away
For the sunlight is shown, to make this day
The Love in your heart, I feel with this shine
My life expands with this Love and I feel fine
Thank you my Love for being here with me
I know my Love is strong with you, it will always be
Dom*Colucci 2011
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Many sparkling facets of the heart*
Many sparkling facets of the heart*
The diamond within me in Soul so still
It is what is your intention that meets the will
For the Universe that made me enjoy this place
With more Love inside and filling the space
For it will always be Love that allows one to grow
It always begins in heart, that is what I know
Dom*Colucci 2011
The diamond within me in Soul so still
It is what is your intention that meets the will
For the Universe that made me enjoy this place
With more Love inside and filling the space
For it will always be Love that allows one to grow
It always begins in heart, that is what I know
Dom*Colucci 2011
You are my sunshine*
You are my sunshine*
Awakened with such splendor, I see in your eyes
With radiant sunshine and no clouds in the skies
Your heart is felt with Loving care
With you by my side, I am always well aware
You will always be my sunshine to my heart so True
I will always feel such brilliance, always Loving you
Dom*Colucci 2011
Awakened with such splendor, I see in your eyes
With radiant sunshine and no clouds in the skies
Your heart is felt with Loving care
With you by my side, I am always well aware
You will always be my sunshine to my heart so True
I will always feel such brilliance, always Loving you
Dom*Colucci 2011
Saturday, July 23, 2011
The beauty of Love*
The beauty of Love*
You are of beauty sculptured by the Love of God
Made to perfection of heart, not a flaw to be odd
You are the rose of such Love, this is also art form
To make one's heart melt always and to feel Love so warm
You make me so happy, my heart will always know
You next to my side as we let our Love grow
Dom*Colucci 2011
You are of beauty sculptured by the Love of God
Made to perfection of heart, not a flaw to be odd
You are the rose of such Love, this is also art form
To make one's heart melt always and to feel Love so warm
You make me so happy, my heart will always know
You next to my side as we let our Love grow
Dom*Colucci 2011
You arose from my vision of Love*
You arose from my vision of Love*
I await in such silence as it is soon to be felt
All comes at a calm and nothingness begins to melt
Now I am in its sight of aligned well being
I feel the Love of the Universe emerging what I am seeing
It is a vision of my hearts desire of Love so True
It is an Angel of God and that Angel is you
Dom*Colucci 2011
I await in such silence as it is soon to be felt
All comes at a calm and nothingness begins to melt
Now I am in its sight of aligned well being
I feel the Love of the Universe emerging what I am seeing
It is a vision of my hearts desire of Love so True
It is an Angel of God and that Angel is you
Dom*Colucci 2011
Love of the Soul*
Love of the Soul*
The day is of wonder and of sunshine too
It is filled with radiance and a flow that goes through
Happiness is its consistency in my open heart
Not a tear shall be coming or my Love fall apart
For it is my Love that will be forever in such gratitude
Even if I am alone as it is my Soul in solitude
Dom*Colucci 2011
The day is of wonder and of sunshine too
It is filled with radiance and a flow that goes through
Happiness is its consistency in my open heart
Not a tear shall be coming or my Love fall apart
For it is my Love that will be forever in such gratitude
Even if I am alone as it is my Soul in solitude
Dom*Colucci 2011
Wind embraces my Soul*
Wind embraces my Soul*
Feel the wind as it satisfies the Soul
Deep longing of its Love to make it whole
Love of mine you will always have me
Both our Love together and our hearts so free
You are such wind that my Soul has longed
Now with your Love in my heart where it belongs
Dom*Colucci 2011
Feel the wind as it satisfies the Soul
Deep longing of its Love to make it whole
Love of mine you will always have me
Both our Love together and our hearts so free
You are such wind that my Soul has longed
Now with your Love in my heart where it belongs
Dom*Colucci 2011
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Satisfying more and more in Love*
Satisfying more and more in Love*
The skies are all free of any clouds
The silence one hears is a the wind not loud
This is to be bathed in deep Love so true
Hearts filled with happiness and joy too
To Lovers that embrace this moment to be
Only more of a greater feeling both will always see
Dom*Colucci 2011
The skies are all free of any clouds
The silence one hears is a the wind not loud
This is to be bathed in deep Love so true
Hearts filled with happiness and joy too
To Lovers that embrace this moment to be
Only more of a greater feeling both will always see
Dom*Colucci 2011
The light still burns*
The light still burns*
The night has given way to a silence in the sky
The clouds are a white breeze as they pass by
The sun heads out going to the west
To partake a new venture and give this side a rest
But it will be Love that it shall return
The morning skies with this Love, the light will burn
Dom*Colucci 2011
The night has given way to a silence in the sky
The clouds are a white breeze as they pass by
The sun heads out going to the west
To partake a new venture and give this side a rest
But it will be Love that it shall return
The morning skies with this Love, the light will burn
Dom*Colucci 2011
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Both our Love has opened the door*
Both our Love has opened the door*
I knew of one day, this would happen in finding you
All the more that I felt your Love to be so strong
Enticing me closer in my heart, where you belong
As to see you Now and what it is meant for
You. Standing in front of me, no longer behind a closed door
Dom*Colucci 2011
Steal away this moment in our hearts in Love*
Steal away this moment in our hearts in Love*
We see each other with Love in our eyes
Love, feel the music playing from open skies
Yes we come together in such a dance
Pulling each other closer with our romance
Let us entwine both out hearts with this feeling
Captivated like thieves, both our hearts we will be stealing
Dom*Colucci 2011
We see each other with Love in our eyes
Love, feel the music playing from open skies
Yes we come together in such a dance
Pulling each other closer with our romance
Let us entwine both out hearts with this feeling
Captivated like thieves, both our hearts we will be stealing
Dom*Colucci 2011
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Gentleness with our Love, alone*
Gentleness with our Love, alone*
A pleasant evening for us to be alone
Go for a peaceful stroll, away from our Lovely home
Holding hand and hand and kiss on your face
Gentleness in the wind, the breeze in this space
My Love, I look at you. I see your heart is in my eyes
Feeling that Love from you, larger than blue open skies
Dom*Colucci 2011
A pleasant evening for us to be alone
Go for a peaceful stroll, away from our Lovely home
Holding hand and hand and kiss on your face
Gentleness in the wind, the breeze in this space
My Love, I look at you. I see your heart is in my eyes
Feeling that Love from you, larger than blue open skies
Dom*Colucci 2011
I will find you with my heart and eyes*
I will find you with my heart and eyes*
My Love for you I thirst in the desert sun
Aimlessly searching lost, without end or even begun
Your Love that I feel is the heart I treasure
Once I find you with such heart, it will be of such pleasure
I hope I will not walk many miles in sweat, heat and to die
I just need to know if your Love is true, with my heart and opened eyes
Dom*Colucci 2011
My Love for you I thirst in the desert sun
Aimlessly searching lost, without end or even begun
Your Love that I feel is the heart I treasure
Once I find you with such heart, it will be of such pleasure
I hope I will not walk many miles in sweat, heat and to die
I just need to know if your Love is true, with my heart and opened eyes
Dom*Colucci 2011
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Sing and be free as a bird*
Sing and be free as a bird*
Oh beautiful robin, song from your red breast
A beautiful melody to the Universe, you give it the best
Singing a tune of happiness and of Love
Not only of song but freedom of wings to fly up above
Joyous as this is, it is seen a pleasant night
When you are done singing, your heart takes you to flight
Dom*Colucci 2011
Oh beautiful robin, song from your red breast
A beautiful melody to the Universe, you give it the best
Singing a tune of happiness and of Love
Not only of song but freedom of wings to fly up above
Joyous as this is, it is seen a pleasant night
When you are done singing, your heart takes you to flight
Dom*Colucci 2011
A desire in romantic moonlight*
A desire in romantic moonlight*
A darkened night of jeweled skies
Moon is settling, a few clouds pass by
The evening is enchanted, Love is felt near
Hearts of both Lovers connect more and become clear
This feeling is felt, those hearts are filled with desire
Love becomes more intimate and passions are on fire
Dom*Colucci 2011
A darkened night of jeweled skies
Moon is settling, a few clouds pass by
The evening is enchanted, Love is felt near
Hearts of both Lovers connect more and become clear
This feeling is felt, those hearts are filled with desire
Love becomes more intimate and passions are on fire
Dom*Colucci 2011
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
The hearts in Love live the best*
The hearts in Love live the best*
Two little birds chasing in the trees
The joy is within them, pleasing as may be
It is this feeling of joy that hearts open wide
And this great feeling you have, with Love by your side
For this is a happy heart so carefree full of zest
Happiest hearts grow stronger and live Love the best
Dom*Colucci 2011
Two little birds chasing in the trees
The joy is within them, pleasing as may be
It is this feeling of joy that hearts open wide
And this great feeling you have, with Love by your side
For this is a happy heart so carefree full of zest
Happiest hearts grow stronger and live Love the best
Dom*Colucci 2011
Our Love stays here with us, forever*
Our Love stays here with us, forever*
Time may drift apart but we do not
We have found Love within us, right on the spot
Comfort the two of us, we always shall be
We known each other a long time, living so happily
My Love you will be forever in my heart
Our bonds together in this Love, like we had from the start
Dom*Colucci 2011
Time may drift apart but we do not
We have found Love within us, right on the spot
Comfort the two of us, we always shall be
We known each other a long time, living so happily
My Love you will be forever in my heart
Our bonds together in this Love, like we had from the start
Dom*Colucci 2011
Romantic we are for hours*
Yes a peaceful setting this afternoon, I see you in
I feel your Love coming to me, like a breeze in the wind
My passion flows more for you next to me
In this openness, it is you I can only see
My Love let us lay amongst the field of daisies and flowers
And disregard all time, we will be romantic for hours
Dom*Colucci 2011
Yes a peaceful setting this afternoon, I see you in
I feel your Love coming to me, like a breeze in the wind
My passion flows more for you next to me
In this openness, it is you I can only see
My Love let us lay amongst the field of daisies and flowers
And disregard all time, we will be romantic for hours
Dom*Colucci 2011
Monday, July 11, 2011
Happiness on a butterflies wings*
Happiness on a butterflies wings*
So happy you are, oh butterfly in the wind
Moving to where you wish, done once again
You are of the freedom that was brought in your Soul
The Universe you fly around in to make you so whole
Happiness abounds within so True
Take refuge to the skies, which are so blue
Dom*Colucci 2011
So happy you are, oh butterfly in the wind
Moving to where you wish, done once again
You are of the freedom that was brought in your Soul
The Universe you fly around in to make you so whole
Happiness abounds within so True
Take refuge to the skies, which are so blue
Dom*Colucci 2011
Beauty of the rose, I kiss*
Beauty of the rose, I kiss*
A whirlwind is around me, I am lost in your eyes
I have fallen right in them, they are of blue skies
I cannot escape in such beauty so True
Your attraction to me as my heart is fond for you
Oh Lover, it is so difficult and hard to resist
To enjoy life with a rose and a sweet Loving kiss
Dom*Colucci 2011
A whirlwind is around me, I am lost in your eyes
I have fallen right in them, they are of blue skies
I cannot escape in such beauty so True
Your attraction to me as my heart is fond for you
Oh Lover, it is so difficult and hard to resist
To enjoy life with a rose and a sweet Loving kiss
Dom*Colucci 2011
Delightful life together*
Delightful life together*
We grow with our Love like each blade of grass
Its roots within us get stronger, as time does pass
Heart of Love, carefree as a gentle breeze
You by my side making my Soul at ease
I will forever Love you and always will stay
The two of us meant for each other, our Love is this way
Dom*Colucci 2011
We grow with our Love like each blade of grass
Its roots within us get stronger, as time does pass
Heart of Love, carefree as a gentle breeze
You by my side making my Soul at ease
I will forever Love you and always will stay
The two of us meant for each other, our Love is this way
Dom*Colucci 2011
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Soon is not enough with Love*
Soon is not enough with Love*
My emotions run deep, I feel you here
In my Loving heart, wishing you to be near
My Lover I have dreamed about you night and day
How we will be together, with this Love that will stay
But until that time comes, my heart is always here for you
When I see you in my eyes, I know this dream has come True
Dom*Colucci 2011
My emotions run deep, I feel you here
In my Loving heart, wishing you to be near
My Lover I have dreamed about you night and day
How we will be together, with this Love that will stay
But until that time comes, my heart is always here for you
When I see you in my eyes, I know this dream has come True
Dom*Colucci 2011
I will wait forever for you*
I will wait forever for you*
Silence I await for you and my heart does too
Knowing all the things that we can possibly do
But to see you once in my life so fine
To hold you in my arms and next to this heart of mine
I will be patient in seeing this so
For it is in my intention I will always know
Dom*Colucci 2011
Friday, July 8, 2011
Knowing that I Love You*
Knowing that I Love You*
Your Love is such a wonder to me
Many moments have passed very happily
Each like two sparrows frolicking in the big blue skies
Enjoying our life together and never asking why
Such a life I Love as you do too
This is my heart growing, knowing I Love You
Dom*Colucci 2011
Your Love is such a wonder to me
Many moments have passed very happily
Each like two sparrows frolicking in the big blue skies
Enjoying our life together and never asking why
Such a life I Love as you do too
This is my heart growing, knowing I Love You
Dom*Colucci 2011
Your Love is needed soon*
Your Love is needed soon*
A shadow has casted in the night
The day has hidden its sunlight
Rain is tapping on the window sill
In my heart I fear a cloud, overcasts its fill
Please Lover come in the hour of my need
I wish your Love with me very quickly indeed
Dom*Colucci 2011
A shadow has casted in the night
The day has hidden its sunlight
Rain is tapping on the window sill
In my heart I fear a cloud, overcasts its fill
Please Lover come in the hour of my need
I wish your Love with me very quickly indeed
Dom*Colucci 2011
Love has no tyranny*
Love has no tyranny*
My Love, why so despondent to the world?
Keep Love in your heart and see it unfurl
For this prison against heart can no longer be
It is within your Soul to make you see
Continue in this Love, I feel from you strong
And the rest of your life, it will never show no wrong
Dom*Colucci 2011
My Love, why so despondent to the world?
Keep Love in your heart and see it unfurl
For this prison against heart can no longer be
It is within your Soul to make you see
Continue in this Love, I feel from you strong
And the rest of your life, it will never show no wrong
Dom*Colucci 2011
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Your Love is filled with bliss*
Your Love is filled with bliss*
You are a brilliant light with Angel wings
The heart of diamonds above many things
Beauty sculptured in this world to see
With the feel of Loving heart always so happily
A joyous feeling you give me by your side
Loving every moment with you so satisfied
Dom*Colucci 2011
You are a brilliant light with Angel wings
The heart of diamonds above many things
Beauty sculptured in this world to see
With the feel of Loving heart always so happily
A joyous feeling you give me by your side
Loving every moment with you so satisfied
Dom*Colucci 2011
Love conquered darkness*
Love conquered darkness*
Felt like a shadow was there, with my heart to keep
But it was your powerful Love that kept me sustained
I feel your Love in your heart, where it remains
Please Love, be close to me this night through
For it is our bonds with each other that are so True
Dom*Colucci 2011
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Love by your side no matter what*
Love by your side no matter what*
You have never left me in the state of despair
Always in your heart with such Loving care
You console me in my moments of doubt
Keeping me within you heart and never without
My Love will always grow with you as you know
Continually Loving you all the more, it will be so
Dom*Colucci 2011
You have never left me in the state of despair
Always in your heart with such Loving care
You console me in my moments of doubt
Keeping me within you heart and never without
My Love will always grow with you as you know
Continually Loving you all the more, it will be so
Dom*Colucci 2011
Close to our hearts unconditionally*
Close to our hearts unconditionally*
I take you with unconditional Love. in my heart
Protect you always with such Love, right from the start
Continuously give you more happiness, one can see
Knowing how Loving you are and your Spirit carefree
We will always be together as Love is always here
The Love we both know with our hearts so near
Dom*Colucci 2011
I take you with unconditional Love. in my heart
Protect you always with such Love, right from the start
Continuously give you more happiness, one can see
Knowing how Loving you are and your Spirit carefree
We will always be together as Love is always here
The Love we both know with our hearts so near
Dom*Colucci 2011
Your heart is who you are, Love*
Your heart is who you are, Love*
Oh innocent Lover with life divine
Enter my heart, until the end of time
I will relish every moment, it is to be new
To keep our Love wholesome and also be True
I see our lives together so vast and far
The only Love I wish for, is the Love that you are
Dom*Colucci 2011
Oh innocent Lover with life divine
Enter my heart, until the end of time
I will relish every moment, it is to be new
To keep our Love wholesome and also be True
I see our lives together so vast and far
The only Love I wish for, is the Love that you are
Dom*Colucci 2011
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Romance illuminating*
Romance illuminating*
Dusk comes across the vast skies
No clouds to be seen in one's eye
But a feeling of romance trickles in soon
Knowing this passion in desire with a full moon
Oh splendid beauty in my heart so dear
Come closer Love and feel my warmth in heart so near
Dom*Colucci 2011
Dusk comes across the vast skies
No clouds to be seen in one's eye
But a feeling of romance trickles in soon
Knowing this passion in desire with a full moon
Oh splendid beauty in my heart so dear
Come closer Love and feel my warmth in heart so near
Dom*Colucci 2011
Romance in the hills*
Romance in the hills*
A Sunday afternoon to drive in the hills
We take the long way there and seek some thrills
The twists and turns we encounter well worth it
Hold onto your floppy hat and make sure it fits
Our journey is almost over, as we reach it to picnic
Together with cheese, wine and Love, that will do the trick
Dom*Colucci 2011
A Sunday afternoon to drive in the hills
We take the long way there and seek some thrills
The twists and turns we encounter well worth it
Hold onto your floppy hat and make sure it fits
Our journey is almost over, as we reach it to picnic
Together with cheese, wine and Love, that will do the trick
Dom*Colucci 2011
Detached heart*
Detached heart*
A faint place in my heart
Had a feeling one day we would part
We just never seen eye to eye
Your Love for me I suffered and cried
Now never to do it again
I will be like the breeze and leave here like the wind
Dom*Colucci 2011
A faint place in my heart
Had a feeling one day we would part
We just never seen eye to eye
Your Love for me I suffered and cried
Now never to do it again
I will be like the breeze and leave here like the wind
Dom*Colucci 2011
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Our Love is deep*
Our Love is deep*
Our deep integration within our Souls
Like a flower that makes the nectar whole
As we grow together in our relationship to be
For what we have in our hearts we see
Let Love be like such flower and continue in the light
For we are of this Loving picture, a beautiful sight
Dom*Colucci 2011
Our deep integration within our Souls
Like a flower that makes the nectar whole
As we grow together in our relationship to be
For what we have in our hearts we see
Let Love be like such flower and continue in the light
For we are of this Loving picture, a beautiful sight
Dom*Colucci 2011
Love will go away as well*
Love will go away as well*
Darkened sky as mystery sets in
Your shadow is behind, this is where it begins
Something mysterious tells me about you
Hoping that it is Love and knows this to be true
For if it is Love, I will know this Truth to be fruitful again
But if it is not, the breeze you felt will be me. Gone with the wind
Dom*Colucci 2011
Darkened sky as mystery sets in
Your shadow is behind, this is where it begins
Something mysterious tells me about you
Hoping that it is Love and knows this to be true
For if it is Love, I will know this Truth to be fruitful again
But if it is not, the breeze you felt will be me. Gone with the wind
Dom*Colucci 2011
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