Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wrong number*

Wrong number*

It was in a park, we met a couple days ago
It seems forever, like many months though
But I was lucky, your phone number you gave to me
You told me to call you up, when you got free
So now I did, a few times I tried to call you on the phone
I listen a few more times and I all I got was a dial tone

Dom*Colucci 2012

The buzz word for today is?*

The buzz word for today is?*

A beautiful garden, open petaled flowers
Growing so vibrantly, in each and every hour
A colorful rainbow, with contrast and hue
Traipse along the pathway, pretty palette in view
A wondrous sound, listen close you can hear this buzz word
Look how cute it is in flight, it is a tiny hummingbird

Dom*Colucci 2012 

Where did you come from?*

Where did you come from?*

Hot scorching sands in the desert sun
No coolness to the oasis, until the day is done
Blowing winds that see no relief
Desolation all around, such a belief
Blurry mirage I see in my eyes
The sun intensifies in wide open skies
But I see an outline is approaching, I know it's near
For my heart knows of love and it became you crystal clear

Dom*Colucci 2012

Monday, February 27, 2012

We both lost Love*

We both lost love*

Such touching and endearing love we had
Always given each other happiness and being glad
But something went the other way and took a turn
As much as we tried to patch it up, we never learned
So now we must both go our separate ways
We cannot love each other ever again, we will never stay

Dom*Colucci 2012

Gratitude for Sharmishtha Basu*

Gratitude for Sharmishtha Basu*

I just would like to thank a very good friend of mine as we known each other Now for 3 years on a website called operated by Mallika Chopra. She has recognized a great talent in me as well and I was always inspired by her poetry and insights since She will always be one of the greatest friends I have ever had and may our Souls* meet one day as well...

Here is to you my Precious Flower of God's Love, Sharmishtha Basu. Thank you, I Love You

Always yours,
Dom*Colucci AKA soulbro* xoxoxo@}--  2012  

Something definitely about you*

Something definitely about you*

I seen a hint of mystery in your eyes
With one look I melt, as I am mesmerized
I cannot seem to point it out with this
Was it something I did not see or miss?
Yes, now I know what it is so true
It is your heart within and Soul*, that is something about you

Dom*Colucci 2012

Captain of her heart*

Captain of her heart*

Lonely as she felt but looked for love one day
She knew he would come into her life, so she prayed
As time went by, she never gave up hope that he would be there
Openness in her heart and always seemed to care
She asked her Soul* to set sail and directed her compass on her chart
She seen him in the distance as he came close, the captain of her heart

Dom*Colucci 2012

Sunday, February 26, 2012

The dark moonlit sky, the tunnel of Love*

The dark moonlit sky, the tunnel of Love*

The evening setting in, as it blankets the sky
A million stars in the heavens for counting, stopping by
The moon shows up destined to a passionate interlude
The tone is set, how romantic tonight is in its mood
Come close love, we enter the tunnel of love
The darkness that shrouds us with its treasures, are seen up above

Dom*Colucci 2012

Don't cross the river*

It knows the flow*

A stream moves down a mountain side
It takes it over rocks and bends in stride
Flow with it like it does so well
Your life will be so much better, I can tell
Stay right where you are, it is great to be you
Loneliness is tough, but your Soul* knows you what to do

Dom*Colucci 2012

My heart will take yours*

My heart will take yours*

Darkness has made me do some crazy things
I steal every girls heart that they bring
No one has stopped me yet for I am a thief
It sits and dwells in my Spirit, it is my belief
So keep your heart away from me, where it does not belong
I will come by one night, for you will be weak and I am strong

Dom*Colucci 2012

Willows weep and so do I*

Willows weep and so do I*

Sunny days that use to come by
Now clouds have settled in the skies
A stain has come across my Loving heart
This Love of ours drifting apart
So Now I sit alone near the willows as they weep
A heart that we use have, Now loneliness keeps

Dom*Colucci 2012

Friday, February 24, 2012

Tangled up in blue*

Tangled up in blue*

We have met from a time before
Many passageways to open doors
All the people in our lives come and gone
But I knew of a day that you'd be the one
So Now our rendezvous is here so true
I embrace you from the heavens, to be tangled up in blue

Dom*Colucci 2012

Thankful heart*

Thankful heart*

We must cherish everything in our lives
Every moment has purpose to be wise
To look above with the sun in the sky
Watching the moon at night with the stars passing by
I will Love you more in me where your heart belongs
Keeping it strong so it never goes wrong

Dom*Colucci 2012

Tuesday, February 21, 2012



In my wanting for that someone long and far away
I awaken this morning hoping that this is the day
But my heart is caged and it feels imprisoned too
Many of these days go by, I keep missing you
They are lonely days, lonely nights I tire
For that one day to come in my eyes to always admire

Dom*Colucci 2012

She is simply, awesome*

She is simply, awesome*

Along the Caribbean shores, crystal clear to blue
I look in the horizon, placid beyond my view
But I see someone approaching out of the calm in the sea
She is vivacious, warm and Loving and coming right towards me
Hardly any waves swirl around her, she comes closer to near
How my heart is trembling, a goddess from the ocean's crystal clear

Dom*Colucci 2012

Eyes reveal your Love*

Eyes reveal your Love*

A sudden look that came over me
I turned my head just to see
How more beautiful in the eyes could be
I felt it inside her, she was happy and carefree
It was her Soul* that made the revelation so true
I responded very quickly and said to her, I Love You

Dom*Colucci 2012

Sunday, February 19, 2012

She is within my Soul*

She is within my Soul*

She calls me in silence, the mountain so tall
Entering in the opening but I feel so small
I move onward as my Soul* walks with me
Pressing deeper and deeper for something to see
I get halfway there and then the vision comes True
My Soul*mate is here, as she is within me too

Dom*Colucci 2012

Friday, February 17, 2012

Holding up, while it passes by*

Holding up, while it passes by*

The day of warmth, is coming real fast
The winter, ceasing to exist as it did not last
You see the skies clearing more and more
All the windows are open, including the doors
The trees are giving exhalation in holding up the skies
Returning the favor, the skies hold onto the trees while passing by

Dom*Colucci 2012

I heard trembling*

I heard trembling*

Through silence one has heard no voice
Clearly distinguished without no noise
But a minor trembling is heard, a faint vibrating sound
The music of a goddess, I am caught in the surround 
I tremble and become weak at the knees
My mind is in a tailspin, my eyes hardly see
It is Siren the goddess of song in not to resist
My heart in temptation, calling for help and the Soul* to assist
I wish not be under this spell, for I will fade away
To be relieved by this song, be of peace as I rather stay

Dom*Colucci 2012

The glow of the moon*

The glow of the moon*

Oh golden sunshine, walking away
For time it has moved, gone westward not to stay
But there is a moment that comes to follow
Glorious illumination, darkness it swallows
How romantic this is as it shows up real soon
Wearing all its jewels around it, it is the glow of the moon

Dom*Colucci 2012

For it's spring again*

For it's spring again*

Calm is this day as it shall bring
For it is Love of life and soon to be spring
To feel the warm breezes and the air so clean
Winter's purity and lushness of summer, it's in between
To arise new growth, paint color so clear
Days get longer with daylight so near 
Just a few more swipes in the wind
And robins come home, for it is spring again

Dom*Colucci 2012

Monday, February 13, 2012

Hot Love, cold world*

Hot Love, cold world*

My heart is hot with desires
Very flammable, its on fire
But when my fuse is lit and next to you
You are so cold, with my heart I cannot get through
So the way I see this torrid Love affair as it unfurls
It becomes hot Love but I am in a cold world

Dom*Colucci 2012

Precious Love*

Precious Love*

A diamond I see in my eyes
Sweet like honey and gorgeous blue skies
To hold you close to me forever
In such a beautiful lasting endeavor
Come together like two morning doves
Yes, be by your side and your precious Love

Dom*Colucci 2012

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Pure is Love*

Pure is Love*

Love so gentle and so sweet and pure
Making one's heart open, that is for sure
Just like a blanket of fresh winter's snow
Clear, clean and fresh from that is what I know
Peace in stillness with all its Love comes from above
Freedom as well like an olive branch in a white turtle dove

Dom*Colucci 2012

Romantic twilight*

Romantic twilight*

A sun is going down, the light will be gone real soon
To usher in the evening awaiting romantic moon
All along the shore is calm from a vast ocean
We take each other by the hand, tide with effortless motion
Then turning to each other with the Love, we gaze in our eyes
And become of one in silhouette blending in twilight skies

Dom*Colucci 2012

Emptied Love*

Emptied Love*

Feeling that was so Loving, this is where I landed
I turn in one moment, gone and you left me stranded
My heart was in such a flux, what was I suppose to do 
The hurt got more intense, the heart it went right through
I did search for you and kept it up with my demands
But when it was all over, my heart was empty like a desert with no sand

Dom*Colucci 2012

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Cupid stupid*

Cupid stupid*

Wherever it may be, one day we will meet
Could be on a crowded bus or on a busy street
Our passions are filled each night and day
Something is making us to be pointed back our way
This feeling of Love, intoxicating me very stupid
I feel the arrows are ready from the little cherub, cupid

Dom*Colucci 2012

Floating in Utopia*

Floating in Utopia*

I know of a place that is in the sky
Heaven is its name, but it is in your eyes
So pure the Soul* sits there within you
Feeling that your heart and its aim so True
I see myself on a magic carpet ride there
Forever floating in Love my Love, clouds with thin air

Dom*Colucci 2012

Love is very amusing*

Love is very amusing*

Amusements we seem to not have so much
As we both make our lives just as such
But there are times when we just like to slip away
And make the best of out of our very busy day
With this we find our recreation of romantic fun
Two hearts in a tunnel of Love, here we come

Dom*Colucci 2012

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Please be not my dream, but reality*

Please be not my dream, but reality*

I go to sleep at night to dream
While under the trance there is a screen
It is you Love with beauty covered by the veil
But you lead me on to a mysterious trail
I follow willing to have a heart so strong
And in the end awaken, hoping I had you all the long

Dom*Colucci 2012

Dance in desperation*

Dance in desperation* 

Desperation, please do not come today
Wretched that you are, to show me this way
My heart maybe lonely with suffering with desires
Do not fuel these passions or I will be engulfed in your fire
My plea is then, to send me a Lover so we may both dance
To end this hardship of Love in heated romance

Dom*Colucci 2012

Thru your eyes, I Love*

Thru your eyes, I Love*

Designed from a rose, I see grace
Beauty from your stem, purity of skin on your face
Oh seductive woman it is in your eyes that glow
My heart cannot take to much more of this, as I know
I am caught with your Love as it snags my heart
So hard to resist you, as I fall apart

Dom*Colucci 2012

You are mysterious*

You are mysterious*

There is a mystery here, I feel it in the air
I know I can sense you around but do not know where
It is of pulsating heart and strong vibration I feel
The more you tug at me, the more my heart you steal
But when I turn around for it is your presence to greet
You are not there at all, for both of us to meet

Dom*Colucci 2012

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Two Lovers in Madrid*

Two Lovers in Madrid*

A slight trip across the Mediterranean Sea
A liner from Morocco to Spain it will be
Arriving my heart flutters the feeling within
Another time to meet you, our Love is once again
I will leave this city, Malaga near the port
And be with you tonight in Madrid, as I quickly go North

Dom*Colucci 2012

Beauty of your heart is here*

Beauty of your heart is here*

I come with expansive heart, Love is in the air
Free as a breeze in the meadows, flowers blow without care
I am touched with this state of bliss within me Now
This meadow is filled with many flowers, not to be a crowd
Ah yes I settle with this feeling it has brought me here
Alas my Love, I see the beauty within your eyes, you are so near

Dom*Colucci 2012

Call for another heart*

Call for another heart*

A heart needs a bond for it to be true
This bond is called Love, all there is to do
A calling is made for a Lover to come along
Sending out a signal, rhythmic beat in a song
But when the other does not respond to be so warm
I have nothing but emptiness with my own heart in my arms

Dom*Colucci 2012

Friday, February 3, 2012



One who was in the background all this time
Many years of confusion was going through my mind
But after all that, from many years for fate to meet
A woman far away had this vision of me to greet
As it all worked out to take a trip to the States
It was her, woman of Love, to meet this guy who is so great

Dom*Colucci 2012

Eyes of Africa*

Eyes of Africa*

Heat of sweltering desert sands
Parched all around, desolate land
Big vast country here for me to meet
Many miles to go through on my own two feet
From a Mediterranean village on the sea
All the way to the tip near Cape Town, ocean air so free

Dom*Colucci 2012

I have seen you here*

I have seen you here*

Many people have all types of directions
When one finds the right track, it is a connection
Two Lovers walking around in the dark
Could possibly be a movie, supermarket or walk in the park
But however it turns out to be, it will be just fine
As I know who you are, right down the line

Dom*Colucci 2012

It is your name*

It is your name*

It seems many years ago where we met
You expressed your views, open forum on the internet
We went back and forth, soon emails became the phone
I knew Now our relationship, we were no longer alone
As it is peculiarity that would play over and over the same
You became like a song on the radio, it was your name

Dom*Colucci 2012

Just one kiss*

Just one kiss*

Sunshine with tulips that arise
Beauty of a few clouds, blue in the skies
A field of colors, vibrantly laid a rainbow patch
Many to feast upon within our eyes, ones to catch
But the beauty I see as I cannot resist
It is my desires for you, to give you just one kiss

Dom*Colucci 2012

You go through my heart*

You go through my heart*

A breeze, a gentle wind I smell your hair
Fresh scent of rose that perfumes the air
So helpless that I must surrender every time you are near
My heart which never opposes, for yours it always adheres
This opening that I feel like the clouds that do part
A river of such flowing Love, that goes through my heart

Dom*Colucci 2012

Thursday, February 2, 2012

The most vibrant rose*

The most vibrant rose*

Many roses will come into your life, you'll see
They will dance with you and make you carefree
But they will also steal your heart with a lie
And even show their darkness in front of your eyes
But hidden beyond these shadows is one that is close
She will come out of the center, the most vibrant red rose

Dom*Colucci © 2012

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...