Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Burning the light of my Soul*

Burning the light of my Soul*

I feel the intensity building ever so higher
My heart is palpitating so much with desire
You are the one in my life, it is unity we became
A volatile spark that has lit the wick from the flame
Oh goddess Venus, I am ablaze in my heart as it burns
You set my Soul* on fire, the passion is going as the more I yearn


No murk when I arise*

No murk when I arise*

Oh darkness cast a spell as I dream
From the light into night without a seam
Deep I go on the other side of this world
To bring about many secrets that begin to unfurl
A journey that I have never left being right here
When it is over departing back so crystal clear
To continue from the sound sleep then to open my eyes
Awakening this morning, like the lotus to the sunrise

Dom*Colucci 2013

A twinkle in my eyes*

A twinkle in my eyes*

Star light, star bright
Where are all the stars tonight?
Is it because dusk is turning into twilight?
Or an illuminating full moon will soon be in sight?
Avast yet what is hidden in the blue?
Are many diamonds that twinkle beyond so true

Dom*Colucci 2013

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Passionate moon, it knows when to come by*

Passionate moon, it knows when to come by*

The evening is coming rapidly and the sun goes west
Another day as ended for it is time for a rest
To have two lovers come together, their hearts they do find
To ease the woes of the day and settle within their minds
For they do not have to worry for love will seek them soon
And to hold on with patience, as what finds them is the moon

Dom*Colucci 2013

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Fly my love, fly away*

Fly my love, fly away*

Look at how love is that we are so free
Two sparrows together to meet on a tree
Though we follow each other throughout the day
We know how love guides us to an effortless way
Our hearts that combine to be one within
Come my lover, lets fly away again

Dom*Colucci 2013

I see you called*

I see you called*

I seen you on a park bench looking at me
You were on the phone, conversing I see
But your attention was really not on the phone
For some reason or another we are not gonna be alone
You left who your were talking to and came so near
It was my heart that you felt love that drew you here
You knew all along that someone would come by in your life
And to give you this kind of love that you would be satisfied

Dom*Colucci 2013

Saturday, June 8, 2013

It pulls me away*

It pulls me away*

Today I walk around and go through a daze
A dark cloud in my heart and I see through a haze
Nothing makes it more clearer that I cannot see
Maybe I am lost without my Soul* that is inside of me

Please I ask within that will make my happiness grow
No longer to see what is outside of me, that shadow of a rose
For a false hope has been placed and leaves me to be hanging on
I wish to pop out of this dilemma, to say goodbye to it and be gone

For I know that life is good as the way it is meant to be
When I do become one once again and my burden to be free
The time being I continue to move forward not knowing what to do
To trust that something comes along and pulls me on through

Dom*Colucci 2013 

The other side of us is love*

The other side of us is love*

We have made it through the day as it brought us some light
To become of this ecstatic feeling coming into the night
The sun is going down as it sets in the west
Hearts beating faster, it is passion with no rest
How I longed for this moment to be of us both
Ushering into our hearts with love, it is our host
We leave whatever is outside of us and let it be
The other side of this window grows stronger, we'll see

Dom*Colucci 2013

The moon, the mystery revealed*

The moon, the mystery revealed*

The darkness in the night a mystery is here
To be drawn together in our hearts, oh so near
A warm breeze settles from the ocean wind
To blow back the clouds, to open heaven once again
I see that intimacy is here and we both enjoy this love
To have this elated feeling and to rise higher than above
In this togetherness with open hearts, we feel something soon
It is the arrival in a jeweled treasure sky, the passion of the moon

Dom*Colucci 2013

One light, one heart~love*

One light, one heart~love*

Come with me my love and take me by the hand
Let us walk along forever and leave footprints in the sand
To have your heart next to mine into eternity we shall bring
Making wonderful music and both of our Soul*s to sing
We will never stop until our Soul* says its done
To continue this journey and follow our hearts with the sun

Dom*Colucci 2013

Simple, I love you*

Simple, I love you*

If there is anything to be happy with it is you with me
How you give me such life to be of joy and carefree
To know how much you support me, always this way
And feel like a vibrant lotus and to arise of this everyday
Coming to you with openness in your heart and so warm
And to be of togetherness and of oneness in your arms
What more can I ever say, what more can I ever do
But it will always be three words and they are, I love you

Dom*Colucci 2013

The heart and Soul* lights the way*

The heart and Soul* lights the way*

There is no darkness in where my heart goes
It has the invincibility of love and it seems it just knows
For its beauty is of a rose and the light in my Soul*
Because it makes me sustain in my life to be so ever whole
Many a times it seen a lot of situations to go astray
But it made its corrections and went on its way
So in essence it now knows of oneness and has definitely learned
That this path that it knows is like a candle that eternally burns

Dom*Colucci 2013

The anchor "waves" bye*

The anchor "waves" bye* 

My heart deep within seems so far away
It use to be of love and never felt gray
But something happened along this road
For the heart is burdened with a heavy load

I cannot break away from this for it hurts so
It was in my companionship with my lover that I know
But of all things in life that come along
To believe that in your heart they belong

No longer can this be as it goes with reason
That there is a meaning in the change of all seasons
So I sit here and ponder and go within to reflect
That I know my heart will heal and see that my Soul* will connect

It feels at times that love is like attachment to be
But when you look at it it is meant to be free
Then I must move on, as this is what is to know
And no longer to see this as the past, I will let go

Dom*Colucci 2013  

Real love within*

Real love within*

Oh how you came into my life last night
A dream into a long journey and plight
In the middle of this we did meet
Made wonderful music in our hearts complete

So beautiful we became I suppose
To be within your heart oh vibrant rose
Much in a romantic interlude and been through it all
I awake from this dream and see your shadow on the wall

But how is this so and how could this be?
I look all around and do not see you next to me
Are you still with me as I look with my eyes
I guess you are, as I see in my heart that you are inside

Dom*Colucci 2013

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...