Thursday, August 29, 2013

The Clearing*

The Clearing*

A darkened shadow has left the night
Running quickly away, for it sees the light
A new day has brought sun so high
The clouds are free from bondage to show blue skies
To my eyes that seem to be opened I get a view
And a purpose to move forward and to go on through

Felt what is here in all that is in surround
A blend of blank canvas without a sound
Clarity seems to be the goal that is here
But without this feeling ever, how can one see so clear
No thoughts is the aim one must have targeted to strive
This will show no effort in moving through one's life

A reality has emerged and I can see this ahead
But I chose to stay vigil inside with Soul* instead
Now that I know of such reality as it is objective to me
I stop and ponder with the moment and move subjectively
This is within me my teacher is definitely hidden
But to be of outside structure, conformity to be ridden

Whirling more out of this moment into the next
My clarity is showing me more within and not to be vexed
A light that is guiding me from the outer realm
I know of the captain that is here, as he takes the helm
I feel strictly aligned as I focus to be centered
No doors or windows just an inner hole to be entered

The light has me aligned and I seek no more to be
Coming closer and closer and closer, to become who is me
This line of attraction, there is no turning back as of now
The Universe is my road and my Soul* the guide to allow
I am in so deep but each depthness it is not
I hit each level on the surface as I am right on the spot

No more is my past as this shadow of darkness is leaving
I see with the light that is me, not illusion no longer deceiving
Yes, this seems to be of settling in the final resting place
A big womb of freedom, the entire Universe in space
Oh glorious path I have come as this is my Soul* and its treasure that it brought
I have finally found all in the Universe, aligned, focus and center I have sought

So now that I came in this journey within
The hands of time are gone, no longer to do it again
As I said of this place that settled here it is still
My intention has now been met as it matches its will
Future, a word for the folly and the strange
Alignment for the present and no longer of the deranged

Yes I am here though it took a spell
I made it with stillness and silence, no utterance to tell
All around me now is once to be done
Movement in and movement out, that moment is gone
Illusions that seem before to dance around and take root
I live this within me, this substance is Soul* and the Truth

Gone forever where I use to stand
A past that was a dream is now a forgotten land
Even this notion of what one thinks of a day
Has been replaced by instead a movement here with the way
I am all alone with this Awakening that now is here and not in the nearing
Look at what has happened, as it is my Soul* with me we belong to the Clearing*

It is over as over made it*

Dominic Colucci 2012

Released while in a flow*

Released while in a flow*

Ahhhh!!!!! the rain has come as it sprinkles down
Plink, plink, plink each drop hits the ground
A river that it sees in its flowing
Something has come across it in its knowing

That it merges with it and becomes one in the blend
For now that it knows of itself and flows with no end
Such a wonderful journey to a waterfall
Yippeeee!!!!!it is free released from how tall

Continuing on with its bliss and no objective in sight
Clearly it sees that is happiness on its plight
So water in essence in a flow, takes it in stride
With love that makes this happen, enjoy the free ride

Dom*Colucci 2013

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Lovebirds are we*

Lovebirds are we*

I will be with you forever like it was in the start
Both of us that is love, we seem to know each other's heart
Never shall we falter this gift that is us
For it is both of Soul*s that we know, this is our trust
Staying with this love as we always will agree
Like two love birds that never separate, being close in a tree

Dom*Colucci 2013

Love is the beauty of the Soul*

Love is the beauty of the Soul*

I see a moment, that we both can be

Me loving you and you loving me
To be of this sacred place, love so true
Combining to be one as we came as two
For in this unity we both become whole
Love is the beauty and the beauty is the Soul*

Dom*Colucci 2013

I found your love so deep*

I found your love so deep*

It was almost forever that I searched for you
I walked many miles, sailed many oceans too
I would not give up ever, on this quest
For I knew you would be out there, I could give it no rest
But there you where so deep without a sound
I fell right into your love, into the depths I almost drowned

Dom*Colucci 2013

Sweet heart to enter into*

Sweet heart to enter into*

Honey dew is sweet to the tongue and its tip
Closeness so sugary, as I kiss you with my lips
Let me fall within you and feel your heart pound
And get this excited feeling, the palpitations sound
Inviting this is, I get deeper so near
And enter into your heart now, the love that is here

Dom*Colucci 2013

Love knows its place with space*

Love knows its place with space*

Strangers we can never be but love
We are to be together, one heart to be of
Though love is still freedom and we know this too
Releasing each other once in awhile, what we must do
But we both know that we have this space
We will return stronger and intimate, right in our place

Dom*Colucci 2013

Soul* giving love*

Soul* giving love*

Mine is to love this is sure
Gentle and sweet is the heart so pure
Come into my arms, be close to me
Gaze into my eyes, what do you see?
Could it be that you see my Soul* within for this is true?
It is the love that I have to always give to you

Dom*Colucci 2013

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Once again, begin with love*

Once again, begin with love*

Do not make this shallow as we are in deep

It is you that took my heart, a love that you keep
We made it grow more and more to be
And shared each moment together, you and me
Let us not walk in darkness and become shadows in the night
But instead keep this glow burning in our Soul*s, that sees the light
Please come close to me and say it is not done
Darkness leaves us soon, start a new day as it has begun

Dom*Colucci 2013

Be serious with fun and to love*

Be serious with fun and to love*

Beauty is the daylight as it has come
Love and light in my heart, for I have some
I feel your heart beat, I am drawn to you
Where am I to go, what else can I do?
OK, I shall come closer and hug you like a tree
To be within your heart with love, to set your Soul* free
For it is in life that the Soul* is of love and fun
And to have this excitement always in every moment that has begun

Dom*Colucci 2013

Love keeps you on track*

Love keeps you on track*

We have been on a journey for many miles
But it finally took us here as it did take awhile
That is alright for it is our togetherness that is here
And both of us have been drawn to our hearts, beautifully near
We can never look at the past and it will never come back
It is where we are going right now, that is right on track
I enjoy this moment with you, that my heart loves in peace
I cannot see no burdens ahead for now they have ceased

Dom*Colucci 2013

To me, from me*

To me, from me*

The ocean moves with the ebb and flow
It comes into the shore and back out it goes
My heart does the same thing as well
Mesmerized when I am near you, under your spell
Pull me in as this thing call love starts
Let me now dive deep in your eyes, into your heart
Feel my Soul* with yours for love doth grows
Now both hearts beat as one, to and fro

Dom*Colucci 2013

I cannot say any other words*

I cannot say any other words*

Come my love, carry me away in a breeze
Like how the wind excites the branches in the trees
Wipe every tear that is shed in my eyes
Turn these gray clouds into beautiful blue skies
You have attracted me that I can never resist
The wonder comes alive within us when we kiss 
For it is our hearts that love is definitely so true
Oh my love, my love. I can only say I love you

Dom*Colucci 2013

Lost love leaves*

Lost love leaves*

A moment has come with much dismay

But for some reason or another, it has to be this way
Though it may hurt within my heart
To see you leave as we break apart
It already knows of the things to come
And has seen it to be final as it is said and done
So for now I will learn once again how love will grow
And release my emotions for you in letting go

Dom*Colucci 2013

A walk to be awake*

A walk to be awake*

The infinite that is before us now
Knows of where we are going any how
So seeing that it does, let us move about
And free all our troubles without a doubt
So let us start by moving ahead where we stand
Come love by my side and take my hand
For that to which is known and also seen
It is you and I together as we walk beyond this dream

Dom*Colucci 2013

The word is love*

The word is love*

Words describing love, one to ask
As it may seem to be a difficult task
But in essence no one can really say
For words they vanish and go away
But the real truth that sets words apart
Is really the feeling one gets in their heart
So we will leave the words all alone
And feel this great feeling of love on its own

Dom*Colucci 2013

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Soul*ful beauty*

Soul*ful beauty*

Oh, can I be so lonely and is this really true?
What makes me this way, what did I do?
Is it a lack of emotion and see nothing else?
Maybe I am centered in ignorance, looking at one self

Beauty that is within this mirror, it stops here not so deep
This is vanity and not where my Soul* has the heart it keeps
How do I break this cycle so this does not last?
How do I go beyond this reflected piece of glass?

Maybe I should crack this habit and shatter this mirror
Could it be that easy to see my life clearer
Then I shall see the beauty that is all around
The heart filled with love and the Soul* I have found

Dom*Colucci 2013

Love makes you fly*

Love makes you fly* 

Come to me love, come and see
My heart is open and my love so carefree
Be of happiness and joy as it all abounds
Melt into this wonder, love is all around
Rush into my arms, feel my heart as it sings
When you arrive within me, my Soul* will give you wings

Dom*Colucci 2013

Love shows us the light*

Love shows us the light*

A walk in the meadows, we see flowers as they stand
You by my side taking me by your hand
Forever stares back at us right in our faces
Walking with such freedom in open spaces
Continuing onward, we know love is so right
And to blend both of our Soul*s, as we walk into the light

Dom*Colucci 2013

Swimming in love*

Swimming in love*

Love is eternal and forever it shall last
Waves constantly moving, always as they past
I would have to say it is freedom as it comes
Surrounding us all, making a Universe in one
Feel this great feeling as it is in motion
Together we always are in the middle of love's ocean

Dom*Colucci 2013

Sweet dew on the lips of a rose*

Sweet dew on the lips of a rose*

I see us together always and all the time

Our hearts that bond, yours within mine
So intimate we become when we both are near
Oneness in love, unity as we are here
But the strongest feeling that has its grip
Is me kissing you, softly on your lips

Dom*Colucci 2013

Love grows from the ground up*

Love grows from the ground up*

Such joy filled with love in this afternoon
My heart in vibrations and its beat in tune
I feel this attraction pulling me towards you
Letting go and surrendering, now I see you in view
I come to you swiftly the more my heart pounds
I take you in my arms and lay you gently on the ground 
For my love as like a garden that doth grows
But you as my flower though, you are my rose

Dom*Colucci 2013

Next to me love, maybe*

Next to me love, maybe*

Time is slipping by without you here
Open is my heart to have you near
I can only see you as a vision in my eyes
Asking myself without you here to say why?
Oh love of mine where can you be?
My Soul* yearns for your love next to me

Dom*Colucci 2013

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Release this softly*

Release this softly*

I feel that the burdens are coming into my heart
Gone is the love that I knew from the start
Please do not bring me down that road
For this burden I cannot carry this heavy load

I take a walk and see that I wander
Maybe I will work this out as I ponder
I find a place that I can feel wanted and love
And ask for guidance from up above

Gentleness I can see with inviting touch
And that open feeling that I can love so much
Maybe my prayer has been answered today
And sit to drain all my problems from the dock of the bay

Dom*Colucci 2013

Let us drench ourselves in love*

Let us drench ourselves in love*

A day has come where it has showers
The garden is happy, a drink for the flowers
Let us both go out and enjoy the rain
Break away from doldrums and life so plain
Let us both be intimate with passions on the ground
And be soothing with cooling and feel this all around

Dom*Colucci 2013

Right here to see the light*

Right here to see the light*

I have come here in my life to see
To enjoy the finer things of life and be happy
But it seems a drudge has come across
Something inside feels so lost
But I know deep down inside its love is there
Maybe I should go deeper and see the heart that cares
I have to stop worrying and see things right
For I know what is around me is my guiding light

Dom*Colucci 2013

I will cry to see the sun*

I will cry to see the sun*

Out of nowhere something does arise
It fills the air above in the open skies
Building up tension as this all grows
Violence within for that which it knows
This all comes together as it came from the unknown
Chaotic in nature brought from within on its own
Sorrow is its path until it is done
Releasing its tears and once again to see the sun

Dom*Colucci 2013

Saturday, August 3, 2013

I am awaken in your dreams*

I am awaken in your dreams*

Slumber you go into, deep in your sleep
You are watching within, your heart to keep
Awaiting for you in your dreams
It will be me there soon, so it seems
I take my time to get close to you to touch
It is hard to pull back in loving you so much

Dom*Colucci 2013

Close to one's heart is within*

Close to one's heart is within*

My love, let us make an enchanting night

Combining both our hearts, beauty in light
An evening that we will never forget
Like when we came together, as we first met

Soothe me in your arms, love me as you can
To make my heart feel whole, right where I stand
Opening within myself as you always did
With this blissful feeling, no secrets we hid

Let us go from here and make our love grow more
Romantic this evening is, it is what it was meant for
I enjoy your company like how the night holds the moon
To hear the sounds of beauty, a violin in tune

Yes this is true love, I can never go astray
Like how a butterfly knows its flower right on its way
Now the moment has come not to resist
Please come closer to me, for thine lips I wish to kiss

Dom*Colucci 2013

Tell me what you read*

Tell me what you read*

Are you in the mood to tell me my love?
What is on your mind to be thinking of
I can see that you are involved in reading a book
Is it I that is in there that we should take a look?
Please tell me of what tale that you read
My Soul* wishes to know so it may see
But I know that it is good as I see you smile
Venture onward in reading as I stay awhile

Dom*Colucci 2013



I look into your eyes and what do I see?

A unity of us both inside of me
The closer I get to be in your heart
There is nothing that stops me to pull us apart
I then hold you in my arms in sweet embrace
We are both of one, between us there is no space
I lay you down in sweet caress
Like how a bird holds its young, soft in the nest

Dom*Colucci 2013

Gloomy to be so roomy*

Gloomy to be so roomy*

The clouds are here today, such a gloom
All alone I am, here in this room
I look out the window in hoping to find
A lover to be true to, with piece of mind
But it seems this time that my heart is veiled
And emptiness is swallowing it, hurt to prevail
So lonely is I to look at these walls
And stare into misery until I get a call

Dom*Colucci 2013

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...