Friday, February 21, 2014

Trust within who you are, it is love*

Trust within who you are, it is love*

Gratitude in the light and communion with the Soul*
All to be in a merge with love to be whole
For what brings us forward in the wonder of the day
Is how it already knows to be our guidance of the way
Move on as it wills you to do so as this is a must
Love is your protection along the way and this is your trust

Dom*Colucci © 2014


Snow has fallen
Nature now rests
Path to the clouds*

Dom*Colucci © 2014

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Soul*s choice first, the heart*

Soul*s choice first, the heart*

A long while back it seem to take a rest
Deep into this silence it was to manifest
So in the process that it was working and knowing of
Deep devotion to become a being filled with love

It knew that trials would be along the way
And a few difficulties within, changing the day
But the more it moved on and let itself press further within
It would give this gift to the one it loved right where it begins

For once it knew that this origin was seen, it definitely was home
There was only the merge of one and never to be alone
So while the suffering ended never to go back in doubt
The place where it is now, comfort is living within and not without

It was a consciousness that knows of love to put all beings in a place
To roam freely and be creative, it is unconditional love in this space
To then know who they are for them to see home as it is their heart
This is origin, the center of the Universe and never ever to be apart

Dom*Colucci 2014

Sunday, February 16, 2014

The beauty is the rose*

The beauty is the rose*

There is a bite in the air, silence has come
For something has ended a cycle and it is done
Love that was here is now withering away
The lushness that it was, can no longer stay

So the color starts to fade from a red to brown
The petals start to pull back and lay to the ground
Such anguish to see in this as it departs
Clenched by the coldness and hurt in its heart

But though it has to move on to make new again
So the beauty that it once was comes back to begin
Though it may not be the same as I suppose
But another will come along, that beauty is the rose

Dom*Colucci 2014

One sight, one vision*

One sight, one vision*

Feel me for who I am as I feel you
Though you cannot see me but to me you are in view
The reason is simple as instead you are looking around
You seem not to be silent and make chaos your sound

But have no fear if you do worry so
It is in my love for you, I am here to let you know
When you stop from all that noise and no longer is this chatter
Then you will see me, this is all that will matter

Oneness that we are we shall both agree
Then you shall look at me and we both can see
For what is in your eyes you did not see the whole
But now with both of us together, we are one the Soul*

Dom*Colucci 2014

Little Red Riding Hood*

Little Red Riding Hood*

A daughter's love came to send something to her mother

Sending her younger one into he woods but not further
She packed a basket of goodies to help her from being ill
Goodness was always her trademark and in her Soul*s will

She bundled up the younger one to move onward ahead
This younger one wore a cape with a hood over her head
The color that she wore was vibrant to stand out
Bright red was the fashion for it to be seen without a doubt

A wolf over heard her with her mother where she was going
So the wolf went to grandma's house in what it was knowing
To move grandma out of the picture and for it instead to meet
And to know a scrumptious dinner was in its eye's to eat

Off she scurried the younger traipsed away
Into the woods she left so early in the day
Along her journey she seen deer, bears and even a field mouse
Ahhhh!!!! what is in sight now is grandma's house

She knocked on the door and a gravely voice said "who's there?"
"Why it is me grandma, Little Red Riding Hood. I am here"
"Oh my, my dear please come in and see me"
The door opened wide so pleasant and free

Little Red Riding Hood seen grandma in bed not looking to good
So she started to ask a few things as she knew she would
First was, "oh grandma you have a big nose"
The wolf answered "to smell you I suppose"

The next she said "oh grandma you have big eyes"
The wolf said "the better to see you with, such a lovely surprise"
She moved on down it's face and seen that it had big teeth
The WOLF jumped out of bed and here is what it said 
"Here I come out of this bed for it is you that I eat"

A chase pursued and they both scurried around
But where was grandma there was not even a sound
The wolf had tied her up in the back room
But she managed to get free and come to the aid real soon

She took a loaded shotgun and busted on in
She seen this dangerous situation and was about to begin
The shotgun was loaded and a shot went off
The wolf was stunned and went aloft

Though the wolf was not injured and went out the door
It now knew this meant business and was not to come back no more
So Little Red Riding Hood felt safe in grandma's arms
They both gave big hugs by the fireplace so warm

So the end of the story that I wrote to tell
Everything in the end works out real well
In your darkest hours do not freeze or fret
Something is on its way as you ain't seen nothing yet

Dom*Colucci 2014

Saturday, February 15, 2014

We see each other as one*

We see each other as one*

Looking no further as the past went by
Seeing how this is on the other side of my eyes
Deeper that I can see how involved I slipped in
Focusing what is now, to begin once again
How close that I am that I can  touch my Soul*
I know that it loves me for I am in its arms that it holds
So yes there is no other side to ever seek
Being on the other side of my eyes
I go in to see and  take a peek

Dom*Colucci 2014

Freedom is my love for you*

Freedom is my love for you*

There will come a time in your life that someone you will meet
Could be anywhere, from a mall, movie or on the street
You may fall in love the moment your eyes look into theirs
And feel so wondrous and magical without even a care
But if it seems it does not work out you must both agree
If you really love that person, you must set them free

Dom*Colucci 2014

Yes to be saved*

Yes to be saved*

Struggling each moment as time passes by
Grounded with misery, not to be free and touch the sky
Wishing that my life would open and have wings to soar
But seems I am trapped within, as these walls are locked doors
I extend my Soul* out in these rough seas and its waves
To be pulled from these depths, yes to be saved

Dom*Colucci 2014

Life will love you back*

Life will love you back*

To feel good inside you, yes this is to be
Elated with this always and feeling this free
The joy each moment brings into your life
Growing with your Soul*, oh so nice
So keep feeling this way until this becomes a fact
If you love life always, then life will love you back

Dom*Colucci 2014

Love has trust in it*

Love has trust in it*

Differences may have come but did not last
Let us always be here and not of our past
We can see how this works out for the both of us
Remember between us two, it is always trust
And with this bond to where we stand
Separate we cannot be to live in never never land

Dom*Colucci 2014

Romancing the moon*

Romancing the moon*

Romantic as the moon to be
A reflected glow in the sea
For it being in a distance not apart
Such a wondrous feeling in my heart
Illuminate more and more through the night
Let it definitely be love at first sight

Dom*Colucci © 2014

You hint such gentleness*

You hint such gentleness*

Subtly you are present without a sound
I can tell by your heartbeat that you are around
So gentle that you are I feel your Soul*
Just like a the bud of a rose that is about to unfold
Let me take this all in while you are here
Then place you in my heart closely, so you are near

Dom*Colucci © 2014

Sunday, February 9, 2014



Ideas, where do they come from let alone where they go?
Are they a product of within for I do not know?
One stems from the other, one at time as I see
Something with a word or two breaking away to be free
I will just let them rise and pop out of my head
Than to keep them inside and lay dormant instead

Dom*Colucci © 2014

The End*

The End*

Fantasies to turn real, I see in this book
One chapter at a time, let me take a look
The deeper I follow, a world I get lost
Next chapter goes by, as this I crossed
But from the start that I move onward never to see again
For each page that has passed, is really the end

Dom*Colucci © 2014 

All around freedom*

All around freedom*

Bright is the day this morning in spring
Love in my heart with joy this does bring
Fresh in the meadow of daisies and flowers
Who could ever leave this, I stay for many hours
But one must move on and let the moments go by
And follow the clouds moving freely in the sky

Dom*Colucci © 2014


Blank canvas, the sky
Starlings take the pen
Signature disappears*

Dom*Colucci © 2014


Orchards in abundance
Patience in a dream
One apple seed*

Dom*Colucci © 2014

"There is no place like home"

"There is no place like home"

Sweet and sugar coated
Frost to bite
A blank canvas that is covered one sees in the light
Cold as can be, shivering to the bone
But we bundle up within and say
"There is no place like home"

Dom*Colucci © 2014

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...