Thursday, March 27, 2014

Ithaka, the home within you traveled upon*

Ithaka, the home within you traveled upon*

Once, you were very young and was sent into a place
You came across many things and seen many a face
You know that this journey is destined to be a long one
But that will do you good, you will see when it is done

Traversing these roads in search of who you are
And yes the journey gets longer, so very very far
That is OK for you have patience in where you stand
No need to seek the next moment, it has you at hand

Every part that you have gained in experience you went through
Keeping a fresh look, always having you to be in its view
Moving much further, more experience that you will see
For the Spirit that you take along is so happy and carefree

But now you know why you were chosen in what this all about
To be shown a lesson, to trust who you are without doubt
As all has passed and it is penniless you arrive
Those experiences on the outside are gone but still your alive

This was not how one holds on and attaches with its gains
No, this was how one lets go in all the experiences that came
Knowing of this, it was your Soul* that was on this journey that was long
You have now found Ithaka, your heart that you now belong

Dom*Colucci © 2014

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Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...