Thursday, April 30, 2015

Time goes nowhere down stream*

Time goes nowhere down stream*

Beige, wide open stream
Blue sky, white cloud dream
Time so lazy but drifts by alone
No place this starts, no place to go home
Passing by with ripples atop 
Moved by the wind and not to stop
For what is here did not begin
All it did was moved onward once again
Each wave goes by, there is no past
Swimming forward into nowhere as nothing is its grasp

Dom*Colucci 2015 

Taken when awaken*

Taken when awaken*

I shall close my eyes and dream real deep
See you in such place of hearts to keep
Your Soul* next to mine I shall feel
Entwined with our passions, moments to be real
The deeper I go, more I am into you
Love is here now, between us two
May I dream a little more, for heaven's sake
And when it is over, to pull from here when we awake

Dom*Colucci 2015

Once only comes once*

Once only comes once*

Gone is yesterday, it came here quick 
This morning a flame was lit on a wick
Brilliant was the day as it walked on by
Openness was filled with a light in the sky
But we say goodbye to all that, it retires in the west
This candle shall return once more in the east, to be our guest

Dom*Colucci © 2015

That life was once a dream*

That life was once a dream*

Something came through here a long time ago
It looked forward on its journey, as it seemed to know
It passed swiftly and did not stop to pause
It heard an inner voice give it its cause
"Just keep moving on and take this course
You are being guided home, home is your Source"
So now there was something here no longer seen
Awakened only once, the past was its dream

Dom*Colucci 2015

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Do you believe in that?*

Do you believe in that?*

What is this that it could be
A reality outside in front of me
Does it really have meaning, substance or form?
Is it something to move onward with or be forewarned

All seems so dimensional, something so real
Could it be something I belong with, to touch and feel
Yet all has settled and seems so dead
Could it be stillness made it in checkmate instead

I am beginning to see what this all means
That nothing is really a reality, so it seems
Transit beings we are and to the wise well aware
But to fools who believe this, it is an illusion everywhere

Dom*Colucci © 2015

The peaceful moon*

The peaceful moon*

The night came in without a sound
Light walked away, darkness all around
Stillness the Soul* felt and went very deep
The heart was filled with love, this shall it keep

It seemed that this moment was here to last
Though all was moving onward, as all to pass
I go deeper into a meditative state
To erase all that is here, having a clean slate

It is into this Soul*, the pinnacle of my being
Emptiness in the abode, clarity in seeing
When I arise from this I become the still and calm
Now right in front of me, the moon peacefully sits in the pond

Dom*Colucci © 2015

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...