Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Young and still with us*

Young and still with us*

We were young one day with the smell of grass mowed
As we went to our classes and took our school supplies in tow
The Viet Nam conflict was on the news every night
We sat and watched in horror as we were next group of boys in sight
So after having a good time in the basement with weightlifting, music, and beer
The time was getting closer for us to swear in with Uncle Sam as it was getting near
So the majority of us skipped the draft but joined in unity the U.S.Navy
I became a cook on a ship as I made mash potatoes, turkey and gravy
My buddy of mine, a schoolmate went on another ship in the Med
A tragic turn of events happened as it came in the news as I read
His name was Mike Kawola and he died in collision with the USS JF Kennedy
This happened in the Mediterranean on JFK'S death 22 November1975 at sea
So whenever this date rolls around as year after year it always does
I pay special tribute to him always, it is what I like just because

Here is my hand salute in silence from CS3 Dominic A.Colucci USNR(retired)20Aug72-6Jan77 to you EM2 Michael Kawola USN


  1. may his soul rest in peace and glory.

  2. Golden Lotus of God's Love..I thank you for your concern of my classmate and fellow sailor friend as his looks and mine were comparable..we could have been twins...(+) :)


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...