Saturday, February 27, 2010

Time out!!!*

Time out!!!*

I have had a long road and was well to do
I loved every moment and to also serve you
But Now it has come to take a rest
I am feeling sloppy with this stuff I guess
So I will be back when I feel refresh
And will enjoy you once again as my guest

Dom*Colucci 2010

ps: I am taking a break from making my poems but if you have not seen all of them there are many in the previous months to enjoy..and blogs as well...Thank you for your support...

Friday, February 26, 2010

Do what you did as it is done*

Do what you did as it is done*

The window sees outward and inward too
Depends on the side that you will chose
Crystal clear when polished and bright as well
But still a barrier between, this is what I can tell
The only way out is to open it and see it through
Now your Conscious Awareness will know what to do

Dom*Colucci 2010

A walk to heaven*

A walk to heaven*

Walk to heaven it is just right there
Open ones Consciousness, it is well Aware
Keep looking inward as this is it here
Now relinquish all thoughts to crystal clear
The final part is to leave alone and let go
You enter serene peace as heaven only knows

Dom*Colucci 2010

Time in a bottle left alone*

Time in a bottle left alone*

The hour glass stops and the sand settles in
It can do it once more but turn it over again
When you do this it becomes an egoic race
Count all the pebbles in the sand in the same place
But does time really matter when this is seen
Forget about time, live for Now if you know what I mean

Dom*Colucci 2010

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Follow me in while I am without*

Follow me in while I am without*

Waterfall curtains and drips to sound
An underground cave is what I found
I heard a voice tell me enter if you dare
Go inside to look and see what is there
So I do it and have my own brave instinct
This is what I know I follow and not think

Dom*Colucci 2010

Flying, the ease of the breeze*

Flying, the ease of the breeze*

The open meadow with a birch tree
Flower in a distance gives up to a bee
The grass is so tall, it rides in the breeze
Wind blows smoothly and comes with ease
The blue bird flies by and she sits on a stem
Takes off one more time to come around again

Dom*Colucci 2010

Points back but moves forward*

Points back but moves forward*

Look in front of you what do you see
Focused with alignment how true this can be
Take one step followed by another
Go with the flow on this and no other
Where have you stepped in Awareness of mind
In your very own mantra straight ahead you'll find

Dom*Colucci 2010

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I sink my teeth into it, but*

I sink my teeth into it, but*

The angry woodchuck goes home,waddling away
Groundhog said something or maybe he would stay
So in his dismay he possibly prejudged a look
It was the raccoon in the night that became the crook
Both parties concern as they both left with bad taste
The beaver, with buck teeth, did not get involved to save its face

Dom*Colucci 2010

Puzzle piece and its place*

Puzzle piece and its place*

The street has a curve and it goes roundabout
When you reach that point are you in or out
Puzzle you see is something you try to solve
But let it go and detach as it will dissolve
Now you know that it is in Oneness can see
Always remember something that puzzles you,
All you have to do is just let it be....

Dom*Colucci 2010

Time has no relatives*

Time has no relatives*

What does time have to offer us?
Really nothing but a major fuss
If all the energy detached itself from time
Things could be relative, that would be fine
We would be able to move about freely in space
There would be no other thing to do,
But live for Now in this place

Dom*Colucci 2010

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Mother Nature knows her seasonings*

Mother Nature knows her seasonings*

The tree stands so poise, it has no leaves
Sunlight, air and snow it does receive
Deeper the roots go but frozen ground is here
Winter has played rough with it and it has no fear
But by spring beauty will abound, fruit will bear
The tree will be full close up and far away,
And does know that Mother Nature plays fair

Dom*Colucci 2010

Snow falls and never gets up*

Snow falls and never gets up*

A dismal afternoon filled with clouds of gray
Weather is changing rapidly, snow on its way
The temps are still high, the first snowfall fell
The brisk nippy air with chill, I can smell
The six pointed flakes start to build a mound
They all came down to see us without making a sound

Dom*Colucci 2010

Bird in the hand, happily flown away*

Bird in the hand, happily flown away*

Once upon a time a bird came to me
It was hurt without love as it felt lonely
The bird was nurtured, helping its heart
Starting off fresh and the hurt came apart
Now time has gone on and what do we see
A brand new bird who is so happy

Dom*Colucci 2010

Monday, February 22, 2010

Just leaving and I am through*

Just leaving and I am through*

Window seat I see outside
We are departing what a ride
I know I will see many cities and towns
Waterways under bridges looking down
Hitting all the stops as the trains will do
An interesting journey one goes through

Dom*Colucci 2010

Going through it effortlessly*

Going through it effortlessly*

Open holes and voided place
Universe shows trackless trace
In the stars so way up high
Do they have wings to make them fly?
In between the geomteric path
Meteors fly by with senseless wrath

Dom*Colucci 2010

Planted where to be*

Planted where to be*

Clouds settle in and it is ready to cry
Land beckons its need of water from the sky
The downpour shoots off a deluge in stream
Going down the pathless gutter with its seams
Fill the dry ground with damp and moist
Every living thing planted comes out and rejoice

Dom*Colucci 2010

Sunday, February 21, 2010

What is out there?*

What is out there?*

It sure going to be hot where you go
Leave the plane of ignorance, see your ego
It is what is holding you back
Trying to put your life back off track
But you never left you life wait and see
Especially when you hear the voice,
All you have to do is pass by me
Illusionary as it may seem
Illusions are sifting sands through fingertips
With no substance in their dreams

Dom*Colucci 2010

Doors that know who you are*

Doors that know who you are*

What is behind that door?
Could it be horror or a bore?
I walk with caution, open the latch
Slowly it creaks and moving the hatch
Now I see what is on the other side
It is me always waiting, Now it is a free ride

Dom*Colucci 2010

One in Love, Love in One*

One in Love, Love in One*

Love comes in different feelings of being
Openness is part of it, it is the freeing
Sight, sound, touch, smell and taste
Each one of these things has its special place
Now that you know all about Love in where does it come
Love is always here as to say Love is always the one

Dom*Colucci 2010

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Plain high sight*

Plain high sight*

Blue vastness is the open sky
Eagle has soared ever so high
The mountains have a hard terrain
When reaching the top one sees the plains
It is so inviting when these things are there
One high on the rocks,
To low on the land cannot compare

Dom*Colucci 2010

Travelling in the goal*

Travelling in the goal*

Steps you make going straight ahead, always be
Direction we go is the direction we know, do you see?
The flow of the river only knows one way
Travelling in the goal that make it stay
So this is the only way that one really knows
The point in front of all is the way it goes

Dom*Colucci 2010

Good vibes we feel*

Good vibes we feel*

Vibrations come with feelings of calm
It is in vibrations that has the word AUM
This vibration in music that is there
The pitch strong in base, this is where
I feel this coming alive as it hits me
This is a feeling that one feels and not sees....

Dom*Colucci 2010

Friday, February 19, 2010

Stillness very loud*

Stillness very loud*

I stare on the runway, oblivion in still
I watch the wind blowing in the fill
A plane comes in, it is tipping around
The roar of the jet comes in with a sound
Now the moment left and calm again
I need to sit still as I did then....

Dom*Colucci 2010

Always up and never down*

Always up and never down*

The robins come early, playing in the tree
I come down the walkway, this is what I see
It is brisk and nippy, the chill in the air
They must know spring is coming early
They are flying without care
So off they go to another part of town
Maybe one more snowfall will be
This only makes one feel up and never down

Dom*Colucci 2010

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Spring pops up fresh*

Spring pops up fresh*

The song bird comes, spring is soon
The later with sun, the later the moon
The dew comes once again on the grass
Winter served its purpose, Now it passed
So you can awaken with the fresh scent again
Live with that feeling Now and not then

Dom*Colucci 2010

Have a fit in relaxation*

Have a fit in relaxation*

Relaxed and sitting in calm but still
It is my Awareness, completeness at will
I feel as I drift into this state
The deeper I come with being, I meditate
Then the Universe has a settling on me
The release with this feeling, and just let it be

Dom*Colucci 2010

Path has been walked on*

Path has been walked on again*

The bike path is covered today
This does not stop me on my way
Down the path, encountering a brook
Flow is dormant, no movement it took
Up another mile I reach the end
Turn around and go back again....

Dom*Colucci 2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Cleansed palette*

Cleansed palette*

Snow covering to cleanse the landscape
On the trees, roads and homes it drapes
It is so white and intense as bright to say
Awakened beautiful morning baptize the day
Go out amongst the nippy fresh air
To love every minute without care

Dom*Colucci 2010

Love moves my heart*

Love moves my heart*

Oh Love of my life, it is so true
My heart grows fonder always for you
As every beat is pounding loud
Strength in my love, push away the clouds
Always be there for me please
My desire for you will never cease

Dom*Colucci 2010

Wondrous above*

Wondrous above*

Glorious day sun shines down
Warmth is felt in the air and the ground
The birds are happy as they fly by
Not a tear in the sky for it to cry
Oh wonderful sight for one to see
Happiness I see meant for you and me(+)

Dom*Colucci 2010

Monday, February 15, 2010

TV critically seen*

TV critically seen*

I sit at night and watch TV
I only watch what I want to see
So if it is news or talk show host
These things I turn away from,
And leave the most
I watch the Food Network for something to eat
Also, Home and Garden TV can't be beat

Dom*Colucci 2010

Say sit to a dog, she will*

Say sit to a dog, she will*

The door opens wide and someone is here
It is my sister and her dog, aren't they so dear
The dog is happy to see me once again
As I gave her a bone as she knew back then
So they both come in and relax to sit
My sister's dog in the chair as she sits to fit

Dom*Colucci 2010

Water giving life*

Water giving life*

A droplet of water contains a great treasure
Inside, the attraction of any life surely a pleasure
Whether bacteria, atoms, babies or light
All come on strong with their own sight
But this is the key on how we all live
It is water that is the best gift, that always gives

Dom*Colucci 2010

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Smells good in the house*

Smells good in the house*

Walk in from the cold, smell the scent
Hey! It was not there before I went
It is someone baking fresh cookies, I see
I am very hungry, I hope they are for me
I will put my coat away, get a cup tea
Wait I change my mind,
As milk taste better with a cookie

Dom*Colucci 2010

The scene has seen*

The scene that has seen*

Blank canvas as I see at will
Art is in the movement, staying very still
I take one stroke and blend it in
Take another differently, to do it again
Scene is starting to look good, one more to do
Well look at that it is a scene to be seen,
As it looks back at you

Dom*Colucci 2010

The grounds were in the coffee*

The grounds were in the coffee*

Walking miles to seek what is there
On the path I only know that this is where
I traverse on a hill and down to an art school
The air that day was nippy and also cool
No being was there as I kept on the grounds
I heard a voice say "Coffee is on" and I turned around

Dom*Colucci 2010

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Subconscious living is giving*

Subconscious living is giving*

It is in your subcon Aware
Part where it should take care
Whatever you put in it it gives back
Something to get to something you lack
So make this your life in a positive spin
When you are on this track, you always win

Dom*Colucci 2010

Freedom to fly around*

Freedom to fly around*

Birds group up and off they go
Round one side of the building
Fly by us but only they know
Swoop down the street and back up again
Doing it once more like they did it then
Is it a race or just for fun?
At the end of the day they know its done

Dom*Colucci 2010

Positively on top of the world*

Positively on top of the world*

Top of the hill see the clouds
I yodel so hard and echo so loud
It crosses the mountains, into the sky
Clouds arise in the wind as they pass by
What a beautiful sight for all to see
This is how my day goes by positively

Dom*Colucci 2010

Friday, February 12, 2010

Hare today, here tomorrow*

Hare today, here tomorrow*

Bushy tail bunny rabbit in the yard
You protect the area with your guard
It is late outside as there is no light
But the moon up above, such a great night
So I come out see the outline of you
You hightailed it out of there as it is 23 skidoo

Dom*Colucci 2010
ps here is the meaning of 23 skidoo

Oil be right there*

Oil be right there*

The oil change I needed was on the run
I just pull in the place and the guy is done
I let my car go over the recommended time
What do I care how many miles, I feel fine
Dipstick is read as he comes to me and show
I go to the cashier, pay her and away I go

Dom*Colucci 2010

Incoming tax, we see*

Incoming tax, we see*

Income tax comes once again
Same as it ever was and even then
So we pack up all our deducted receipts
Go to the lady of taxes without deceit
We sit down and she shows us what will be
I look and give it a double take,
Is that the amount I see?

Dom*Colucci 2010

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Tears of a cloud*

Tears of a cloud*

The water curtain says its rain
Comes down fast and in the drain
Funnels down into the pipe gone
Does it back up when it is done?
Flooding down the incline swell
Enough water for the drinking well

Dom*Colucci 2010

Cotton not forgotten*

Cotton not forgotten*

Cloud of puffy big and white
You have muscle, I see insight
Thunder and lightning are put on hold
You can even make the air cold
Strong winds you blow all around
You show up always without a sound

Dom*Colucci 2010

I can see for miles*

I can see for miles*

Vistas so great on the mountain top
To get to the edge and see the drop
Gravity working down on the trees
The wind walks by, feel the breeze
Rocks embedded as foundations strong
This is the the best of creation, nothing wrong

Dom*Colucci 2010

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Oh weed of speed*

Oh weed of speed*

Tumbleweed of the plains in the flats
Got up from there as where you sat
Now the wind has picked up speed
Know the movement, this is your need
Round and round and no stopping in
This is where the beginning is again and again

Dom*Colucci 2010

Free as bird*

Free as a bird*

Birds in the sky passing so free
Wind under their wings just lets them be
With no cares in the cold this is good
To make fun and play as it should
They land and look for something to eat
The food they find is what they greet

Dom*Colucci 2010

Wind in a window*

Wind in the window*

Look out the window it is snow
Blowing and drifting, the way it goes
The trees don't mind as they allow to be
Wind does not mind as you cannot see
But the pile will be soon we say okay
It still is winter Now here to stay....

Dom*Colucci 2010

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

All is still and well rooted as well*

All is still and rooted as well*

The forest makes the whole of all trees
The trees love their home and they are free
They accept all species with bugs and birds
From all of them, they speak not a single word
But one might say they have some bark
You cannot hear this even in the dark

Dom*Colucci 2010

Snow always lets go*

Snow always lets go*

What happens upstairs makes the snow
Gravity lets the wet and cold as it goes
So it comes down on the city streets
It goes where the concrete and oblivion meet
Then one after the other it piles so much at a time
Comes down here in a day and that is just fine

Dom*Colucci 2010

Stay on the path*

Stay on the path*

Walk in the woods think you are lost
Snow covered trail is cool, filled with frost
Broken branches and foot prints too
Walk on this trail with steps from another shoe
I keep moving forward it is near the end
I have a few more steps, just around the bend

Dom*Colucci 2010

Monday, February 8, 2010

FroZen with time*

FroZen with time*

I went to a lake, froZen place
So cold there is red in my face
Blowing breath as steam comes out
Love this weather without a doubt
Go down the road with sun beaming down
Take a walk near the lake going round and round

Dom*Colucci 2010

Too big you gotta go*

Too big you gotta go*

The loud roar as the jet goes by
It came in for landing but Now it flies
It was a touch and go as the plane is too big
As it made its approach the controls did rig
But when it zoomed by and took off again
It did so many times before 6 o'clock, 7 or even 10

Dom*Colucci 2010

A day out with family*

A day out with family*

Today was a day without a twister
So unloaded my day with my sister
She invited me for lunch at her place of work
I checked in the front with the clerk
Sis came down and directed me where to eat
We went back to the office and her girlfriends we meet

Dom*Colucci 2010

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Fish of the lake, fish of the see*

Fish of the lake, fish of the see*

FroZen solid and fish keep sight
Ice of rock holds the lake at might
Sun cannot pierce the skin of ice
For the fish to see would surely be nice
But they sit in silence as the cool days go
Now they have did this many times over
And yet they all know

Dom*Colucci 2010

Flows where it goes*

Flows where it goes*

The water moves and it flows
Irregardless if it is under the snow
The grate will catch big rocks shown
Little boys will heave them while thrown
Spill gate keeps running on its current ride
Look water under the bridge on the other side

Dom*Colucci 2010

Spring out of winter*

Spring out of winter*

Snow and dirt covered road
Drive is slippery with a load
I get to my spot near the lake
Walk outside the car, every step I take
Go by the woods and walk the trail
I see the lake as it I am on its tail
It is covered with 6 inches of snow and ice
I say to myself in 3 months this will be nice

Dom*Colucci 2010

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Thought left us right*

Thought left us right*

Everything reduces to nothing,what is nothing"left" with? Everything that is "right" of nothing.ZEN

The wind is a character in itself as it is transparent but shows great substance and has force with nothing to back it up.ZEN

The trees by the pond walk patiently towards the banks and wish they could advance but their reflections stop the journey.ZEN

How long does man live? He lives as long as he ..."IS" and not a moment longer..Zazen with ZEN

The cliffs hold back on themselves as allow the center of the valley such great openness as it becomes Enlightened.Zazen in Zen

To walk in the tall grass, as to startle a pheasant from the underbrush as it plays hide and seek from a coy dog.Awareness knows

Gray smoke skims the outer lining of the mountains as it is relaxed in Zazen and listens to all wood dwelling animals..Ah ZEN!

The mountain shows its glory as magnificent but is envious of the clouds because of movement,as the eagle enjoys both.ZEN.

If tomorrow has no end and yesterday had no beginning,what is going on here? Here? It is called present.Open it up.ZEN

Dom*Colucci 2010

Blues here, but open as well*

Blues here, but open is as well*

The big blue sky has movement abounds
One side of the world and comes back around
It travels in vastness and flies so free
It knows its liberation, this is what it sees
There is never a gray feeling inside the sky
But it knows how to release this when it cries

Dom*Colucci 2010

Be quiet and "still" be here*

Be quiet and "still" be here*

A silent city opened alone that lives ZEN
Depths are its Consciousness, it's its friend
With the deep covering it is ocean you see
Little creatures to the big have no boundaries
They live in total silence pressure of the deep
It is where calm of all lies to rest and sleeps

Dom*Colucci 2010

Friday, February 5, 2010

Thinking of old ones*

Thinking of the old ones*

To enter the tokonoma and proceed to be seated, bow with gesture and gently receive a bowl of tea in artful fashion.ZEN in ONE.

The oceans ripples to the shore bring a vibration to the sand to come in and take a swim and be whole.ZEN in ONE

The illusion that is captured in the eyes of subjective reality cannot be grasped any closer to the hands that will hold it.ZEN

To love the Spirit that dwells in my well being and is intoxicated with pure clarity and is connected to Higher Awareness.ZEN

To the early morning whippoorwill, its song can be felt as the flute player hears each note in his own silence and creates love.

This day begins with the disappearance of darkness and settles in the obvious of clarity.Walk amongst it.ZEN in ONE

To walk in the tall grasses of Consciousness,you can see the depths of all your thoughts start to move easily.ZEN in ONE.

To go deep, ones Awareness must be able to fill the void and still remain on the surface, as shallow as that may seem.ZEN in ONE

Morning is a wake up call as the Sun alerts all living beings to show up and admire the production of what today brings.:-)

One thousand steps walking backwards still gives the initiative to see what is in front of you to move one step Str8 Ahead.ZEN

Dom*Colucci 2010

Pretty blue bird come back*

Pretty blue bird come back*

Oh pretty blue bird you sit on a stem
Your mate is flying by you once again
Spread your wings and follow as you go
You finally catch up to her and you know
That she is for you and always keep sight
Fly away together, she on your left, you on her right

Dom*Colucci 2010

Songs that wood make you sing*

Songs that wood make you sing*

The forest has a song in it to sing
Many animals, bugs and variety of things
With buzzing, chirping and hooting about
Amazing that all this noise contains in, not out
It is synchronistic and sounds freely this is true
Music to your ears as this is what creatures do

Dom*Colucci 2010

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Though it is a thought*

Though it is a Thought*

As the atmospheric pressure mounts, the clouds take shape out of Shiva and Wagner's Flight of the Valkyries can be heard.ZEN(+)

Waking up I see the open fields and vast skies.There can be no room for any mountain to show up as it has to climb itself.ZEN(+)

The well-springs bubble up to give abundance and clarity to all that seek its nectar and keep its Awareness open.ZEN in ONE

The rock makes it move as it turns the Universe around the Sun and continues to be wise. ZEN in ONE.

Never remain stagnant as you will turn into algae,always go with the current as there are more things to do.Go Str8 ahead,enjoy.

Always search for the low ground as if you are the flow of water, become of no uphill struggle as in egoic.ZEN in ONE(+)

My Intent today is what Tony Soprano always says,"FUUGGEDDDAABBOUDIT" and just do it.Another ZEN in ONE(+)

The treasures are buried deep within the forest,as the trees give little light on them to be seen....ZEN in ONE(+)

There is a"hole" in that space and I hope someone sees it before it sees them... Hole in ZEN as in ONE(+)

Grass is greener on the other side of the fence,beware for it is ego that makes you a slave to maintain it...ZEN in ONE(+)

Dom*Colucci 2010

Highway points back at me*

Highway points back at me*

The highway is long and the stretch is wide
But I have my Soul who is on my side
I get moving on one step at a time
Moving up the unknown, what mystery to find
Alas it is an illusion I do not feel it anymore
Last part of Consciousness, I have no more doors

Dom*Colucci 2010

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

You only go through life once*

You only go through life once*

I see the line is big at 12 o'clock
I look at the watch, it has stopped
I thought it was earlier than that at Micky D's
The flooded parking lot with brake lights sea
A hamburger, large fries and coke I like please
Pay the man, what is this I have a burger with cheese
Now I gotta go back in line to get what is right
Go to the counter Now because of cheese, there is a fight

Dom*Colucci 2010

More thinking these things*

More thinking these things*

Clouds pass low and slow by the mountain side to experience the feeling of earthly emotions and seek the best one...ZEN AGAIN(+)

Throughout the whole Universe it is dotted by lights and stars in darkness,why can I see beautifully here? I must be Enlightened

Is the glass empty when the Universe is full or is the Universe empty when the glass is full? Is the glass the Universe? ZEN(+)

The man in the mirror is the same man that is standing in front of it.One is already Enlightened.The other has a long way to go.

Heaven at my feet as my belly is filled and the foundation is in place as I have clarity in Keter.Light passes through.Kabbalah

Think about the space between rain drops.That is Awareness begins and ends but does it very rapidly in perfect harmony.ZEN(+)

The mist only dances above the surface of the lake as to be to close it could only be its partner in matrimony.ZEN(+)

Fish in the sea live by one creed and that is silence.Vibrations make them Aware of what the depths have in store for them.ZEN

The ocean tries to escape its depths by slamming its waves violently along the shores as it knows dry land is sacred but cannot.

Standing over the spillgate, I seen God's hands washing away my illusionary ego, as the flow baptized the creek in marvel.ZEN(+)

Dom*Colucci 2010

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...