Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Freedom in Awareness*

Freedom in Awareness*

Invisibility that hides energy here
The feel of nothing as it is crystal clear
The movement of a started moment so True
The reflection being sent transparent back to you
All around is so open and free
No temptation or attraction in letting it be

Dom*Colucci 2010

Joyous morning here*

Joyous morning here*

Sitting here in imagination's world
Starting to see the day unfurl
I am visiting this glorious place in light
Seeing an invisibility which is in sight
The aroma of sweet cedars and soft pines
Every bit of this morning working out fine

Dom*Colucci 2010

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Complete Zero*

Complete Zero*

I did not hear one sound
I just sat in silence all around
But I had a vibration feel to be correct
Universe of nothingness made me connect
So my being sits in the energy field of zero here
The only thing I feel in Oneness is the energy so near

Dom*Colucci 2010

Saturday, August 28, 2010

What do you expect?*

What do you expect?*

Deeply involved and losing your pace
Where are you going to leave without trace?
You are here one moment then quickly disappear
There is nothing around you as this is all clear
So we became objects that walk in the light
Always seeing this Truth but its energy in sight

Dom*Colucci 2010

You are just energy*

You are just energy*

Experience of time that ends so soon
To make another come for this room
The thing that made you was energy so True
You went on searching but never found you
So the end has came and what did you see
A being that has lost all ITS energy

Dom*Colucci 2010

Friday, August 27, 2010

Non-duality, one direction*

Non-duality, one direction*

It is better all the while in being the being

The truth stands more clearer in this seeing
Nothing else will matter what is around you here
Even with closeness of inner sight that is so near
Move about with one direction in sight
Be that arrow released as its direction is straight in flight

Dom*Colucci 2010

Now never came here*

Now never came here*

Highly irrelevant as Now I can see
The present was here playing jokes with me
It never showed its face as to having no skin
It left me befuddled as I know where to begin
So these things we put labels on seem to steal
They all become more illusive on the Mahayana wheel

Dom*Colucci 2010

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Loud gathering in the sky*

Loud gathering in the sky*

Sparrows in the tree ready for flight
One takes off in quick delight
Open wings in freedom of sky
Mastering with skill as they all fly
Scattered in the wind like a signature in clouds
The flutter of wings close up as silence is loud

Dom*Colucci 2010

Presenting the present*

Presenting the present*

Stuck with foot in the mud
Striving, pumping hearts blood
Well rooted has not been seen
Warning of the future to be seen
Realization that on must stay
It is called the present on its way

Dom*Colucci 2010

Ignorance sees itself*

Ignorance sees itself*

Colourful moth of play with no name
Dust of amber waves of grain
Wind of change has made a different course
Separate from attachment made its divorce
Now the freedom is involved has its wings
Breath of One made the heart and Soul sing

Dom*Colucci 2010

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

It will weight*

It will weight*

Dangling was the apple off the limb of the tree
Blowing in the breeze one day to be free
It needs some help in settling to the ground
But it is the wind blowing by, without a sound
A little push and it is flying in the breeze
A ripe young apple that fell off the tree

Dom*Colucci 2010

What was that?*

What was that?*

Query unveiled to ask once again
Unanswered remarks as it was like then
Upset at the ones to not see this all
A blow to the ignorance and one had its fall
But it was shining all about in the whole of the two
Answering of no questions they settled for the Truth

Dom*Colucci 2010

No more but less*

No more but less*

Grasping one more time
Gasping last breaths mind
Holding on to Holy Almighty Lord
Until the last rites spoken word
Crucified delight of past treat
Only to find final place in defeat

Dom*Colucci 2010

Monday, August 23, 2010

It's a beautiful morning*

It's a beautiful morning*

Puffy pillows in the sky so free
Bluer background so one can see
Openness to let emptiness abound
Doing all it can to not make a sound
This lighted backdrop will soon fade away
It surely has made a fantastic day

Dom*Colucci 2010

Grass dies on the other side of the fence*

Grass dies on the other side of the fence*

Grass is dead but will turn green
It laid dormant for awhile so it seems
The days of treachery in the heat
The will of God did not defeat
So the sun will make it good once again
Like so many times before as it did then

Dom*Colucci 2010

Summer's attitude cools down*

Summer's attitude cools down*

Cold and gray dismal day
The warmth came but did not stay
Reality that has opened has a newer twist
The moment just left but will not be missed
So onward we go in this fashion of being
Looking forward straight ahead in what we are seeing

Dom*Colucci 2010 

Sunday, August 22, 2010

New moments in noise*

New moments in noise*

A blast from the dark light comes from the sky
This insanely noisy sound makes the baby cry
Could it be a start of a new world once again
Maybe a BIG BANG from Awareness that comes from ZEN
It surely seems that it is orchestrated somehow
In a vast Universe that always accepts and allows

Dom*Colucci 2010

Heat has made it arisen*

Heat has made IT arisen*

Hot on the grill making things pop
Crackled sparks of lightning wish it would stop
The humidity level has seemed to rise high
Seeing the heat vibrate off the road into the sky
A moment of satisfaction would sure be fine
If these heat would leave for some other time

Dom*Colucci 2010

Flow is always here*

Flow is always here*

The rainfall is dilating the rivers in a swell
The banks are overflowing this chaos as well
Arisen waters makes this chore seem unbeatable
Though a fast moving current will also be untreatable
The only wisdom that this really shows 
Many things in life get overburden but goes with the flow

Dom*Colucci 2010

Friday, August 20, 2010

One without the other one*

One without the other one*

Turned around and no longer to be seen
One in the light as one goes where it means
Neither one has seen eye to eye
Or even to make of justice or to clarify
As the separate two make off without trace
It is in their shadows they do not show their face

Dom*Colucci 2010

Here we are*

Here we are*

It knows I exist as it makes me see
It is the total of nothingness and is also free
It is not a thing or concept as it does exist
This idea in substance cannot be missed
What is this thing that you wonder about
It is called the moment in the Now without a doubt

Dom*Colucci 2010

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Full stomach big eyes*

Full stomach big eyes*

Is it dinner time in your Awareness date
What is it doing with things on your plate?
Do you keep hoarding and piling on this?
What are those things worth are they missed?
Your stomach is small but you have a big eye
Keep storing anchors and you will never fly

Dom*Colucci 2010

Storm is here Now*

Storm is here Now*

Bright blue sky with a hint of clouds

What is that noise it is so loud?
It is coming in gray afar from here
Do take heed notice oh so near
In cover I do shelter in my home
Now I am here with the storm all alone

Dom*Colucci 2010

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Weight and see*

Weight and see*

Only a hole can support so much weight

The almighty nothing that knows it is so great
Passage for all that understand this way
Ones that have no insight have anchors to stay
So what is the problem staying there like a tree
Get up and move about and be so free 

Dom*Colucci 2010

I hear wondrous music*

I hear wondrous music*

Music in life what a song it does sing
Open in heart and make happiness bring
To Love life even more than today
And to go about on its merry way
As I come to this juncture of life so True
It is in my heart that I Love and I Love You

Dom*Colucci 2010

Resistance does not hold on*

Resistance does not hold on*

Ignorant eye what do you see?
Is a great temptation of attachment to be?
Why do you love this struggle and strife?
Do you wish to do this all your life?
Just let go and you will see
Being alone and letting it be

Dom*Colucci 2010

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

It thinks for you*

It thinks for you*

Rich mountain air lingering all around
Silence is only natural as it makes no sound
Clouds to cover as they pass by, makes one think
Little closer examination and they all are in synch
So this Universe is orchestrated from a subjective reality
Making all objects become themselves and doing so naturally

Dom*Colucci 2010

I am always here*

I am always here*

Solitaire and singled out
One is left alone with no doubt
The direction points out as well as in
But guess what it is a starting point to begin
Achieved wonder as this makes one with ZEN
The cycle is over as well as always did again

Dom*Colucci 2010

Brighten up the deadlines*

Brightened up the deadlines*

On the flat is ground zero stands
Level but deadly true in its own land
Arisen from the spot on straight lines scene
The huge indifference of sunshine dreams
To see this grow as it blooms in the sky
We can only be more happier as it does fly by

Dom*Colucci 2010

Monday, August 16, 2010

Where are you NOW?*

Where are you NOW?*

Outsider, where is your home?
Is it because you are all alone?
I think your objection is this so true
When center stares back at you
Now keep following this awkward path
You will not find peace, this too is your wrath

Dom*Colucci 2010

Magic in "Still" moving*

Magic in "Still" moving*

I see clearly this being in a positive sign
It makes all in the Universe in synch and rhyme
It is vertical up and also horizontal down
Now it is the cycle of life making it round and round
One step forward and this is complete
The worst is over with this magical "feet"...

Dom*Colucci 2010

Yin-yang, what is free?*

Yin-yang, what is free?*

The fight for dominance in yin-yang
Both with suppression as they have sang
One will not let the other one go
But open door is showing ignorance, you know
So they strive to win in an ignorant game
Never knowing that openness is the name

Dom*Colucci 2010

Blowing breeze of life*

Blowing breeze of life*

Wind singing her song through the trees
It is something of substance one can see
The life that comes in something that is there
It has such gentleness, caresses with great care
The wind, while it is still there moves again
But it is temporarily here to also begin

Dom*Colucci 2010

See through all*

See through all*

Transparent wonder on eyes that see
One can look right through so freely
No clutter or chatter in ones own head
Living is easy, for without attachment instead
Keep on moving on as this is the story
One will definitely move on with One's glory

Dom*Colucci 2010

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sun without sound*

Sun without sound*

Fountain in the pool of flaming desire
Warming the wick as it is on fire
Lighted wonder so one can see
Burning so much higher and letting it be
Now this illumination is for many all around
This illuminating wonder is the Sun without sound

Dom*Colucci 2010

Only done once*

Only done once*

The wind chimes in the late summer breeze
The morning has come alive and also at ease
The call of a robin for his mate to come by
So both can fly higher and touch the open sky
Now the sounds of the trees they rustle in the wind
There will never be an experience like this ever again

Dom*Colucci 2010

STOP and see instead*

STOP and see instead*

What do I do when I think ahead?
Should it be always left alone instead?
With this in mind with anticipatory thought
In reality when seen it is illusion that is caught
So why do I bother with this I do not care
Trust in my instincts to make me well Aware

Dom*Colucci 2010

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Done, what next?*

Done, what next?*

See it as you do and did it as it's done
Before you even thought of it it only just begun
But it was predetermined whatever it was to be
With great insight with this, this is what you see
So no matter what it is, it has been here before
Like yourself and your Soul, both had opened that door

Dom*Colucci 2010

Move about with no doubt*

Move about with no doubt*

Opened from ground to sky
Blade of grass to birds that fly
What is the opening staring at you?
IT is you that just moved so True
See IT?...IT has been there for years
It conformed to you always so near
Go ahead step into it as IT accepts
IT will be with you forever, this is no concept

Dom*Colucci 2010

Dom*Colucci 2010

Yes, everything as an illusion*

Yes, everything is an illusion*
Sleeping through the night with Now, it's the sun
This is the new arising has it has just begun
But did the night go by as illusional too
For what is in the Now is presented to you
So you see even the things that come as they do not last
Blinking your eyes one moment at a time as this does past

Dom*Colucci 2010

Friday, August 13, 2010

See it and believe it*

See it and believe it*

Mountain so high and valley so low
You seem so confused on which way to go
There is no directions to use where you are lead
Just follow the nose as it is pointing straight ahead
You will always be where you are suppose to be
When you know the simple Truth of this you will also see

Dom*Colucci 2010

Life is a story*

Life is a story*

What makes all things seem to be what they are?
It is a storybook someone is reading from afar
You cannot see the reader doing all this
If are paying attention to IT the story you do miss
So be the player that is here moving about
You will have no resistance and never have doubt

Dom*Colucci 2010

Vision within you is you*

Vision within you is you*

So you have a vision to keep so near
Every moment you see it, it is so clear
It is so photographic you live in this thing
It makes your heart race fast and Soul to sing
You have the vibrations with its contentions
This is the power of attraction in its intentions

Dom*Colucci 2010

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Nothing hangs around long*

Nothing hangs around long*

The day has started out as cloudy
It came in with silence so loudly
The Sun as bright to be has hid its face
It has taken a corner in another part of space
But the clouds cannot stay that long as it moves
This is how straight ahead works so it proves

Dom*Colucci 2010

Time to be (tree)ted*

Time to be (tree)ted*

Beautiful maple you extend so high
It is the clouds you seek to touch the sky
Also that does this is the deep rooted oak
It hardly has any of its branches that become so broke
The strength and the test of time for these
It belongs in a class of hardwoods these mighty trees

Dom*Colucci 2010

Gapless gap*

Gapless gap*

What kind of reality is in front of me?
Is it from attraction I wish to see?
Something peculiar about how this came
With no descriptions or has no name
So since it has no name I will just let it be
Leaving the gap alone and totally free

Dom*Colucci 2010

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

No anchors in no thoughts*

No anchors in no thoughts*

The movement of all is complete
As it is already done with this feat
There is no stopping if it is weighed down
To keep pushing that being all around
As this is straight ahead and not the grave
This anchor you may think cannot hold a wave

Dom*Colucci 2010

Hollowed Soul*

Hollowed Soul*

Hollow place in this cave
This is the Soul that saved
The nothingness is this within
No anchor involved as this is ZEN
There is no description but points back
This is the lighted path right on track

Dom*Colucci 2010

Balanced feeling*

Balanced feeling*

If you think you are lost and not to be found
You should think again and look around
Seeing that you have this thing called balance within
It awakens you up all the time once again
Please do not ignore this thing as it does prevail
It will make your life easier by evening your scale

Dom*Colucci 2010

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Crystal clear here*

Crystal clear here*

Clear reflection of this being
Popping out strongly from ITS seeing
Dimensional subjectively enters within
As this is where this always begins
Now there is no reflection here
Look again ITS dimensional being so clear

Dom*Colucci 2010

Wildwood, New Jersey*

Wildwood, New Jersey*

Ocean breezes and bright lights at night
Magic of amusements in our sights
Laughing gulls looking at us for something to eat
The sun beaming down on our fun time so complete
We walk the boardwalk and here "watch the tramcar please"
What a vacation we have had as it came with that Ocean breeze

Dom*Colucci 2010

Breeze from Southern Jersey*

Breeze from Southern Jersey*

Looking out the big blue flat is there
Arrival at the destination we know where
This is the Southern Jersey shoreline
As many times before us this will be fine
To smell the breeze of ocean salt
This positive feeling will not make us halt

Dom*Colucci 2010

Monday, August 9, 2010

The Secret is to STOP!*

The secret is to STOP!*

As you are moving about in quickness and speed
There tends to be no use in this as this does not need
You decide that you have had enough and here the "POP!"
Right dead in your tracks as your motion has stopped
So Now you know the little secret that is in you
This secret will be with you the rest of your life so True

Dom*Colucci 2010

Worry for no hurry*

Worry for no hurry*

Why do you seem to run all around?
Puzzling at something and making you down
You are always chasing the rear part of you it seems
You would want to go in a corner and yell and scream
But there is nothing to have concern with as you worry
What seems to be the biggest thing right Now as there is no hurry

Dom*Colucci 2010

Seeing where IT begins*

Seeing where IT begins*

Once, did you happen to see me?
My form came from formless so free
I walked in a spot no one was there
It opened up my being to be well Aware
This was one to become alive in once again
Now it is present centrally where IT all begins

Dom*Colucci 2010

Centrally located*

Centrally located*

Have you visited this place?
It seems there is no trace
It lingers and dangles in front of you
It does exist as this is so True
This place is of power and One may enter
This place is about the present and it is here in the center

Dom*Colucci 2010

Friday, August 6, 2010

Profit sees in a prophecy*

Profit sees in a prophecy*

A prophet portrays his being in advance
How does he know this of where his stance?
He seems to be stepping outside objectively so true
He does not know what Now is or even what to do
His confusion leads people to set themselves ahead
But always missing the point of here and Now instead

Dom*Colucci 2010

Open to the wise*

Open to the wise*

What is the conflict between one and two?
How does one know who is who?
Treading and scratching at each others back
This simple wisdom is what you lack
It is an opening that is in front of you
Please take notice of this for it is true

Dom*Colucci 2010

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Consciousness, nothing here ever*

Consciousness, nothing here ever*

Climbing and scratching at the back of God
There is nothing in logical science as God nods
Peeling away for explanation in formula too
The Truth is nothing and nothing is to do
So if man was never born with this intent in tow
It must be the other side of what you reap you also sow

Dom*Colucci 2010

Open for all*

Open for all*

Seeing in the void, the emptiness and living it too
How could this be possible but I know that its True
There is nowhere in this Universe that one can hide
Why would you want to do this, this is your stride
Just keep moving as the openness is there
This openness is Consciousness and IT is well Aware

Dom*Colucci 2010

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...